
Here with you

I grew up rich. I grew up in a lonely home but I have the best people as friends. They beat those fake people who thought I'd give them money. But I have a big issue going on because I think I'm in love with my best friend. I don't know should I confess or not?

Penny_Perez · Teen
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8 Chs

I may be a rich girl but that doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings


Alex was just cracking jokes next to me. And he said one I couldn't resist and burst out laughing with him but it didn't last long because we soon got in trouble by our teacher Mr. Drake.


After school, we had planned to go eat ice cream at Benito's Parlor but Olivia and Delilah had to leave. Olivia's parents are sometimes super strict so they usually don't even let her out of the house. Delilah, on the other hand, got detention for calling our Chemistry teacher a 'f**king loser' and telling him 'You are so old, when you were a kid rainbows were black and white'.

So it is just Alex and me. We walked to the Parlor and talked. We talked about small things until it finally became an argument about what flavor is better.

"Okay just stop pistachio and mint n chip are the best flavors so no arguing"

he then stopped and looked at me.

"No no no Eliza Doolittle you are wrong the original Neapolitan is the best. The delicious strawberry along with vanilla and chocolate is the way to go!!!"

"Whatever just keep walking we're almost there," I said whilst smiling.

You see something about this boy always made me feel happy. That's why whenever I feel sad and lonely I call him on my cell phone.

Just as we walk inside I notice someone in the corner holding someone's hand.

Its Olivia's sister Ana and Simon. Simon looks happy and then as soon as Ana sees me she smiles and winks. I suck in a large breath and look at the ice cream. Alex looks at me concerned about my change of mood.

But I just smile. 

Just don't think about it.

I ordered my usual pistachio and mint n chip and cherry blast banana split and Alex ordered his usual 3 scoops Neapolitan in a cone. We paid for our ice cream and sat down. I decided to sit as far away from Simon and Ana as possible. Alex then told me to wait for him until he came back from the restroom.

Just as I thought I forgot what I saw Ana came up to me and said.

"Why did you not say hi to me and my new boyfriend Simon?"

Just smile and answer carefully.

"I didn't want to bother you because I thought you were on a date, Ana"

"Oh, really and I thought you had a crush on Simon. Guess I was wrong" she laughed and walked back to her booth in the corner and smiled at me while she held Simons' hand.

I smiled back and went back to eating my banana split. I can't describe how sad I felt when I saw Ana and Simon.

Alex looked confused when he returned but made a joke that brought my mood up.


After finishing our ice cream Alex's mom called saying she was outside waiting. We both went as you tell She's my ride home. Once she stopped at my gate I thanked her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

(Its a habit now)

She has always been like a mom to me. She was my babysitter back in grade school up to middle school which is where I met Olivia and Delilah. Olivia lives across the street from Alex and Delilah is Alex's cousin (like I said before) who moved here in Junior high.

I get my keys out of my bag and open the door only to see an empty house. Of course, you can hear my niece Jayleen running around and playing. Other than her playing its empty. I walk to my room which thankfully is on the first floor. It's closer to the kitchen and I have my own bathroom. I always prefer to stay in my room but I do come out to the empty kitchen every now and then. I can cook but I always make one serving for me. My older sister does have a small kitchen in her part of the house but they do come once in a while to borrow some Tupperware or grab some dishes.

My room is big, I have a desk in the corner and a TV on the wall in front of my bed. My bed is in the center of my room and next to it is my nightstand (which has a small fridge inside) on the left and on the right is my walk-in closet. In between my desk and TV, I have a stereo with a bunch of my favorite albums. Some of the albums I usually sing or dance along to are:

-Gorillaz, Demon Days

- Coldplay, A Rush of Blood To The Head

-My Chemical Romance, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge

-The Weeknd, House of Balloons

-Phidel, Disappearance of The Girl

-Lee Sun Hee, My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho

-While You Were Sleeping OST

-The Pierces, Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge

- Oh My Venus OST

I do have a door that goes outside because my room is next to my small garden. From my room, I can access many places easily. I sometimes don't even use the front door to enter and just go to the side of my house and enter the door to my room.

But first don't get me wrong I love my sister but she can be a bit of an airhead at noticing my feelings. My niece Jayleen is a really cute one that makes me want to squeal at her adorableness.

After entering my room, I decided to facetime Delilah and Olivia. I would have called Alex but I'm not very comfortable talking about my crush on Simon with him yet and I don't think he's comfortable telling me who he likes yet either. After a few ringing, they answered and let them in on what I saw at Benito's Parlor.

"No F**king way" Delilah looked angry "Olivia, I know she's your sister but What the actual F**k is she doing? She hates you not our innocent Eliza here!!"

Olivia had a very red face too "I love and hate my sister but she can be a bit too much sometimes" as she said that she stood up and walked out of her room not before slamming the door. A few seconds later we could hear screaming.

"....Ana Louisa Daria Freebs You are so dead!!!! Can't you just leave my friends alone for once!!!".

After her outburst, we heard Ana respond

"Oh shut up OLIVE GARDEN you're no better than me after all you're the one who..."

Before she could finish her sentence there was a loud crash. "ANA LOUISA AND OLIVIA FREEBS!!!!!!!!!! STOP FIGHTING OR ELSE YOU ARE BOTH GROUNDED UNDERSTAND??!!!" Their mother Mrs. Freebs yelled at both of them. We could hear stomping and the door opened to reveal a red-faced Olivia with scratches on her arms and one on her cheek.

"Sorry, guys there is something I have to do" after she said that her screen went blank only to leave a very confused Delilah and me. We said our goodbyes and logged out.

I lay still in bed for a while just to get away from everything but then just decided to take a shower. After getting out it was only 18:30 so I figured I should finish my English essay.

An hour passed and I was only in my second paragraph. In end I gave up and dialed Alex's number, I really need to hear his voice.

"Hello, Betsy speaking, how can I be of your service?" He answered the call with his most convincing high pitch voice. "Hey what are you doing?" I answered with a weak voice. It was a pretty long day for me.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to come over and be your nurse? Or are you feeling a little under the weather?" He asked seriously.

"I'm just a little under the weather. Can you tell me a story?" I asked.