
Her Sweet Warrior

I am Tsu-Ming Xui. And I have lived my life wrongly. I have loved the wrong person. And for that, I have been betrayed while betraying the one person who I should have never hurt from the beginning. Upon my dying breath, only one thought had remained. If I had a chance to go back... I would love him with all my heart. The gods must have answered, because when I awake, I am back in Esteria. Only- Everything is different. And so was he. This time it was my turn to love him and be by his side in the end. Even if it meant I had to try forever. [Note: This is not a reincarnation story, but will be one where the heroin wakes up in a parallel world instead. This story may involve more than one POV, although it says it's from the female point of view]

Skipabbeat · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

Just as he had predicted, his father was seated on the lounges bunched together in the middle of the room. The cup of freshly brewed tea atop the table had been untouched. The lord stood towards the back of the room, his arms crossed behind his back, staring at the beyond through the clear glass window that outlined the back of the wall. It was a simple action, but somehow, he still seemed to illuminate a beautiful radiance.


His father's attention shifted to the doorway where he stood.


"Han Fei."


"Father," he replied.


His father's gaze drifted to the lord. "I am not at the manor to pay you a visit today. I am here to see seek your Lord's audience."


"I understand. I was just in the courtyard when I happened to see you pass by in a hurried manner. Has something concerning happened? And may I be of use?"


He addressed him from his current spot, knowing full well that he may have walked into a conversation in which his presence was not welcome. And until the lord clearly invited him to join the conversation Han Fei wouldn't take a step. His question was greeted with silence but the worry that slowly seeped into his dark eyes answered for him. Han Fei's father was not a man of much worries other than that of his blacksmith and family.


"It is fine, Chao." The lord finally spoke. His voice was low with a calm undertone. "Han Fei you make take your seat."


"Yes, my lord." Han Fei chose the couch opposite from his father as he always felt more comfortable looking at a person directly in the face when they talked.


"Very well." His father leaned forward, his hands resting on his knees, his hands interlocking. "He would have reported it to you eventually."


"Now..." The lord says slowly. "Tell me what it is you wish to discuss with me." His back stays faced towards them while he listens closely.


"It is actually more of a report."


"What type of report?" Han Fei asked.


"As you may be aware, a few months ago I was called upon by his majesty, Zo Ming."


"Yes," Lord Feng confirms. "There was mention of it in the last letter I had received from him."


For the five years that Han Fei had lived at Ren Xui manner, the emperor frequently sent and exchanged letters with Feng Ren Xui frequently. Although he had never made his presence known in the manor, it was clear they shared some deep-rooted ties. It also held wait when he was given the title of Lord and appointed power to govern and manage smaller problems within his kingdom. From the occasional conversations he picked up between the workers, there were whisperings that Zye Mai may have been of royal blood. Alas, it was speculation on their part, and no one knew how they had formed such close relations.

"I had personally met with him in private, per his request, and he had asked of me to create a work of steel which would be unique, cut through the sharpest of bamboo, and be personally crafted for him."

This reveal of information did not surprise Han Fei as his father had a renowned reputation for being the greatest forgeman that Esteria had seen in decades. It was not uncommon for him to take an interest. It was just unsettling that his family could be in danger upon the emperor finding his work unsatisfied for any reason. He still recalled the time when an emperor's messenger had knocked on their door. They had been surprised when the messenger had presented his royal edict which stated that they would supply the weapons for his imperial army. It had come as a blessing for them as they had been struggling financially. His gracefulness allowed for business to thrive. Once the news had swarmed over the region, many neighbours and travellers came to buy goods from his store.

Han Fei felt himself lean forward as his father continued. He knew something important was coming and that he had to listen carefully.

"One week ago, that very sword which I handed to the royal guards who were tasked with delivering it was stolen while on their travels and they were killed in the process."

Han Fei looked towards the lord awaiting his response. He was silent as he absorbed his father's words. Eventually, he asked, "how did you get a hold of this information?"  

"The majesty had sent his royal guards to retrieve me two weeks later after the news had reached him. I was escorted back to the palace and brought in front of the king." His voice was heavy.  "Of course, he was enraged.  Demanding who I had told about his request."

"And did you tell anyone, father?"

He shook his head. "Of course not. I have no idea who could have done it."

"Zo Ming would not have let you go just like that." Lord Feng chooses that moment to turn around and look in his father's direction with careful eyes. His midnight hair is bunched into a topknot above his head and held with a pin. His face is smooth and youthful. A face with no imperfections that doesn't match his age. A total opposite to his low voice and sharp wit.  "So how did you manage to escape his wrath?"

A dark look shadowed his father's eyes, seeming to take him into another moment for a brief time. "I had relayed to him that a strange man had appeared at my workshop and had seemed too interested in my business dealings and steelworks."

"While I believe that, I believe it is still not enough for his majesty to dissipate his anger."

"Indeed." He nodded. "That is also why I am here today."

Lord Feng raises an eyebrow, his speech slow and pronounced. "Oh, is that so? And how am I related to this?"

His father then reaches into the gap of his sleeve and pulls out a piece of folded paper. "For you," he tells him, extending the paper out in his direction. He lowers his head slightly, not wanting to align their gazes as the Lord's expression turns into one of concentrated caution.  He breaks the distance between them until he is hovering in front of him. Tender fingers grasp the paper and it crinkles as he opens it to reveal the inside. It is not read aloud. Nor does his father lift his head as he does so. Nether-the-less, his focus zones in on his face which is neutral at this given moment. It takes his Lord Fenh scanning half of the page for him to stop and his gaze to fall onto his father for a brief moment before continuing. Han Fei's stomach drops knowing that is not a good sign for his father. When he is done, he turns Han Fei and presents the letter to him.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

He nods.

"Very well." It is taken from his hands as Han Fei opens it and scans the content.

For you Feng Ren Xui from Zo Mong.

For you Feng Ren Xui from Zo Mong.

My sword which Chao oversaw the making of has been stolen by bandits while on the way to me. At first, I was enraged and looked to questioning him about who he may have told to have them steal from me their emperor. Then It was brought to my attention that a mysterious stranger had visited him three days prior and showed a lot of interest in his forgery. I have allegations to believe that this isn't a mere thieving but something more. If my instincts prove to be true, then this may be the work of Qin Ko. Chao has as much confidence as I place in you when it comes to your capabilities and we believe that you will be able to uproot this stranger's identity and bring me clues as to where my sword may be.

Chao has with him a sketch of the man. From my connections, he is laying in hiding at Tai Chu brothel. You must find him.

The paper weighed heavier than the time before he opened it. This was something written from the majesty himself and wasn't meant for his eyes. The fact that the Lord entrusted him to read it brought joy to his heart. This man really deserved his loyalty.

"Have you read it?"

Han nods solemnly.

"Then you have also picked up that your father had personally named me, and this is why this task has been handed down to me?" The agitation in his voice was clear. The Lord was selective with what work he assigned himself so that he may prioritise his efforts on the search for his daughter.  What he was feeling was justified as he could not decline, and it would take all his attention.

 "Yes." His voice was laced with guilt. "I apologise in my father's stead." He did not speak, but Han Fei felt his gaze rest on him from under his brown locks. Feng places a hand on Han Fei's shoulder and squeezes gently.

"While this is truly annoying, Chao…" He looked down at his father who finally met his gaze. "I will let this matter go for the sake of your son. And that is only because a child should never take on the burden of a parent."  

Shame clouded his father at Feng's scolding. He bows his head as he says, "thank you."

"Now," he takes a seat beside Han Fei on the couch. "Show me this sketch."