
Her Sweet Vengeance

Calissy Seek for Vengeance after she got out of prison for wrong accusations about her twin Sister murdered . She used her Twin Sister Identity in order to caught the Serial killer or the criminal who killed her Twin Sister. Calissy has no other plan in life just to get Revenge she is the Justice by herself.

Sayo_Nara_4589 · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

The News

Calissy are confused and worried at the same time, after her sister end they're conversation. "Something strange is happening with her" she shook her head and tried to erase her thoughts.

Calissy head back inside at the Club."Hey you okay?" Allison ask her. She shrugged and sat down at her own leather couch.

"Cassy called me" she exclaim and drink her tequila. Allison grimace at her drink her shot too.

"So? What did she say?" Allison ask her what are the two of them talking on the phone. Calissy sit properly and look at her friends.

"Well she's weird asusual, but she's more weirder earlier" and then she shrugged.

Suzette frown at her and even gave her a 'are you sure your not also weird too?' look. " She keep saying I love you and I need to be always healthy that's odd really" She shook her head and took another shot.

Her companion laughed and shook it even more at her. "Come on that's her nature Calissy. She care a lot about you amd worried at the same time since you're stubborn British girl I Know ha ha ha"

She smirked at it and she just laughed at them "Well maybe she's worried about you Cali or maybe your parents wants your presence at Oxford." Suzette and then she Laugh due to the alcohol.

She then think that maybe her sister wants her to go back in England and kneel down her knee and beg for forgiveness at her grandma.

Her grandmother dismissed her for not attending Oxford University. "It's also your fault that Calissy, because You didn't obey them." Allison said that to Calissy, but Calissy just grimace at her.

"Who would like to study about that shitty Law Ally? No one" She said those words like she feels disgusted about that courses " and besides that's not my thing Ally I have my own rule in life"

"Wait is it kind of words like My own body my rule?" Suzette asking she had no idea about Law just like Her.

Allison roled her eyes and then she laughed " Who says that being a lawyer is shitty? Look at me I'm a successful lawyer in England oh wait" she pause " I'm the most respectful lawyer in the universe"

Suzette laugh at Allison"while Oh not sure about that Ally you doesn't look like a Lawyer to me hahahah" obviously Suzette is drunk already.

" Huh did you just say that I'm not capable? come on you have no idea about the law and besides I am the law.." Allison gesture her hands as she's so proud at her Profession.

She looked at them with her weird expression look " You guys are really not okay is this because of the alcohol who didn't go through to your body?" Allison and Suzette stop and look at her with their 'are you with us Calissy' look.

"I'm not drunk yet Calissy I'm only little bit dizzy but I'm not drunk yeah too early to be drunk" Suzette.

"Me too I'm not drunk Calissy I'm still good" Allison raised her hand wave it to the air.

"Ha ha ha kay if you say so then it's party time cheers for our own rule" Calissy raised her shot glass and so her companion do the same thing.

Allison and Calissy are childhood friend while Suzette? They only meet at New York restaurant.

Suzette is a professional cheff at the age of 25 Suzette own the Three branches of Collette restaurant.

While Allison is the most Very outstanding lawyer in the world. People respect her so much. After she graduated before at Law School at the age of 22 . She get a lot of offer in different Law Firm after Allison win all of the unsolved cases.

Calissy stared at her friends who typically drank, they will surely enjoy the night and get waisted.

Calissy studied at New York as director, but then she stopped after she joined in modeling industry. That's why her grandma and so her own Mother and father abandoned her as she didn't follow their step as a next Lawyer just like them. Which is only Cassy who inherited their dreams.

(May 6 2012 6:50 am around Las Vegas.)..

Calissy woke up due to her phone keep ringing it's been thirty minutes but it seems like they don't stop calling her until she will answer it. "Hello?" She answer the call using her sleepy voice.

The caller sigh and she can even heard some noise at the sorrounding."Hello this is the New York police Ma'am" she frowned and confuse at the same. Who wouldn't though that she received a call Early in the morning. and it's the New York police.

"Oh that's odd! why would the New York police called me at this hour? " She rubb her temple and stretch her leg.

"Ma'am we saw your contact number at the murdered person cellphone. So we assume that your her relative and we wanted to check that we didn't call the wrong number" Her eyes suddenly open and stood up at her bed.

"I'm sorry can you repeat that again?" Did she just heard murdered?.

If then, then who? She's confused really really confuse.

The man cleared his voice and then he spoke "We found the body here at the Central Park around 4:30 am," And then he Pause. Calissy's hand started trembling, She can't even focus for what reason? she doesn't know why.

"And we just discovered her identity, after we check her things." The police man keep telling the detail.

