
Chapter 44

#Chapter 44 Luna Queen is behind all this, isn’t she?

“What do you mean the decoy was torn apart? We’re not even a full day into this journey!” Prince William whisper-shouted. Doris hadn’t even realized there was another carriage on the road, she thought it was just theirs. Why didn’t she see it this entire time?

“I was sent to check their route a few hours ago and when I found them—“ The man swallowed, his eyes were larger than life. “There… there was so much blood. They destroyed the entire carriage as if it were nothing.”

A chill ran through Doris, she clenched the cloak tighter around herself. Prince William’s eyes flickered towards her for a breath before he glanced at the rest of the men that waited for his order.

“We have to get moving. Our carriage will be next if we’re not quick enough.”

“How will we avoid them?” Doris asked.

Next chapter