
Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Recruitment Part Two.

A tall and imposing woman with dark hair, dressed in black robes glided down the hallway of a large office complex. A golden mask fit over her face. The woman's name was Morgaine le Faye, and she had three magical artifacts within her grasp.

The fools who had obtained them had no real idea what they were holding in their hands. Some would argue that these would only serve as mere trinkets to be ogled. Le Faye had a different idea in mind, and she would use these trinkets to bring forth Camelot.

And all it would take would be the sacrifice of this Metropolis. Much like all cities, it was dirty, and full of obnoxious individuals without the least amount of class. It did not have the sophistication of the days of Camelot, and Morgaine vowed to correct that immediately. The glowing trinket that she held in her hand indicated she needed at least six more life force transfusions before she could enact the charm.

It would not be just any life force transfusions, but it would those with certain energy signatures, and auras. Le Faye stepped into the hallway, disabling their primitive security alarms.

"Fools, trusting their modern convenience, and not their eyes and ears, this is why the world has decayed. No matter, it shall be to my advantage, and soon the world will bend down to me."

There was a pair of security guards standing at the end of the large hallway. Immediately, the sorceress turned around, and two blasts of light knocked them back. The two security guards turned into stone, and the woman admired her handiwork. Then immediately, she blasted the stone security guards backwards down the stairs.

With a huge crash, they landed at the bottom of the stairs. Their hardened bodies shattered into pieces. Le Faye looked down the stairs, uncaring, and uninterested. Neither of them satisfied the parameters for her enchantment, so they were useless. She continued to search throughout this building.

Her monitoring spells had indicated that someone was coming. Someone had decided to be a foolish hero, and jump in to attacker her. The fools had no idea what she could do to them. The woman waited in the shadows, perhaps these heroes would be suitable candidates for the life force transfusions. All the woman had to do is wait, and watch.

Their efforts were sloppy, and amateurish, but the sorceress thought that made them all that much easier for the taking. Le Faye planned, and plotted, the ageless sorceress was ready to take down another group of would be heroes.

The group of heroes crept in through the shadows, carefully making their move towards their destination. Clark scanned through the door, but suddenly he was repelled back from some strange energy source. He felt dizzy and nearly collapses to the ground. Bart rushed over, to say something to Clark.

"Our radios are done, so I'm playing courier," Bart told them, seriously.

"Something's interfering with my powers," Clark said, rubbing his temples. "Tell Oliver that there is some weird energy signature around here."

Bart zoomed off to the other end, and Clark waited patiently. Time ticked by, and Bart returned in the blink of eye. He turned to Clark, eyebrow raised, and began to speak.

"Arrow said that everything is screwing up with his equipment, and Arcane and Supergirl told him that there's a high concentration of magical energy in the air, and to be on our guard. Canary and Cyborg are heading inside to take a closer look around, and so am I."

"Be careful, Impulse," Clark warned him.

Bart offered a look of mock sorrow.

"Hey, careful is my middle name," Bart told him, and Clark just waited, as Bart zoomed inside, and took a look around, before he zoomed back, and stuck his head outside to look at Clark. "The coast is clear."

"Coast is clear, got it," Clark told and he took a step forward. He could barely focus his X-Ray vision, yet he had to try. The fate of everything hinged on his ability to get things together. Clark saw Oliver, Dinah, Arthur, and Victor move in. In the shadows, Batman crept, and he no doubt had his own way to get inside.

"It's quiet," Dinah whispered.

"Almost too quiet," Bart chimed in.

Victor turned to Bart at this moment; eyes widened "Are you trying to get us killed?"

The young hero staggered suddenly, and felt something messing with his circuits.

'You better get Cyborg out of here, the magic in the air could cause him serious damage,' Harry projected to them all mentally. They had a little help from their Martian uplink network to keep in contact with the team, so they could focus normally.

The entire team was confused, at that moment. Bart decided to bring up the glaring elephant in the room, and turned to address the rest of the day.

"Did he just speak with us in our heads?"

"I think he did," Clark offered, slowly. Bart walked over to help Victor, and the two sped out of there. Bart returned a moment later in a cloud of dust.

"Best we can do," Oliver said, and he gritted his teeth, and prepared to fire.

'Don't worry, we're not going to go too deep into your minds,' Kara informed them.

'Where are you?" Clark thought, and he once again felt weakened. It must have been strong to have this kind of effect on him. He took a step forward, and winced. He nearly had a limp, and took a deep breath. Each and every moment along the way he felt weaker and weaker. It was sapping his energy.

'Don't worry about that, Boy Scout, just stay focused.'

Before anything else could be said or done, a regal and quite pompous voice cut through the air.

"So this is what passes for heroes in this century. A ragtag group of misfits in outlandish costumes, led by some archer that would make the village idiot look dignified."

The heroes turned around, and they saw Morgaine le Faye stand before them in all of her glory. Her eyes glowed, and stepped forward. Le Faye surveyed them with disinterest, and suddenly, her hand was pointed at Arthur. He fell to the ground.

