
Her first meeting

Yasmin attended a conference in which she was forced by her parents. She was browsing through Instagram when she heard the announcement of the next speaker.

Appeared two men following behind a young man wearing a white Thaub* with a blue blazer and a white scarf on his head.

Yasmin who was sitting in second row could not take her eyes of him it was at that moment that she fell for him. She did not know his name and with the conference ending he disappeared.

It was months later that she met him in a religious class that was held in the mosque. The guy from the conference was giving a lecture. His name was Ahmed Khayr. They were introduced to each other since they were part of the organization group. Slowly as time went by, Yasmin fell deeper in the well of Love till she was unable to be rescued.

*Thaub is a long dress like clothing that Muslim men wear when going to the mosque and other places.