
Chapter 186

#Chapter 186 An offer you can’t refuse

William tilted his head slightly as he looked across at his brother. Suspicion filled his features and she bet his blue eyes were the same. He was wise enough not to walk into a trap without looking where he would land. “You agree to hand over the crown?”

“I do, under one condition.” Martin smiled across at William and Doris thought he looked similar to the devil in that moment. It reminded her of a child’s tale where a wolf dressed up in sheep’s clothing to trick the innocent one. She quickly shook those thoughts from her head.

“Name your price.” William said with a bit of caution in his tone. He didn’t look at her once.

“I will give you over the crown, the palace, anything you ask for… in exchange for Doris.” Martin said as he leaned back in his seat. William flinched a little as if his words had wounded him. Even hearing it out loud herself shocked her, part of her wanted to believe that he had been bluffing this whole time.