"I believe we have a fish out of water," Morgaine remarked in a voice dripping in arrogance, and Clark suddenly blasted a ray of heat vision up. It caused a fire, which set off the sprinkler system, and had restored Arthur to health.

"Thanks, bro, I owe you one," Arthur told him in a grateful voice, and then Morgaine just gazed at the entire league of heroes.

"Perhaps I had underestimated you, but no matter, you can't hope to…"

Bart had interrupted this attempt by trying to catch Morgaine off guard with super speed. It was quite unfortunate that magic was a lot faster than the fastest man alive. Bart found himself slowed down to a crawl, before immediately his form shifted to stone, to the horror of everyone around them. Bart stood there, immobilized, and Morgaine just waved her hand.

Pigeons appeared in the air, and landed on the statue of Impulse, preparing to do what pigeons did to statues.

"Okay, lady, let's see if a magic can beat an arrow," Oliver said, and he took aim carefully.

Before he could even shoot one arrow out, his arrow was transfigured into a harmless rose, and then he was blasted backwards into the wall, before several thick vines wrapped around him.

"Archer, run your mind more, and your mouth less," the sorceress said with a taunting expression in her eyes.

Black Canary turned and closed her eyes, before she let out one canary cry at full volume at the sorceress. This staggered her for a moment, before a gag appeared around Black Canary's mouth, and she was also shifted into stone, like Bart.

"Pathetic, as usual," Morgaine replied, sounding bored like she was reading a phone book, and not fighting a group of super powered heroes. "Perhaps, I'm doing the world a favor in letting it out of its misery, and bringing forth the glory days of Camelot once more, where my son shall rule…"

Arthur and Oliver also shifted to statues, and Clark was the only one on the ground who was still facing Morgaine. The woman turned and hoisted Clark in the air. A blast of heat vision knocked the woman back a few steps. It did not burn her, due to the shield spells and Clark was flung around.

Morgaine jumped down, and grabbed Clark. She saw that he had traces of what she needed to cast the spell. Immediately, Morgaine prepared to drain Clark. She felt ultimate power radiating off of him. Clark's knees buckled, and he tried to fight her off.

An explosive knocked Morgaine back, and Clark felt like he sustained a heavy dose of the flu.

"You are one with a great deal of power child, but no concept of how to use it," Morgaine taunted the Kryptonian, and several more explosive devices bounced off the floor, knocking Le Faye back.

"Careful, you'll hurt them," Clark said, looking nervously at the statues of his team mates that had been turned to stone.

Clark turned around, and watched Batman dive down, dodge the spell. Moving in from the other end, Clark tried to get his hands on Morgaine. Morgaine deflected his attack.

"Once I dispense of this flying rodent, I shall have your power," Morgaine replied in a dry voice.

"You're going to have to catch me first," Clark told her, zipping away from her attacks the best he could at super speed.

'Any ideas,' Clark thought to Harry and Kara.

'We can reverse the petrification spell and stop what she's doing, just give us five more minutes,' Harry mentally projected through the temporary psychic link that had been set up between all of them.

Batman and Clark exchanged nods, and then the Dark Knight turned to the Kryptonian hero.

"Follow my lead," Batman said, eyes fixed on Clark. "And keep up."

Clark did as he was told. Batman seemed to know what he was doing, and his actions were causing the sorceress to have a fit. The stones on the floor rattled, and serpents burst through the floor.

"Heat vision, seventy five degrees to the right," Batman ordered, and Clark did as he was told. "Duck, roll, jump, and punch."

Clark was taken off guard by the impromptu training that Batman had given.

"Remember to master your surroundings," Batman advised Clark.

This game continued, and Clark kept things up, ducking and dodging, pivoting, and preparing. The moments ticked by, and they both hoped that Harry and Kara would have some type of plan.

The stone statues were illuminated by magic, and le Faye was taken off guard.

"NO!" the woman yelled, realizing that her well placed spell work had been undone, and Clark knocked le Faye into the wall. The woman put the brakes on, and shot an attack at Clark. "You dare touch me!"

Kara and Harry hovered in the air high above, and prepared to move in for the battle.

'So, Oliver's plan didn't work after all,' Kara thought to him.

'Well I suppose it could have, but it didn't,' Harry thought back to her through the link, shaking his head.

The two Heralds of Death used their spells to help keep the statues safe from harm. The statues were innocent and regular human beings that could be destroyed with one wrong move. It was petrification at the most advanced degree. The two of them understood that, and thankfully they had an advanced level of magic to delve into and analyze everything. The two scanned the building.

'Just tweak the variables, and slowly release them from the state of petrification, so they don't go into shock.'

That was much easier said than done, and the two Heralds continued to slowly release them from the charms. Batman and Clark dodged every single attack. Kara thought that there were few better people who might be able to train Clark in defending himself without his powers than Batman, but he could get a little fanatical. Suddenly, Kara and Harry felt warmth. The type of spells they utilized was extremely draining, and they had to distribute the work between the two of them.

