
CHAPTER 41: Delia And Agatha

  When the heat burns and the cold freezes, even a soul won’t stand to exist. If Delia, the snow guardian, and Agatha, the flame fairy understood how their strength worked, maybe, they could have eased the suffering of the soul trapped in the curse.

  “Well, who would have thought that you’ll turn into an ugly hag. The oh-so-great ‘Ice Fairy’, the wonderful ‘Snow guardian’, hah! In the end, you suffered more losses than I have,” Agatha commented while inside Lavinia’s body. She flipped Lavinia’s hair like it was hers. “Lavinia grown to be a fine lady, having her body for a while made me reminisce about the time when I was in my youthful days.”

  The room’s temperature rapidly dropped, turning almost the entire room into ice. Almost but not everything since the part where Lavinia’s body was comfortably sitting remained unaffected.

  “Oh! I miss those days so much that I don’t feel like returning this body to its owner anymore,” Agatha continued, ignoring her frozen surroundings.