
How it all began

A child was born in an hospital in Paris. Nobody remembers when , but it was the day a baby girl was born an orphan. It was a pity for she was such a beautiful and young woman.

" who was she ?" asked the the doctor

" I have no idea she was lying on the streets when we found here, I think she had walked a long distance for her shoes were worn out " replied the nurse .

"she must be unmarried for as no ring " the doctor said

They left the baby in the care of the hospital's orphanage and name her Maria.

Maria grew up with other children who were very kind to her .

Some children were born trouble makers but others like Maria didn't have any one to care for them. Mrs Lynn , a nurse that works for the hospital that owns the orphanage was a frequent visitor at the orphanage. She had married for five years with no children so she found joy in her heart whenever she visited the children at the orphanage.

On one of her such visits , she sat on a bench thinking of when she will have children of her own .

She was in a train of thought when she felt some one sit by her .

She turned and saw little Maria sitting by her side looking at her with affection.

"If anything is the problem tell me and I will help you" Maria said

" sweetie , that's really kind of you but I don't think you can help me with this burden of mine" replied Mrs Lynn

" Have you tried asking God , one time I wanted Ice cream , I asked God for it and you know what, I got ice cream to eat that day so try asking " Maria replied

Mrs Lynn looked at the innocent girl and couldn't hold the tears she was fighting any more .

She cried her heart out as Maria patted her shoulders.

Maria might be just a child but she thought like an adult and had a kind and loving heart.

As days went by Maria and Mrs Lynn grew closer to each other and bonded well .