The two of them floated to the ground immediately, and held each other. Sure enough, everyone was back to normal, and there was not a scratch on any of them. Harry and Kara closed their eyes, and popped inside, just in time to see le Faye nail Clark with a blow. Clark was at her mercy, and Kara sprang into the air.

Kara knocked le Faye back into the wall. The woman was pinned back, and immediately the sorceress understood who she was fighting.

Her hand was waved, and several suits of armor came to life, and engaged the League.

"So, you are the two latest lapdogs who have been sent to me, to collect my mortal soul," Morgaine told both of them, boredom in her voice. "I have outrun your kind throughout my entire life, and I'm going to keep outrunning…"

Kara sent a blast of heat vision to cut off her grand monologue, and le Faye dodged it. The two Heralds of Death swooped in, in an attempt to box this sorceress in. They were getting closer and closer to getting her into the battle. The heroes were dealing with the woman's guardians.

"You cannot hope that you will bring about my demise," le Faye told both of them, and her eyes glowed with absolute malice and power. The woman blasted them hard, and Kara and Harry used their shields to block it.

Harry saw the three artifacts. The spell would always be in progress, unless he cancelled it. It was a shame that he had to destroy such sacred artifacts, but it had to be done. He blasted the artifacts with a high intensity blast of magic. The artifacts crumbled to nothingness, and le Faye's eyes widened with absolute fury.

"NO!" le Faye yelled, and she got knocked back.

She refused to get dragged to beyond without a fight. The woman dodged each and every attack, and deflected them. Shot after shot, spell after spell, the battle intensified, and increased with each attack.

"Just hang on, we'll be here in a minute!" Clark called, pushing his way through the battle.

Le Faye was sent flying head over heels, and then she landed right on her feet. Suddenly, Harry and Kara had her boxed in. The woman was not going to go down without a fight. She stood on her feet, ready for the attack. The witch gritted her teeth.

Suddenly, a bright light engulfed everyone, and nearly blinded them. A figure swooped in from behind, and sent le Faye flying. The form of the sorceress burst into dust before their very eyes. Harry and Kara looked into the blinding light, and they saw a floating woman, for a brief instance.

They never really got that close of a glimpse of her, and were sure that the rest of the group did not get her.

The magical enchantments faded from around them, and Harry and Kara dropped to their knees briefly. That was not easy, and they had averted the crisis. The two of them checked the Lifeline Reading, and discovered that le Faye had been sent on.

Despite the mysterious woman who had shown up, they had one thing to think about. There was one less immortal to destroy. They would be going over their memories later, and trying to solve the mystery. It was going to bother them until the moment they figured everything out.

Right now, the team was ready to clear off into the night. It did really hit them hard that they were very close to suffering a humiliating defeat, and perhaps a rather painful death. Batman followed the team, away from them, discreetly in the shadows. Harry and Kara hovered in the air, and while they saw some potential, they knew what they needed to do.

The aftermath of the battle with le Faye had given the various heroes more than their share of bumps and bruises. Harry and Kara were both mostly fine, although what was on their mind was far different than any actual consequence for the battle. The fact of the matter was that they were about to break through le Faye's defenses, but something happened. There was some invention that took out the sorceress before they even could think about it.

Harry braced himself for what is to come, and Oliver approached him. He looked battered and bruised from the battle, and looked at Harry.

"I believe I owe you an apology about doubting you," Oliver replied, looking at the two of them. "If it wasn't for you, we'd be a park monument somewhere."

"Just imagine the pigeons," Bart added with a shudder.

The team did imagine the pigeons, and they shuddered as well. Batman could not resist breaking up the light hearted mood. He had been quiet to that point, in the shadows, just plotting and planning every single little moment of time. The Dark Knight surveyed the entire group.

"Pigeons would have been the least of your worries," Batman told them, and the heroes just looked up. "Did you see what happened to those security guards? Turned to stone and pushed down a flight of stairs. I'm not certain if we've seen the last of le Faye."

"She was blown into smithereens," Bart argued, but he was the recipient of one patented Batman look.

"All of us were lucky that we didn't…well that it didn't turn out worse," Dinah said in a calm voice.

Clark nodded, and stood in the background. He had very nearly been used as a power battery, but he shook his head.

"Everything did turn out okay, in a sense," Clark offered them.

"Okay is acceptable, most of the time," Kara told her cousin. The blonde stood on her feet and looked at him. "This team got extremely lucky. If Harry and I weren't here, and if Batman and you hadn't distracted le Faye when they did…"

The team had no need for Kara to say anything more. She had given her fair assessment. They really did have a long way to go for coherency. Harry decided to put the most positive spin on the situation that he could, and decided to give his honest assessment of the situation.

"I won't say this team lacks potential. There is a lot of untapped potential with a lot of the members of this team, and that's something that you can work on. However, the entire hero team thing, I don't know about Kara, it's not for me."

"It's not for me either," Kara agreed, and immediately the entire group looked at her. Clark looked at her.

