

Its a new morning, a morning which brings shitload of work for me. Oh God, you just love interrupting my beautiful sleep right? I knew you had something personal with me since the day you made me trip on my brothers poop when I was 6. Anyways, I cant hold him accountable for everything, I was a dumbass back then who tried to swallow handful of sand saying it looked like crushed cornflakes.

I turn the loud annoying alarm off while getting up to get ready to go to that dreadful place which holds me captive for hours making me do work, college. I checked the time to make sure I wasn't running late for it, I am up early today. I am starting to wake up early without any problem and I am not liking it because it may become a habit and I am not a morning person.

I wore a skirt and a sweater as it was a lil cold today and I don't know how did I grew some liking for skirts over years, I look good in it and I wear what I look good in. I took my bag and went to the kitchen to grab some sandwiches which Joonie have made as he is one heck of a morning bird.

"Morning Joonie"  I sat on the kitchen counter as he poured orange juice in two glasses "Morning, Ivy"  he silently slid the plate and a glass towards me while he ate his breakfast, "How are you up an hour before?" he questioned, "You are surprised that I woke up early? I am offended." I did a fake gasp for special effects which he returned "How did you decipher that? I am quite impressed you are getting better at noticing the obvious." I scoffed.

"I  am going to roam around the city for some time then heao my classes, you wanna join?"

"I  am already awake and have no work right now, I think its better to go with you." he smiled agreeing with me. Sometimes I doubt my genetics coz this man is supposed to be my twin but he looks damn gorgeous and here I am looking like a potato, a cute potato at that.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Me and Joon went around the city enjoying the early morning vibe the surrounding was throwing at us, "You want coffee?"

"Who the hell would refuse?" I raised my eyebrow, "I  m getting an iced latte for myself, for you?" "hmmm, today I want iced Americano" with that Joon motioned me to wait as he went into the café to get it.

I stood there observing everyone, tsk, everyone is struggling one or another no one is happy. I saw mint haired figure approaching me, why am I not able to see his face? oh! I am not wearing my specks right now. Wait, WHAT? I fucking left my eyes in the living room? how am I supposed to take notes and ogle at beautiful people throughout the day? tsk.

"I knew it, you had some personal issues with me. Don't make it obvious, others will call me privileged." I said looking at the cloudy sky while the mint haired boy questioned why he possibly befriended me back in middle school.

"Ayo, weirdo. Still talking to the big guy?" he asked putting his arm around my shoulder as I nodded still looking up questioning that big guy for his intentions.

"Yoongi, boy you came late. I just bought these right now." Joon handed me my coffee cup while smiling at Yoongi who just shrugged. I took a sip from mine and smiled brightly feeling fully awake now. we together walked towards the college talking about random stuffs.

"Imma head to chemistry lab right now. See you both later." Joon waved and ran towards the chemistry department while we both still had few minutes for our first lesson so we decided to go to the classroom first to get the best seat.

Then, I remembered, I forgot my eyes at home so I sat on the first desk while Yoongi groaned loudly as he threw his bag next to me while slumping on his place frowning. "Why????" "I forgot my specks" I deadpanned while he glared at the big board infront of us "Fucking hell" I ignored his swearing for now.

I loved this lecture, Biology is one of my favorite subjects. In exactly five minutes Ms. Smith came in so on time as usual, she is no doubt one of the best people on Earth. I know I am talking too highly of her but she deserves it as she always thinks about how much pressure things put on students and is very caring.

Every single student loved her, the class went smoothly and in an hour or so we were done with the first lecture of the day but I had a grumpy Yoongi right next to me right now.

"Why are you even pouting right now, Yoonie?" I nudged his side as he pouted a little and was obviously annoyed as I made him sit in the first row, I smiled at this mini adult hugging his side and wrapping my arms around his waist "Sorry, Yoonie. But you gotta admit it is not even near to a torture sitting here during Ms. Smith's class." I put my head on his shoulder as I felt him nod at the latter part of my sentence.

"But still it's not fair, I love sitting in the middle row." He whined making me laugh, I pinched his cheeks and packed my stuff while pulling his hand to get him go move as he was still acting stubborn.

"Come on, next is class is of Mister Kim. He will be mad if we are late."

"Shut up" he mumbled but following my lead without resisting, he is just like a small baby. I walked still holding his hand pulling him to walk a bit faster as he walked on a slow pace. I gave up and started swinging our hands back and forth and soon it turned into us aggressively swinging hands while jumping, I would be concerned for us if I was a passerby right now.

We reached the class by time as some students were still coming and to what I know Mister Kim has not headed to the class yet. I sat on the first desk as usual while Yoongi sat right behind me because he was tired to sitting in front and felt like throwing up if he was asked again to sit in front.

I swear this boy just makes ridiculous excuses in a second. In few minutes, our very handsome teacher entered the classroom making everyone fall into silence, not only because he is a teacher but also because he is alarmingly beautiful and intimidating.

"Good morning, everyone. Today we are going to solve some worksheets." He kept his stuff on his desk and looked up to observed the classroom as everyone groaned expect few.

"Wow, I didn't know you all are so excited about it." He mused out loud making me scoff, a little louder than usual. He eyes fixated on me in no time raising his eyebrows, oh my, that perfectly done eyebrow. I bowed and looked down coz he might be handsome and all but he is intimidating as fuck.

"Miss Kim, I would appreciate it if you distribute the worksheets." I looked around the class to check if anyone else also had the same surname as me but yeah, God said fuck you to me. I raised both of my eyebrows at him and he motioned me to distribute.

"Damn it, I hate distributing stuff it feels like I am doing some sort of retail advertising in middle of a classroom. Which is oddly specific of me." I mumbled while taking the papers and going around the class distributing this paper as everyone groaned once again when they grasped the sheet in their hands. Wow, pure joy.

I moved back to my place and sat. "Thank you" he said which a replied with a nod and polite smile as his stare was so damn hot for me to even say something without stuttering.

In approx thirty minutes I was done with the worksheet, not to brag but chemistry is my bitch. I practiced this chapter yesterday and now I have free time on my hand so I neatly placed me paper on the side and took out my rough notebook to solve something else.

I was deep into solving physics that I didn't notice the deep stare that alluring individual was giving me and since I sat on the first desk I was right in front of him. He stood up took few rounds of the class making sure everyone understood everything and halted next to my desk taping on it to get my attention.

"You are done with the worksheet?" He asked being impressed but not surprised as he was used to seeing me acing the subject, "Yes, I did the whole procedures and drew every structure." I beamed at him brightly like a kid who just finished her drawing and showed it to someone.

"Do you want me to provide to more worksheets for practice?" He asked as he peeked at the physics textbook I had and shook his head,"And here I was thinking, Chemistry was your favorite subject." He said doing the fake disappointed reaction, slightly pouting his lips.

Ah, his lips. I couldn't help but stare but looked back down as I realized I was in class.

"N-No, Mister Kim. I was bored and didn't want to disturb you so I started doing physics." I panicking as he laughed lightly shaking his head and going back go his desk and bringing the extra sheets "Here you go, you will never disturb me. I am here for you." He said sincerely as my cheeks betrayed me and went full on red mode on the way he formed his sentence.

"Thank you Mister Kim." I smiled and took the worksheets and started solving them.

But what I wasn't able to notice was the adoring gaze Mister Kim was throwing at me from time to time, smiling slightly while checking my already completed worksheet.

How was the chapter? It might have been a little boring but its to kick off the story so please stay for a bit

sugabearkaycreators' thoughts
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