
Obtaining the Girdle of Hippolyta

The realm of the fierce Amazonian warriors held a prized possession—the golden girdle of their queen, Hippolyta. King Eurystheus, driven by greed, ordered Heracles to acquire this treasure.

Aware of the Amazonians' valor and their aversion to male intrusion, Heracles approached their queen with respect, beseeching her to relinquish the girdle. The queen, enchanted by Heracles' bravery and sincerity, agreed to grant his request.

However, Hera, the jealous goddess and Heracles' adversary, sowed seeds of discord among the Amazonians. Believing Heracles intended harm, they launched an attack. In the ensuing chaos, Heracles valiantly defended himself and Hippolyta, but the Amazonians fell, their fierce ranks broken.

Grieved by the loss, Hippolyta presented Heracles with the golden girdle, an emblem of her trust and respect. With the treasure secured, Heracles departed the realm of the Amazonians, his heart heavy with the cost of his labor.


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