"Kara I thought you might have…"

"You could think, but you would be wrong," Kara interrupted, and she looked at Clark. "I've never been much of a team player, and the only person I've ever really clicked with, that I could really work together with, is Harry. A team can't be a rag tag group of misfits. It does need strong leadership, and it needs more structure. This team really has potential, and perhaps it can grow from here."

The team had looked at each other, every single one of them pondering what had been told. In reality, Harry did have some good points. Oliver just looked at Harry, and surveyed him carefully.

"For some reason, I think you just implied that I wasn't a good leader," Oliver answered, trying to look at Harry.

"Leaders can grow, which makes them able," Harry told him in a cryptic tone of voice. "Of course, the commitment is all or nothing. And eventually good leaders can grow from absolutely nothing. We all make mistakes, it's just a matter of endeavoring to find ways to correct those mistakes that makes us what we are."

"You do learn more from a million failures, than from one success," Kara added. "That is part of the growing process."

"Deep," Bart commented, nodding his head.

"They do both have a point," Arthur remarked, and it had given the entire team something to think about. Beyond the fact that they had just gotten spanked by le Faye, and could have been swept up the next morning by the janitor had it not been for the timely intervention of Harry and Kara.

"Yes, we do have a lot of work to do," Dinah agreed.

The heroes pondered, and Harry and Kara just turned around. Harry paused, and allowed himself a moment to put his thoughts together. There was a moment for everyone to allow everything to sink in completely. Then Harry decided to add something.

"We'll be around, and even if we're not officially part of this, there may come a day where we'll need your help and you'll need ours."

"Likely the latter," Oliver replied. He then turned to Batman, who stood in the shadows, and his face was framed. His expression would have been unreadable even if he did not have the cowl on his face. "So, how about you? Did you give joining the team any matter?"

Batman paused before he gave his assessment.

"This team lacks structure, and you were very lucky not to get yourselves killed out there today, a group of college frat boys has more structure and dignity," Batman replied in a flat voice, not pulling any punches with what he thought. "I will remind you that I work alone, and Gotham City is the first priority to me."

The team members nodded, given what they heard about Gotham, they understood that Batman would spend a great deal of his time protecting that city from all of the colorful personalities that resided in it. Batman stood in the background, not saying one word. There was really not much else for him to say, yet he said one thing.

"Despite the lack of structure I've seen from this team, I will not deny that potential would be had, if everyone is willing to commit beyond more than a casual alliance. When committing to the mission, it is either all or nothing. And should you need my help, and you will, I will assist you."

The team members murmured in agreement, and Kara and Harry just took this attempt to take their leave. Out of the corner of their eye, they saw a shadow which could have been Batman making one of his grand exists. They did see a bit of how it was done, and it was amazing how quick Batman could be, even without super powers. He truly mastered his surroundings.

Right now, the two of them had to go over the battle in their mind. In many ways, it was something that they needed to process, but there were also other reasons to go over this battle. There was someone else with them tonight, and that someone was extremely powerful. Once they went over the memories, it would allow them to be closer, and closer to what the identity of this person was. As for right now, it was a mystery, and all they had were theories that had little backup.

Clark stood, tonight had been an interesting night, and he decided that since everything was wrapped up nicely, it would be best to return home. At super speed, Clark made his way back from the Kent Farm, and knew that Lana would be back.

Lana stood at the edge of the farm, just watching the stars above her, and deep in thought. She knew that Clark would return safely, given that she had briefly seen him on her fly by. Sure enough, Lana had heard Clark come in at super speed from miles and miles away. She mentally counted down the seconds until Clark stopped right on front of Lana. Lana embraced him, when Clark stopped.

"I was wondering when you would show up," Lana remarked, looking at Clark.

Clark looked into her eyes, and nodded. "Sorry, I got tied up…"

"Please tell me you were figurative, and not literal," Lana told Clark, and Clark just looked at her. He prepared himself to tell Lana what happened.

After a pause, Clark decided to enlighten Lana on what occurred.

"Actually, that was about the only thing that didn't happen to me tonight. And I had all sorts of spells thrown at me."

"I can't leave you alone for five minutes," Lana said, shaking her head, but there was a bit of a relieved smile on her face.

A cross expression spread across Clark's face, and he looked Lana right in the eye. "I said I got spells thrown at me, it wasn't like any of them hit me at all."

"Sure they didn't, Clark," Lana remarked, but a smile appeared across her face. She looked rather pleased that Clark had gotten through mostly in one place.

"Well for the most part maybe," Clark replied, and he pulled Lana in. "I have learned that ducking is one of the most important skills to have in a power."

Lana would have to agree. There were times where she got the sense that powers could only get someone so far. Sometimes, there was many survivor instincts that one could build in, and Lana had thought that she had these survivor instincts built in. Those were only slightly more useful than the powers that she had, which she got a hang on. Despite the fact she had a tighter grip on her powers, there was always room for improvement.

"So, Clark, when are you going to introduce me to that group of Superfriends of yours?"

