
Her Unfortunate Fate Turned Fortunate

Anna was a cheerful, fierce and brave girl she follows an eye to eye and tooth to tooth concept. But due to some unfortunate fate she met with an accident. When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a unfamiliar place facing unfamiliar people. What's more shocking is she's no longer Anna Mantis. She's reincarnated as Yu Han who's a rich, soft, shy, caring and beautiful woman, surrounded by the people who love her, who hate her, who wants to hold her in there arm and protect her but also by the people who wants to see her in nothing but pain and wants her dead. Anna a.k.a Yu Han had finally adopted to her new body and surrounding. Her new life goal is only to take revenge for Yu Han's life. But fate has another plan for her, one day she has to go back to her ownself but the question is will she be able to leave the people who now has become part of her life, her family and her love?? ------- sneak peek "Hubby, do you want to be punished for bringing another woman here." Anna's eye had fire. Ji Yang smiled at his wife. "I'll be glad when you're the one punishing, I'm looking forward to it.." Ji Yang smirked. Anna is stupefied seeing his shamelessness. "..and don't worry Feng Yi is not with me.." He switched his position and now Anna is caged between his arms. "Now let's talk about your punishment for coming with another man here" His voice is low and seductive, Anna lost all her senses as he bit on her earlobe.

AmuSushar · Urban
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159 Chs

Worse than your nightmare

If Xu Liang was at home she would have never let these two have a reunion but lucky for them she went to visit her parents with Yu Yuri as her mother is sick.

Yu Kong and Anna stayed hugging each other for a long time. Anna couldn't help but remember her father, he cheered her up whenever she felt low and loved both his of daughters to no end. He is one of the reason to make Anna strong.

Anna was having mixed feeling, she couldn't reciprocate to Yu Kong, she is not the person he should apologize. If only Yu Kong could have realized it earlier Yu Han would have a better childhood.

Feeling him unconscious Anna bought Yu Kong to bed with much difficulty and tucked him under quilt. Cleaning the mess in the room she left turning off the lights.


"Dad, I'm sure this time tender will be ours and I thought to send Yu Feng as the representative of our project." Yu Chong said as the Elder Yu and Yu Kong finished reading the project documents.

"I'm afraid you can't win the Prosperity project tender with this proposal." Yu Kong stated.

"What do you mean?" Yu Chong gritted his teeth as he didn't like his brother butting his nose in his business.

"The proposal plan is little bit too much you can't handle it, even if so you dare to propose it, you need an excellent representative and I'm afraid Yu Feng isn't suitable for this." Yu Kong said openly not minding whether his words are hurtful. When it comes to business Yu Kong is merciless.

"Uncle Kong I have worked very hard for this project." Yu Feng gritted her teeth.

"Kong is right. The Prosperity project is a difficult one, if you ask my opinion I would reject it right away." Elder Yu supported Yu Kong.

"But dad I worked hard for this project and I'm proposing this only after getting some inside news from them so I'm confident enough I'll make through it." Yu Chong said persistently. Elder Yu sighed, if his second son was half intelligent as his first son things would have been lot easier.

"Fine, You'll learn from your mistake. But as Kong said choose some other representative Yu Feng can't handle this." Elder Yu said. Darkness loomed over Yu Feng, she sat quitely clenching her fist.

"Fine." Yu Chong said darkly.

"Kong whom do you propose?"

Yu Yuri raised her head ready to accept the task. Everyone in the room already knew the answer. Yu Kong would choose Yu Yuri as it always been that way.

"Han." Yu Kong said calmly.

Everyone in the room double checked their ears as they heard the name. Did Yu Kong just called Yu Han name?

Anna raised her head in shock as she heard Yu Kong taking her name.

"I propose Han, she has already dealt with the Zhang's project recently so she is more capable for this project." Yu Kong explained.

Lightening struck over Yu Yuri, Yu Feng and Yu Chong. Never they expected to hear such words from Yu Kong. Weren't the father and daughter like fire and ice?

'what trick did the wench played on her father?' Yu Yuri thought darkly.

The more surprised one is Anna, she did not see that coming. Did Yu Kong remembered everything from last night? Is he trying to redeem his mistakes? Anna thought.

The elder is also equally shocked as others. Is this a sign of Yu Kong trying to mend his relationship with his daughter? He would be the most happiest person if these two forget the past and move on as a happy family. Elder Yu's heart warmed at the thought.

Yu Han is really talented if she becomes the representative of the project, the probability of succeeding is more. All the profit will be mine and she would just stay as a mere representative. Yu Chong thought smugly.

"I agree." Yu Chong said and elder Yu second him.

Anna read the report again as she was not paying attention earlier. She was in the meeting only because elder ordered and she thought she would be just a audience for them so she didn't pay attention to them.

"Am I allowed to make changes to this?" Anna glanced towards Yu Chong as she flipped to next page.

The proposal is good but Yu Chong wouldn't be able to handle if this gets approved and the chance of getting the tender is very less.

"No. This is the best proposal and I am 80 percent sure will make through I just need you to represent my company." Yu Chong said cooly.

"The proposal is good but sorry we can't win the tender with this." Anna kept the file back on table and replied blankly.

"Little girl even your age is not equal to my experience in this field and you dare to reject my proposal like that. If you don't want to do it it's your loss." Yu Chong flared up.

Anna couldn't let go of this opportunity she needs to get into the company if she wants to know more about her enemies.

"Fine. But don't blame me later." Yu Chong agreed.

Anna completely immersed herself in work.

"You little bitch. What dirty trick did play on my husband." Xu Liang sneered at Anna.

Anna thought to have a break so she came to garden, one of her favorite place in the mansion but Xu Liang followed her.

"Your husband is first my father and I don't need to play any tricks." Anna replied crossing hands over her chest.

"Playing with words again, did you forget your place in this house after coming back or do you want me to remind you." Xu Liang took a step closer threateningly.

"Till now I really did forgot my place but since now I'm back in the mansion I'll show what my real place is and as for your place you belong to the garbage can outside Yu Mansion." Anna Smirked.

"You bitch! how dare you call me garbage I'll kill you." Xu Liang raised her hand swiftly forwarding towards Anna. Anna's reflex moved faster holding Xu Liang hand in midair. Twisting Xu Liang hand to her back, Anna squeezed it hard making Xu Liang wince in pain.

"The Yu Han you all tried to kill died long ago now you're facing someone worse than your nightmare." Anna whispered in Xu Liang ears in dark voice.


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