
Chapter 230

#Chapter 230 Fire and passion

Doris closed her bedroom door and let out a long sigh as she leaned back against it. What was she going to do? The last thing she needed was another problem when she already felt as if she was drowning from them—and she didn’t even get to blow off any steam! He interrupted her! That—irritating boy that wouldn’t stop his flirting! She didn’t want him to get hurt because of a stupid crush.

Doris rubbed her eyes and tried not to groan as loud as possible in case someone thought she was dying in here—

“Doris?” William said. She flinched at the sound, she almost had forgotten that he was even here. She was so used to him being gone or in meetings.

“Yes?” Doris pushed away from the door when William came into view dressed in black. She hated how his suits always fit so perfectly to his body—it made her want to unwrap him like a present.

Alec was sound asleep in his crib across the room and it was a miracle that he didn’t wake from her sounds.