Clark just blinked, and looked at Lana. Lana crossed her arms, and just smiled.

"Why, do you want to join?" Clark asked.

Now it was Lana's turn to be put on the spot with a question. There was a moment she paused, and then her gaze focused on Clark immediately. "Well, that's a good question, but I don't really know. We'll just have to see how things go. I think that we should make an attempt to figure out what happened to the Fortress."

"Do you think there might be any hints through what was downloaded into your brain?" Clark asked.

Lana stroked her chin, and pondered about that. The truth was she was sorting out her memories.

"No, but I guess I need a little help in sorting out these memories," Lana said. "Kara offered to help translate them for me, so I guess it's time for me to allow her in my mind."

"I'm sure she won't hold anything against you," Clark said.

Lana certainly hoped not. Memories were something that she clung onto, and as she thought about her life, there were a few chapters in it that she was not very proud of. She turned, and looked at Clark. The two of them just stood outside, underneath the stars, waiting and watching, enjoying this moment of downtime that the two had. There was a pretty good likelihood that they would not have many, so it was prudent to enjoy what they had.

All and all, tonight could have turned out much worse, and Clark was grateful to get out of that battle in one piece, and he was certain Lana would be grateful. Although Clark did embrace this adventure as a means to expand his mind, and hopefully learn a lesson from the future, and he knew that others would as well.

"Something on your mind, Clark?" Lana asked.

"Just thinking about how great it is to be out here with you," Clark replied.

"Then we're in like minds," Lana said.

They had come a long way, but there was still a long way ago. Each moment in life was after all just a tiny step towards a greater goal. The two of them understood this more now than ever before throughout all of the trials and tribulations they went through.

"You felt that didn't you, Chloe?"

Chloe nodded, understanding and absorbing the memory that Harry and Kara shared with her at that moment. It was the battle that night. Chloe had spent a lot of time with Lana, just catching up on various things, before returning back. Of course, they were not lucky enough to run into any kind of problems. The two of them appeared to be looking the wrong place, and at the wrong time. A smile crossed Chloe's face, when she shifted and crossed her legs.

"It seems like for every answer you uncover, there's just two or three more questions," Chloe commented.

Harry just looked at her, with a dry expression on his face. "Welcome to my life."

"So, do we got the third Herald in our cross hairs, or something else?" Chloe asked to them.

It was Kara who chimed in with an answer.

"I believe that the third Herald is right close to use, but for whatever reason, she isn't revealing herself. Whether or not her, and the mysterious Karen Starr are one and the same, we can't be one hundred percent sure. There has to be a good reason why she isn't showing herself."

"Perhaps she doesn't know that you are the fellow Heralds," Chloe replied.

Harry just looked at Chloe at this point, and responded with a smile.

"Trust me, she'd know, if she was right by us. We got a small hint of her presence when she was actively using her powers. If it was a passive power, like invisibility, then we wouldn't have seen her at all. Since it was an active power, like reaping, we ran across her."

Kara and Harry exchanged a thoughtful expression, communicating without words just seemed to be something that had come naturally to them. Both had gotten a sense of what to say, and what to think about. And the fact of the matter was that they were completely stumped about where to go next. They both had a feeling that there was something very important that they were missing, yet neither had any idea what that might have been.

"She could be watching us, at any time, watching over all of us," Chloe told them.

Kara would have to agree, and a calculating expression spread across her face. "Sooner or later, we're going to have to find her, and we'll have a talk. I just hope it will be a talk that will be nice, and we can come to some kind of common ground."

Harry and Kara had both discussed the matter a few times. They had come to the unfortunate conclusion that there was a big chance that the final Herald of Death could be someone who would be twisted for whatever reason. Whether it would be because of their own choice, or otherwise, Harry and Kara both had no idea.

"We're reconfiguring the Shining Light Foundation computers to try and find any large and unusual spikes of powers," Harry said, stroking his chin at the thought.

"And you'll track her down that way?" Chloe asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kara piped in for an answer. "Well, in theory it should work. And in theory we should find her. We've went over the memory a few times in our head, and the only thing we've figured as that there's a chance that she's more powerful than both of us."

"Alone or put together?" Chloe inquired.

Harry blinked, and then answered. "Likely alone, and potentially both of us put together. The funny thing about power levels is that there is no real way to measure them. We're just going to have to kick back, and hope for the best."

"I'll continue to search," Kara replied. "I believe that the two of you have some bonding to do."

Kara's focus was on Harry and Chloe at that point. Chloe put her hands on Harry's wrists, and looked him in the eye.

"Don't think I forgot about our arrangement," Chloe said in a low voice.

"I wouldn't think you would have," Harry fired back with a smile.

Chloe smiled, and Harry wrapped his arms around Chloe's waist. Kara decided to allow Chloe to have some alone time with Harry tonight. She could experience everything through the Herald link like a third party.

Kara pulled off her skirt, and shirt. She was wearing nothing but a very skimpy pair of red panties, and a barely there red bra, with her cape wrapped around her shoulders as well. She smiled, and kicked back on the chair, closing her eyes to enjoy the show.

