
Her True Self

"Ever gone skinny dipping?" "After you my love." Omawunmi Williams is the first daughter from one of the biggest business empire in all of England and was done playing by the rules. Forced to behave like the perfect daughter by her upper class parents. She's sick and tired of being told what to do. Her mother's words haunt her, and grooms her into becoming the perfect elite who would eventually take over the family business and maybe even marry a duke. Enter Dale Bicroft, son of one of the greatest billionaires in the United Kingdom-Richard Bicroft. To the untrained eye, he's simple, perfect and amazing and secretly engaged to a duchess. Deep down he's broken, scared, and currently on the run from his crazy family and the responsibility of taking over his father's empire. When they meet at a college party, they both have a deep connection and she's determined to have him. He's scared she'll succeed and she's scared she'll never be the one in his heart. A love story about Wunmi and Dale and also about Biracial relationships.

Adedoyin_Ayeni · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter Six

           Six:I'm quitting the Violin.

Wunmi 💕

My friends and I sat underneath a tree in the small park at the back of my school building as we relaxed underneath the sunlight. We just finished a two hour physics lesson and we were extremely tired, most especially Alex who wouldn't stop groaning and moaning in pain. It's been over a week since i last saw dale and I haven't stopped thinking about him, I missed him so much.

I even had a dream about us kissing this morning.. I'm sexually frustrated!

"Babe,have you seen Ariana's latest IG post?" Alex said snapping me out my thoughts about Dale.

"Not really, why?" I asked as i drank my soda turning to look at her.

"She was invited for a royal charity gala!" Alex exclaimed in surprise and admiration.

"Wow.." I muttered unlocking my phone and opening my Instagram to check.

"Is it true that she was crowned the new duchess of bath?" Deola asked in curiously

"Yeah.. She's the only daughter from her family that's why she was given the title. I think she's even betrothed to someone" Alex said seeming in thought..

"For real?, but why? Isn't she too young to be married to anyone?" I asked in disbelief

Who still does arrange marriages in this time and era?

"I heard that the guy's from a very wealthy family in England. No one knows who he is yet but he and Ariana have been set to get married since birth by their families" Adeola added as we all listened in keen interest.

"I'm pretty sure it's just a rumor.." I said dismissing Adeola's statement.

"It's not Wunmi, she's honestly right.. Wealthy British people have crazy fetishes trust me" Alex added causing Deola to nod her head in agreement.

Ariana was a social elite from a wealthy family, she was also given the title of duchess when she was born so she was the Duchess of Bath. Her father worked closely with the royal family and her mother ran a huge chain of hotels all over UK. She lived the life of a princess and was always in the center of the spotlight and eyes of the media.

Alex idolizes her and hopes on one day meeting her, I admired how she always presented herself to the media and how she was always so elegant at her age. Although she was a year older than me, I still respected her.

I shouldn't be surprised if she was arranged to marry some rich British bloke..

She had her own charity organization and a homeless shelter for orphans was dedicated to her, let's just say she was the United Kingdom's special princess.

"I honestly can't wait for the day Wunmi would be invited to attend the royal charity ball, that would be a dream come true for the both of us.." Alex said dreamingly.

"Mostly you actually.." I replied..

"That's about that, Wunmi tell us why we were unable to reach you for over three days!" Deola exclaimed giving me an exasperated look.

"Blame Alex! She was the one that got me in trouble and grounded by my parents" i immediately said glaring softly at her.

"Hey, in my defense I told you to not walk me into my house so you could have enough time to sneak back into your house" she defended giving a silly excuse.

"That makes no sense Alex, you were the one that wouldn't stop complaining until I collected your new stash of special pot from Demi"

Alex gave me a pout looking guilty about her actions before answering me. "You know how good Demi's is, I can't do without having them"

"Alex you really should not take so much of it, it's not good at all.." Deola advised softly as i agreed with her.

Alex just rolled her eyes in mild annoyance at that giving her a look "Save me the lecture Deola, don't really care.."

"Alex!" I cautioned

"What?.. you know I don't like it when she goes all Mona Lisa on my arse" She said folding her arms, Deola looking slightly offended by her comment.

"She wasn't doing that, she's right and I agree with her. You're addicted to weed Alex, it's not good for your health" I added politely giving her an understanding look.

"Not you too, you're starting to sound really uncool Wunmi.."

"Alex, you have to understand that.."

"Blah blah, blah.." she sang cutting me short causing me to look at her incredulously..

"You are a nutcase" I said causing her to laugh out loud..

"A nutcase that you fucking love!" She screamed out in my face making me smile a bit.

Demi walked up to us before coming to sit next to us on the grass and resting his head on my lap. I just stared at him in awe wondering why he was here in the first place.

"Demi what're you doing here?" I asked him as I looked down at his face which was rested on my lap.

"Well, I missed you and wanted to see your face.." he replied sounding really cheesy..

"Shouldn't you be with your bitch Riley?" Alex cussed giving him a glare.

"She has cheerleading practice" he answered simply his head still rested on my thighs.

"Demi get your head up from my lap.." I said with a chuckle making him smirk in mischief..

