
Chapter 25

#Chapter 25 (Doris) – I killed her

"Daniel, stop slouching!" Luna Queen Cara demanded; his face reddened as he sat straight; his eyes locked on his plate. I couldn't take my eyes away from him.

I couldn't believe it.

David, the friend I made in the palace, was actually Prince Daniel.

"Doris." Cara turned her icy gaze toward me. "My son, Daniel, needs a refill."

She motioned for his glass; I cleared my throat and bowed my head at her.

"Of course, your majesty," I said as I shuffled toward him nervously. He kept his eyes locked on his plate as I poured his glass of wine; I took in a shaky breath, still not sure what I was seeing. Eventually, he stole a glance in my direction; his eyes laced with a fear I didn't recognize, and his breathing matched mine.

"I'm so sorry…" he said under his breath.

I said nothing as I pulled away from him; I wasn't sure what to say.