The next thing Chloe knew, she was in Harry's room, and Harry looked at her. Chloe had been pushed onto Harry and Kara's bed. Harry bent down, but Chloe grabbed Harry and rolled him over, onto his back. Harry allowed her to pin him down.

Chloe pressed her lips down onto Harry's with a kiss, and grinded her body up and down on his. Harry pulled her into an embrace, and returned the favor. The two of them were getting hot and heavy, and the fun began.

Smut Lemon Begins.

Harry's arms wrapped tightly around Chloe, hugging her body into his, and Chloe felt the warm embrace that Harry had around her. Their lips mashed together in absolute passion. Chloe gave a surprised, but pleased, sigh when Harry reached his hands underneath her blouse. Chills, the good kind, ran down her spine when Harry felt up the underside of her breasts.

Chloe felt pleasure, with her nipples poking out, and erected. There was a heat between her legs, and it was going to get hotter, when Harry slowly slipped his fingers down her pants with one hand, and cupped her ass with the other. Harry continued to kiss Chloe, and she felt herself overwhelmed by a fog of pleasure.

Harry felt Chloe's body, pressed against his, and he felt her up. He liked what he felt, and he had a feeling that he was going to like what he saw. Chloe's hands moved up, and ran her fingers through his hair. Harry deepened the kiss, feeling her body, and felt himself grow against her, his clothed erection covering against her clothed entrance. Chloe pushed him back slightly, and began to dry hump him with her clothes on.

She felt so good, and the kiss broke. Chloe feverishly worked the buttons of his shirt off, but then grew impatient, tearing it open with great strength. Harry pushed Chloe back, and her shirt rode up, with Harry getting a look at her flat and firm stomach.

"That was an expensive shirt," Harry said to her, with a playful expression.

"You can repair it with magic you know," Chloe fired back, rubbing her crotch against Harry's covered erection. She leaned forward, and sucked on his earlobe, before straddling his crotch. Harry nearly tipped back onto the bed, with the blonde continuing her actions.

Harry groaned, at the teasing Chloe was giving him. Her lips once again had been planted on his, and her soft hands traced patterns over his chest and abs. He felt himself growing harder, and the hardness was only to come. Chloe turned around, and stuck her ass out, before she grinded it down onto Harry's bulge.

"So hot," Harry whispered to her, and Chloe just smiled, turning around, to face Harry. Her hands were placed on his shoulders, and their lips were several inches apart.

"I can tell," Chloe breathed back, tracing a pattern around his face, before looking down. "Looks like the big guy needs room to breathe."

With a swift motion, Chloe had unbuckled Harry's pants, pulling it through the loop. Harry only wore boxers, and Chloe licked her lips at the massive tent. She could not wait to taste it, and to have it in her. For now, she wanted to get Harry riled up a bit, for making her wait. Her hand squeezed Harry through his boxer shorts, and felt him, cupping his length in his hands.

"Keep doing that, Chloe," Harry encouraged her, feeling the pleasure of her hand working him through his shorts.

Whether Chloe was better or equal than Kara, Harry could not say. He needed several hours of experimentation to determine that, and in the end, it could be close. The throbbing of his cock indicated that she was very good, and had made his balls swell with desire.

Chloe straddled Harry's boxer covered lap, and slowly began to pop open one button of her blouse at a time. She saw Harry's eyes on her, with more and more of her skin revealed.

Harry watched Chloe, seeing the peak of her cleavage being revealed. Slowly, and tantalizingly, Chloe began to unbutton one button at a time, grinding against Harry's erection every single way. Her desire was something that could not be measured in mere words. Harry watched every moment, and watched her toned stomach be revealed.

Chloe pulled her blouse off, slowly, slipping it off of her slender shoulders. Harry watched, transfixed, seeing her standing there in nothing, but a bra from the waist up. Chloe stood there, and swayed her hips, instinctively hovering a few inches off of the ground. With swift precision, Chloe removed her pants, slowly pulling down over her legs. Harry watched her, and felt himself harden even more.

Her body was tight, and lovely, with perfect breasts, a slender waist, and lovely legs. Harry had thought that Chloe's breasts might have grown a little bit after her exposure to the powers, but he would need the before and after pictures to make sure.

Chloe moved over, and grabbed Harry through his boxer shorts once again, before squeezing him a little bit. She played with his cock, and his balls. The sensations Harry felt was great, and he twitched in Chloe's hand.

A look of mischief appeared in Chloe's eyes, and she looked at Harry, a grin across her face. "So, do you want this body?"

"Yes, I do," Harry breathed heavily, looking at Chloe in all of her glory.

Chloe dropped down, and motioned for Harry to arch his hips up. Harry did so, and Chloe slowly pulled Harry's boxer shorts off, with his cock springing out, and nearly smacking to her face. The woman before him felt herself dampen a little bit, it was so big, and so thick.