"But when next am I going to get the chance to see your pretty face up close" he replied giving me a wink causing me to giggle..

He's so corky..

"You my friend are quite the charmer.." I said while folding my arms still smiling at him..

"I learned from the best." He answered with a wink causing me to blush a bit.

"Guys, I met Dale last week" I blurted out as I watched Deola and Alex freeze in shock before Alex finally broke the shocking silence .

"You what?!!"She screamed staring at me making me feel queasy a bit.

"I met him.. at Bloomsbury park" I answered giving her a small side smile as the memories rushed back..

"Oh my god' Wunmi! But how? When?.. I thought you gave up on ever getting to see him.." Adeola rambled in a rush giving me a look of disbelief.

"Well yeah. I mean I didn't think I'd ever get to meet him again but then I did meet him at the afterparty and he told me to come to Bloomsbury park to see him, so I did." I explained giving my two best friends a sheepish smile..

"I don't know what to say honestly, I'm still in shock.. no one touch me.." Alex muttered clearly still in shock making me chuckle at her expressions.

"Who's Dale?" Demi asked finally making his presence known as he raised his head up from my lap.

"Wunmi's crush.." Deola snickered answering him.

"Wunmi's got a crush?!" Demi exclaimed in surprise his eyes wide as he stared at me..

"He's not my crush, stop saying stuff Deola." I replied immediately disagreeing with my friend.

He was totally my crush.. wait, he was much more than just a crush..

"Okay babes, I'm over the shock now so spill, tell me every single detail. Don't leave anything out!" Alex ordered staring keenly at me waiting for me to explain.

"Well, after my dad grounded me I had no choice but to sneak out to see him. We met and it was so much fun, he took me to his favorite spot and we had this cute little banter and he weirdly figured out my elite status which he seemed cool about, then later on he walked me to my car and we kissed" I answered with a grin as I watched my best friends immediately burst out into excited squeals with smiles on their faces..

"Kill me now!" Alex exclaimed happily making me laugh hard.

"Wow, that was so cute! And the fact that you had to sneak out just to meet him.. it's giving Romeo and Juliet vibes" Adeola added making me blush..

"C'mon now Deola, I wouldn't have actually snuck out if I wasn't grounded.." I answered

"So you're like hooking up with this Dale guy?" Demi asked carelessly making me frown slightly.

"No I'm not hooking up with him, I like him." I answered boldly surprising myself by my own words with both my best friends bursting out in excited screams because of it.

"He seems shady, do you know his surname?, where he lives? The school he attends? You know basic stuff" Demi prodded on starting to annoy me greatly..

what's his problem? None of that matters when it comes to love.. plus dale seems like a really good guy.

"Wunmi's not dumb like you wanker, she wouldn't just hook up with a random bloke. Trust your girl Demi, you're acting like a total loser right now" Alex answered defending me and somewhat insulting Demi causing him to roll his eyes at her antics.

Demi got up finally, dusting his trousers before answering her "I never said I didn't trust Wunmi, it's the guy I don't trust. Have fun with your new boy toy love"

He winked at me as he walked away from us making me frown deeply at him wondering why he was acting so off while Alex just gave him the finger at his retreating back..


My neck and arms are were aching really badly as I stood still with my violin placed on my neck as I learned how to play a certain type of tune from the 80's. My violin teacher was the worst, a very short strict British man who had it out for me. He stood with a long cane, a big scowl imprinted on his face as he glared in anger at me clearly disappointed by the amount of times I keep failing.

My parents signed me up for violin classes when I turned ten. As the face and first daughter of the William Wilson empire it was required of me to have a classical training with one musical instrument and my father chose violin which I disliked very much. It was a very sad instrument and the tunes usually just made me upset most times. Although my parents were really proud of my progress in playing the violin and showed me off a lot to their friends and acquaintances by making me perform a solo whenever we had functions or ceremonies.

Mr Callaghan, my violin teacher was once part of the British orchestra but retired due to a freak accident. He's been coaching me ever since I was ten and my parents praised him a lot due to my progress and success in learning the classical instrument.

"Wunmi, stop slouching!" He scolded hitting his cane hard on the floor causing me to flinch in slight fear..

Did I also forget to mention that he slightly scared me..

"I'm so sorry Mr Callaghan"

"You keep mixing up the tunes Wunmi, it's not elegant! How many times do I have to tell you that this song has to be played with poise and grace."

He said giving me a straight scowl making me feel very upset and nervous underneath his gaze.

"The music sheet isn't helping much sir, I keep mixing some chords and I'm really tired sir. I've been standing for over two hours now." I tried explaining trying to get him to cut me some slack.

I'm fucking tired already!

"You're not leaving this room until you master the song miss Wunmi!"

He's got to be kidding me..

I gave him a look of disbelief as I watched his hard expression become more harder making me extremely angry. Just because he was some impressive bloke back in the day and my parents found him great doesn't mean he has the right to punish me so unfairly.

I can't take this shit anymore..

Dropping my violin from my neck, I opened up the case placing it inside before closing it and walking out of the room not waiting to hear whatever stupid shit he had to say.

