
Chapter 34

#Chapter 34 (Doris) – They haven't found me innocent yet

Beth returned once she saw Daniel leaving the maid's unit. Her face was red as she entered the room, and she was trying to keep herself from laughing.

I rolled my eyes at her as she came back to my bedside.

"He's quite handsome," she chuckled.

"Oh Beth," I laughed, shaking my head at her.

Before she could say anything else, there was another knock on the door. Beth and I looked at one another confused until Beth stood and answered the door. I heard her gasping in shock as she quickly brought herself to a curtsy.

"Your majesty," she said, keeping her voice formal.

I rose my eyebrows and tried to peer around the door to see who it was. Beth stepped aside and Prince Martin entered the room. His eyes landed on me and sighed out in relief as he noticed me awake.