Immediately, Chloe licked up and down the length. Harry's penis was worked over slow licks. She savored the taste like a lollypop, and also she slowly stroked his balls with her free hand. He felt so good, and tasted so good, Chloe was addicted to him.

Harry felt her warm tongue stroke him, and he placed his hands on her hair, stroking it. Chloe continued to lick up and down.

"Keep doing that, just keep doing that," Harry offered Chloe, in a bit of a foggy pleasure.

Chloe was going to do more than that. Harry let out a hiss, when Chloe had placed her mouth on Harry's cock. She tried to fit it all in.

"Is it too big for you?" Harry asked Chloe, and Chloe just looked up at him. "Kara can fit it all in her mouth easily, you know."

Chloe was not going to be denied. She drew her breath, and managed to slip Harry's cock into her mouth. She gagged a little bit when it hit the back of her throat. That gagging was something that was replaced by the pleasure that she felt. The manhood her lips wrapped around tasted delicious.

Harry watched Chloe down on her knees, in nothing but a pair of bra and panties, bobbing on his cock like it was the absolute best thing in the world. His breath continued to heighten a little bit, and his heart beat a bit faster. Kara had just a tiny bit more skill, but Chloe was willing to give it a good try, as she went down on him.

"Fuck, feels so good," Harry groaned, and Chloe immediately continued to bob up and down on her.

The feel of Harry's cock down her throat was making Chloe feel foggy with pleasure, and her hands reached down her panties, to play with herself. The juices trailed down her thighs around, and she continued to give Harry a blowjob. Kara might have been a hard act to follow, but Chloe was determined to make Harry feel good nevertheless.

Harry placed his hands on her face, and fucked straight into her face, into her throat. Chloe looked up him, surprised, but continued to push forward. The face fucking would not break her face thanks to her new powers.

Chloe wanted Harry's load, and looked up at him. She stroked his balls, squeezing it with her new found strength.

Harry's balls tightened, and he could not hold back after Chloe had gone to town on him after a while. He sent a warm and creamy liquid into Chloe's mouth. Chloe kept sucking, making sure she drained Harry of his complete load.

Chloe looked up, and made a production of swallowing it again. She felt a burning sensation in her, that could only be filled by one thing, and Chloe knew how to fill that need.

She threw herself over Harry's lap, and straddled him. Chloe looked into Harry's eyes, and her soaked panties were on his crotch. Harry reached over, and unclipped her bra.

Chloe's breasts bounced out, nice and freely. She felt the air hit her nipples, and then she felt Harry latch his mouth onto her left nipple, sucking it.

"Damn it, feels good," Chloe moaned, Harry's mouth on her, and his tongue rolling against her. She felt the area between her thighs tingled, and Harry continued to offer his efforts, switching from her left nipple, from her right nipple. "Yeah, feels real good."

"Tastes good," Harry managed, before he went back to town on Chloe's tasty tits, and he stuck a hand down her pants.

"Oh God," Chloe moaned, her eyes fogging over with pleasure. Harry's fingers now were down her panties, and he was stroking her clit.

This was not any stroking of her clit, he was sending small jolts of magical energy through his fingers. Chloe nearly lost it between his mouth on her breasts, and his fingers stroking her. Harry skillfully manipulated her folds, and Chloe tried to push onto Harry, trying to ride his fingers.

"Damn it, feels god, feels good, keep doing that," Chloe moaned, and Harry worshipped her breasts, licking around them.

Harry felt absolutely good, and Chloe fit nice and tightly around him, as he fingered her. He felt her pussy juices drip around his fingers.

Chloe groaned at the loss of Harry's fingers, but then suddenly Harry's fingers lifted up and were stuck in Chloe's mouth. Her eyes glazed over, and if Chloe was honest, she had never tasted herself before. The girl could not comprehend why, whilst she licked and sucked the juices from around Harry's fingers.

Harry had gotten done tasting her, and pushed Chloe back onto the bed. Chloe landed on the bed, and Harry placed his hands on her shoulders, looking into her warm eyes, and Chloe's mouth was enclosed in a lustful expression, giving Harry "fuck me" eyes.

He pealed the panties off of Chloe's legs, they were damp, and Chloe could not believe that she had gotten so wet. She wanted some cock between her legs badly, and looking up at Harry's, she felt herself nearly clench at the thought.

"So wet," Harry said, teasing her slit with his fingers.

"Because of you, stud," Chloe responded, and Harry immediately teased her folds. "Stop teasing me, Harry."

"In a minute, honey," Harry teased, and he kissed her face, moving down her cheeks, and going down her body.

Chloe felt herself go in a state of absolute bliss, when Harry's lips kissed down her shoulders, down between her breasts, on her stomach, and down her legs. His head brushed against her entrance, and Harry kissed back up the right leg, and he buried himself into her.

She thought she had felt pleasure when Harry had gone down on her with his tongue. It licked into her, scrapping against her walls, tasting her, and slurping up her juices. As it turned out, Chloe had not experienced anything yet, and Harry's tongue began to hiss deep within her core.