I don't even like to play the violin!

I passed by the restroom seeing both my parents drinking tea and discussing business as usual with George standing right outside of the door waiting for them to be done so he could escort them to wherever. My mum sighted me giving me a warm smile, clearly happy that I was learning the violin.

"Wunmi, are you done with your lessons my dear?" She asked softly dropping her cup of tea on the saucer.

"Mum I don't wanna play the violin anymore" I answered walking inside the room.

"Pardon?" She asked probably not sure about what she just heard.

"I said I'm done! I no longer want to play this stupid instrument." I answered in all honesty hoping she'd understand.

And just immediately mr Callaghan rushed in seeming angry with a frown imprinted on his face.

"Mr and Mrs William your daughter is out of control! She walked out on me and insulted my art!. She has no elegance and poise, such a shame!" He spat out turning to glare at me making me scoff in disbelief at his accusations.

This bloody wanker!

I know that it's bad to disrespect your elders, but right now this old man was fucking mad. He was spitting out lies to my parents when in real truth it's his fault for bullying me and making me hate spending every second learning from him.

"Mum that's not what happened."

"That's exactly what happened Mr and Mrs William! I was only trying to groom her into being perfect when playing the song and she had the guts to complain! No elite student of mine has ever talked back at me, ever!" Mr Callaghan yelled out cutting me off as he stood stiff giving me a cold stare.

I was boiling in anger, my fists balled as I tried my hardest best not to curse him out. My father finally stood up, his expression blank but I knew that he was only trying to control himself from screaming at my face.

"My apologies mr callaghan, I'm afraid we haven't taught our daughter enough manners. Please calm down and I'll let George escort you out." My dad said softly glancing a bit at me causing me to shiver underneath his piercing gaze.

I was dead meat.

"Well! I hope you teach her some manners sir, it's uncouth for a lady like her to be so unruly." Mr Callaghan added causing me to scoff in disbelief at his audacity..

If only it wasn't illegal to beat up people.. I'll honestly kick his balls.. hard!

"We're sorry on her behalf, please let George escort you out.. we would like to talk to our daughter in private" my mum answered giving him a calm smile making me really nervous..

"Alright, have a nice day." He said walking out of the room but not stopping to give me a glare before leaving..


"Owawunmi Alice William!"

My mother shouted her facial expression fuming with anger.

Wow.. using my full name, I must've really humiliated them by standing up for myself..

"How dare you speak to you music instructor that way! Don't you know how uncouth that is?! You just humiliated your dad and I in front of a mere nobody.." she scolded causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance.

"He was bullying me mum, and for your information he wasn't helping me learn the violin at all! He's rude, and demeans me all the time! For god's sake mum I can't take it anymore!" I yelled out feeling really exasperated.

"Mr Callaghan is one of the best violin instructors in all of England! You had no right to disrespect him like that. Do you realize the humiliation you've brought to this family?!"

"Humiliation, embarrassment, shame, mum is that all you care about?! Aren't you listening to anything that I'm saying! Mr Callaghan has been the worst violin teacher for the past eight years mum. All he's ever done is make my life a living hell! So I'm done okay! Deal with it!" I screamed out in anger staring straight at my parents with fresh tears running down my face.

Why couldn't my mum understand me, see my pain? Why couldn't they both just be loving parents?!

"How dare you talk to your mother that way?" My dad said his voice tense causing me to shiver in slight fear..

"Dad, I was only trying to get her to understand. I really don't like playing the violin and mr Callaghan is always so mean to me, please dad you've got to understand me.." I pleaded finally calming down trying to get him to listen to me.

"Did that warrant you to disrespect and insult him?!" He shouted his voice scaring me causing me to flinch.

"I never insulted him, he lied about it.. he.. he exaggerated everything dad. I only begged him to give me a break, I was tired dad!" I explained.

"George!" My father shouted turning his face away from mine in irritation making me feel depressed immediately.

He was disgusted to even look at me.

"Yes sir!" George answered running back into the rest room.

"Take her to her room and lock her there for a week. No friends, no gadgets and most especially no art. She's only allowed to go to school and straight back home. Assign guards at her door. She's grounded" my dad ordered making me drop down to the floor in sadness..

He was locking me up?! Just because I stood my ground.. they believed a stranger over their own daughter!

"You've got to be fucking kidding me.." I said with a dry chuckle as I stared back at my parents with disgust in my eyes..

"Wunmi!" My mum cautioned giving me a disappointing look..

"You're letting him lock me up? You guys aren't even giving me the benefit of the doubt?! What sort of parents are you?! I hate you! I hate this place!" I screamed out in pain and anger at my mother feeling really disheartened that my own blood parents were locking me up without even listening to me.

"George please take her away and lock her up until she learns how to behave." My dad ordered giving him a stern look.

I just stood up, not wanting to be touched my anyone as I rubbed my face with the back of my palms drying my tears..

"I'll go up myself.. you know what dad, I think you should just adopt mr Callaghan since you prefer listening to him than your own daughter!"

And with that I ran out of the room wishing i was anywhere but here..