
Her Unwelcome Mate

Ran shook her head. 'You act really well,' she grumbled brusquely. 'Too well.'
'You too,' he said and smiled indulgently for good measure. 'If you keep making such advances, I'll be seduced for real.'
The Beta of Eridanus leaned away from him and frowned.
'Just reminding you that I will consider every interaction between us a part of our arrangement. Don't get involved with me. I don't like men like you.'
Caph examined the serious expression on her face and fell into the endless depths of her dark gaze.
He reached out one hand to tuck a strand of black hair behind her ear.
Where his fingers touched her skin, it burned.
She leaned as far back as she could.
'Aren't you the one who's getting confused?' . After losing both her parents in an attack by rogue wolves, Ran's uncle, Acamar, took over the pack as Regent Alpha until she is of age to succeed her parents. Since the attack, Ran became reserved and ambitious, rising up to the rank of Beta on her own, fiercely protective of her father's legacy. Acamar gives her an ultimatum as Regent: marry a capable man and hand over the position of Alpha to him or give him the right to be Alpha before her 21st birthday. Ran had already decided to be Alpha of Eridanus by herself, but forced to submit under her uncle's authority for now, she chooses to have an arranged marriage with the son of an Alpha. Her uncle selects the fourth son of the Alpha of the once-great, now-collapsing Cassiopeia pack, Caph, whose father wants him to 'settle down' and 'take responsibility' for ruining what's left of his pack's reputation with his casanova lifestyle. Privately, she proposes to Caph that they fake the courtship in order to placate the elders and stall for time while pursuing their personal goals. He agrees to it, thinking it would give him an extra year of freedom to search for his elusive bonded mate and a life of carefree happiness. But things get complicated and plans are ruined when they realise they are bonded to each other as mates...

Rowyrn Kafka · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 2: Negotiating A Mutually-Beneficial Arrangement

'When were you going to tell me about this?' Caph asked Acamar casually. He sounded amused.

Ran had multiple problems with this.

Firstly, she had no intention of handing over her right to be Alpha to her uncle, the Regent. As the late Alpha's only daughter, she was the rightful leader of Eridanus and she intended to lead the pack herself. That was the reason she trained so hard to become a Beta even though she was already her father's heir.

Secondly, even if she decided to marry—which would never happen—she would choose a partner on her own. Acamar had no business ordering her to marry anybody, much less an entitled domineering playboy from a purebred pack.

Sure, it was a good political move to form an alliance with a revered ancient pack, especially if the other party was the Alpha's fourth son. An unranked purebred werewolf was considered more elite than a regular pack Alpha.

But Caph's suspension from a human college for his scandalous act said a lot about his character!

Finally, Caph did not seem at all concerned that he was getting used by a lesser pack Alpha from a different county, probably because of what he had done at college. What would the Alpha of Cassiopeia think? Why was Caph amused? There's nothing to be amused about!

Blood roared in Ran's ears. She defied her instincts and met her uncle's gaze. Anger flashed in her coal black eyes as she expressed her thoughts on the unfair command he gave her.

Acamar seemed secure in the knowledge that she had to obey because he was the current Alpha. Ran knew why he chose to make this command of her at a Full Moon Gathering.

Cornering her like this in front of the Cassiopeia werewolf would ensure that she obeyed the command to preserve Eridanus' reputation.

For now she would obey, her eyes said to him, but she wouldn't let him get away with this.

Her uncle's gaze was nonchalant, even with the weight of resentment in her eyes. They often butted heads because the way he led the pack was different from how her father had done it. He was used to her defiance.

Acamar turned to Caph. 'I am in contact with your father. He has agreed to this and we are currently finalising details of Cassiopeia's alliance with Eridanus.'

With this, Caph was cornered by the authority of his father as well. If he had any objections, he couldn't raise them now—it might spark hostility between the packs of Septrion County and Cassiopeia.

The bag of marshmallows burst open in Ran's hands as her uncle stalked away, the crowd of werewolves parting for him.

'Relax,' Caph said, 'It's just marriage.' His bright blue eyes were twinkling.

She glared at him sideways, unable to believe her ears. 'Just marriage?'

He simply smiled in response, his gaze running over her slender form. 'Yes. Just marriage. A political ceremony of the union of two packs. Does it mean more to you?'

Ran took a step back.

'Of course!' she hissed. 'My uncle is using you to strip me of my right to be Alpha. He wants to lead the pack, that's why he's chosen someone as irresponsible as you to be the figurehead.'

'You're really straightforward,' he said, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets. 'It's refreshing.'

She continued, 'And your father has agreed to this, why? Most likely he has decided to banish you from Cassiopeia because you're—'

'—a sight for sore eyes?' he interrupted with an indulgent grin.

Ran pursed her lips.Was he trying to lighten the mood? He was insane. This was supposed to be a serious conversation.

'Don't you think so?' he continued with a faux frown.

She did not think so.

'I think it's important for pack delegates to at least like the look of each other.' He looked into her eyes. 'You're pretty, you know.'

He checked her out from head to toe, his bright blue gaze making her bristle. He held out his hand.

She refused to take it.

Caph leaned forward and put his lips right next to her ear. 'You shouldn't reject me right now if you want to end up as Alpha of Eridanus.'

Ran flinched as his breath tickled her ear. How did he know? Moreover, he was right. He was the son of the Alpha of Cassiopeia—an ancient werewolf pack that bore many generations of legendary heroes. Offending his pack by rejecting him in front of this Gathering of werewolves would not be a good move.

He smiled, a beautiful half-smirk that made the hair on the back of her neck prickle, and reached out for her hand.

When she touched him, a warm current jolted up her arm, lighting up her whole body, making her gasp.

She dropped her bag of marshmallows.

Apparently, she wasn't the only one who felt that.

There was a strange glow in Caph's bright blue eyes.

He stared at their linked hands for a moment, puzzled.

Then, he picked up her bag of marshmallows and dragged her towards the bonfire. 'Please give us some privacy,' he said to the crowd.

Grudgingly, they wandered away although their eyes flickered over every now and then.

Caph pushed marshmallows into a sharp stick and held it out to her.

Ran hesitated, so he stuffed it into her hand, causing heat not from the bonfire to seep through her skin and make her heart beat faster.

He didn't seem to be affected by the electricity of their touch anymore and concentrated on making a second marshmallow skewer for himself.

Ran turned to him. 'I'm sure you're aware that whatever alliance your father and my uncle are discussing isn't going to be a mutually-beneficial arrangement for us.'

She looked around to make sure there was no eavesdropping werewolf nearby. He watched her with an amused expression.

'So I propose we make an arrangement of our own. Let's pretend to go along with this engagement in front of our packs. You won't have to spend time with me in private, you can do whatever you want with your spare time. I'll look the other way. In return, cancel the engagement with me right before I turn 21 so that I can become Alpha alone.'

Caph half-smirked. 'Deal.'

He leaned towards her once more, his eyes darkening ominously. The air between them was charged with static.

'Let's get along, Ran,' he whispered.

She wondered if she had gotten herself out of a pothole or turned it into her grave.