Chloe screamed in pure pleasure. She had no idea what Harry was doing to her with his tongue, but she thought that he should keep doing it, often, and not let up for any reason whatsoever. His tongue felt so good ,licking her up, and tasting her.

Harry lapped up the savory taste within Chloe. He could tell by her screams of pleasure, and the thrashing that Chloe enjoyed the sensation of his tongue, as much as his tongue enjoyed licking her hot pussy. Chloe clenched her legs around his head, and Harry proceeded to award her, by burying his tongue deeper and deeper, lapping up the cum as it drained out of her.

Chloe deflated on the bed, and Harry felt himself throbbing. Chloe's eyes looked up at Harry, more wanton need in them.

"Harry, fuck me, please," Chloe begged him.

Harry cupped her pussy, and Chloe whined.

"Please, don't make me beg for it," Chloe managed, and Harry teased her entrance, sliding his cock up and down against it, before he obliged Chloe, and slammed his cock deep within her.

Chloe felt her walls stretch, and suddenly she was filled to the brim with Harry, who pumped in and out of her. His hands were on her breasts, and fingers rolled over her nipples. Chloe's mind went haywire with all of the sensations. If she died right now, she would die a very happy woman. She managed to remember that she should likely move her hips up, so Harry could get some pleasure out of this.

"So good, so tight," Harry breathed to her, and Chloe's walls squeezed. "Your pussy feels so fucking good."

"Fuck me harder," Chloe begged, and her legs managed to wrap around Harry's body.

Harry obliged that request, and hammered Chloe nice and hard, with long strokes into her. Her walls wrapped around his member, and he continued to push into her, going deeper.

Chloe wrapped her arms around Harry, giving him the encouragement, while lifting her hips off of the bed. Her eyes were glazed over, but she wanted this image burned into her mind. Harry's cock slid deep within her, pushing and punishing her, driving her to mind numbing orgasm, after mind numbing orgasm.

Harry felt Chloe clench tightly around him, and he sped up just a little bit, driving her even wilder. Harry massaged her breasts, and played with her nipples, squeezing them. Chloe squealed, when Harry played with her nipples, and Harry spend up, his balls slapping against her flesh.

Chloe bucked her hips up, and higher, meeting Harry's motions. She wanted to know when his climax would come.

It was building to an explosion.

She needed his seed in her.

She wanted his seed in her.

Chloe would get Harry's seed in her, and she pushed together her pussy muscles ,trying to squeeze Harry. The friction had pushed back, stretching her out. Chloe was getting a work out.

"That's it Harry, pound me until I can't go anymore," Chloe whimpered, and Harry continued to spear her, impaling his cock within her.

Chloe knew one thing, bond or not, she would have never let another cock even come closer to her. Harry continued to push in and out of her, manipulating her pussy long and hard, the minutes ticked by, and perhaps the hours. He had been going at her for a long time, pounding her pussy, and hammering her hard.

It was really the best thing.

Harry bent down, and kissed Chloe nice and hard, while continuing to fuck her. He played with her ass, when her hips arched off of the bed. Every single stroke pushed into her, and Harry felt himself going closer to release.

"You're about to make me cum," Harry whispered, his hot breath on Chloe's ear.

"I need it, Harry, your seed inside me," Chloe managed, and her heart thumped against her rib cage, and the pleasure increased.

Harry felt his balls tightened, and he continued to thrust deeper into her.

Chloe screamed, Harry had hit every single spot inside her, and he could feel her deep in her womb. His cock had pushed deeper than anything Chloe had ever imagined.

That was before the release came. Chloe felt herself injected with Harry's seed, the semen splattered against her. Chloe continued to thrust up, and Harry released spurt after spurt into her. It was like a fire hose, and Chloe could tell why a non-altered woman could not survive this experience.

They would be filled up with so much semen that their body would combust. Moments later, Harry continued to spear into her, making sure his entire load was fulfilled.

Harry collapsed on her chest, and Chloe looked up at him with a satisfied smile.

She needed more of this, and Harry could provide it. Chloe really lost track of how much time had passed, both in the room and all together.

Smut Lemon Ends.

Chloe's eyes were widened, and she breathed heavily. Her arms wrapped around Harry, and cuddled into his chest. Harry lovingly stroked her body, and Chloe felt a feeling of contentment.

"I can see why Kara's always in such a good mood around you," Chloe whispered to him, and she ran her hands through Harry's hair, a wide smile on her face.

"He is amazing, isn't he?" Kara asked, and she popped back up, naked, and laid herself on the other side of Harry. The two girls cuddled on either side of him, running their hands over his body.

Harry thought that if they kept his up, it would cause him to be ready to go another round. Then again, perhaps that was the point. Two beautiful and smart girls next to him, was quite the feeling.

"It will be the three of us next time," Kara whispered.

Chloe was both excited, and nervous about this possibility. Then again, she was determined not to let Kara show her up in bed. Chloe was competitive in that way, and vowed to give Kara a run for her money in the giving Harry pleasure department.

Why did she think that real winner of this competition would be Harry?