She took a deep breath and ask! " Uhm can I asked what's the name of the person who's being killed?" She clench her fist trying to keep calm.

"She's British" Calissy's heart keeps pounding she's nervous hoping that's she's not right, of what she's thinking right now, no never. "And it's Cassy Dnisch-- hey it's Dnisch right" Calissy's hand fell down.

"Cassy! no no she's not yeah Cassy is alive they got the wrong number to call Yeah" She keep convincing her self but her heart and mind can't get along with her. "Hello ma'am hello?" the Police keep talking but she keep shaking her head.

She won't believe it, no Cassy is not dead. Cassy is alive they talk last night so she won't let herself being swayed only for what she heard from a stranger. "How sure you are that it's my sister I won't believe you sire, my sister is alive she's not dead she can't be" her voice crack and keep holding her tears.

She keeps saying no at the police and then she hang up the call, "I'Il need to call my sister" she dial her sister phone number and then she took a deep breath while grithing her teeth. after two ring her sister answer her call Which make her put at ease.

"Hello ma'am I believe you are her relative" She know this voice it's the police man who called her second ago. "the owner of this phone is dead will bring her body at the Mortage here New York, will give the whole detail if you come with us so we will start investigate the crime"

After those words Calissy drop her phone and she fell on the floor trembling, with teary eyes. She couldn't do nothing but cry her Sister is dead. Her fist tightened as she knelt at the news

'Cassy is Dead'

She just cried and cried until she thought of going to Cassy's corpse. Her mind is blank the only thing she wants right now is to fly back in New York to see her Sister dead body.

She wipe her tears and fix all her things she had to go and see her sister, who ever did this to her sister, will suffer at her wrath.

Her phone rang so she picked it up without checking who the hell called her. "Speak" She ask it coldly.

"Hey it's Ally my mum called me have you heard the News?" She closed her eyes firmly and nodded as if Allison are talking in front of her.

"Yeah" she answered sparingly.

She heard Allison sigh on the other line, "You okay right? I'm flying back to oxford what about you?" She was sadly dazed and even swallowed before answering. "I'll fly back to New York the police called me earlier they sent my sister corpse at the New York mortage"

"But my Mum said your parents will get your sister dead body and bring her to Oxford that's your grandmother's order. Why don't you come with me instead?" She shook her head.

"No I'll go figure it out why my sister being killed before I'll fly to oxford" then she hang up the call.

(1:00 pm around New York)..

Calissy arrive at the New York and then she went straight to Mortage to see and to find out who killed her sister.

Police gestured to her sister's corpse, she slowly removed the cloth covering her dead body, shaking her hand as she slowly opened its blanket.

She covered her mouth after seeing her sister's cold corpse. "Who did this to my sister? Who?" She shouted at the Police in rage mixing all her emotions.

The police tried to calm her down before he spoke. "The crime scene was still under investigation. She was dead when people saw her. According to the report, she had a stab wound in the side, and she died because she lost a lot of blood on her body." the Police explained to her.

Stabbed? She still looked at the police angrily, before she looked at the side of Cassy's body. She saw its stab in the body, and she stunned there. "We are already investigating the incident and we will just let you know." The Police said "You can take home the victim's body." Before it leaves.

Calissy knelt down as she examined Cassy's dead body "The one who did this will pay you Cassy I promise that, she/he will pay for what she/he did to you" Calissy's fist clenched and her jaw tightened.

"Where is she?" Calissy looked at the voice of her Mum who was also entering the room. She immediately stood up and greeted hee. But a hard slap greeted Calissy's face from her Mum.

Calissy turned to the right due to the force of the impact that her Mum had slapped on her. "This is all your fault, I wish you had just come home last night to join her here, you'd should have put aside your vice first"

" Mum" She mutter, Her Mum look at her coldly with the teary eye.

" Don't dare to say a single words not at once Calissy, even if you explain yourself this is still your fault because she died. You never do anything good in our family but a mess" Her mother stopped her from approaching. The Disappointed and madness through to her from her mother's eyes is killing her so much.

She lower down her head and look away because it's true she had no right to speak. Because her Mum was right it was her fault, it happened because she didn't pay attention to Cassy's strange gesture and speech. She tugged at her own hair before she looked at her Father. staring at Cassy's corpse.

And then her father face her "Fix yourself your coming with us to Oxford" She just nodded and take a Short glance at her Mum then she leave her parents mourning at her Sister's death inside at the mortgage.

She left them with teary eyes as her parents blame her sister's death. She's devastated of her sister's death she went out of the Mortage feeling blank, she even looks like a living corpse walking.

And then Suddenly someone bump on her but she didn't put her attention to the person who bump her. She look at her sorrounding People walking and chatting, the sounds of the Car the siren and all.