
Amber is all red

Ria knew already what Amber and her accomplice Kelly had install for her but she decided to behave as if she knew nothing.

She woke up in the morning, took her shower , wore her uniform and tied up her hair into two buns living some of the strands to fall. She kept on lip gloss and eyeliner. she took a look in the mirror and she loved how she looked.

Well it was show time and she was going to watch Amber and her accomplice humiliate themselves completely.

She took her school bag and headed downstairs . Today lessons would begin and she needed to have a good impression on the teachers. It seems like she woke up early because nobody was there except Selina who was busy doing something she didn't no .Of all the maids in the house she liked Selina the most .

She made cornflakes and started eating it , she was still eating when Amber joined her at the kitchen table but she didn't even spare a glance at her .

" Good morning sis " Amber greeted naturally

"good morning " Ria replied not bothering to look at Amber

" ain't you happy to see me " Amber said

" well I don't have time for your jokes Miss Amber and by the way what is do good about this morning and since when did you accept me as your sister" Ria asked sincerely

"I was only trying to be nice " Amber said innocently

" will you drop that at because I already know who you truly are and there is no need to be nice to me " Ria stated truthfully

"you Little devil how dare you speak to me that way " Amber said ready to explode

"you dare call me a little devil , you spoilt brat who doesn't care about anyone but yourself " Ria replied letting out a light chuckle

"How dare you call me a spoilt brat " Amber said with her face all red from anger

" if you are not a spoilt brat then what are you , you have already proven to be a spoilt and arrogant child " Ria replied

Amber was ready to dig her nail into Ria's face but before she could do anything her aunt entered the kitchen so she stopped . She was always on her best behavior around her aunty .

"Good morning Mom "

"Good morning aunt "

both Ria and Amber greeted together

"good morning my angels, how were your nights " Mrs Lynn asked

"great " they both chorused and continued with their breakfast.

Soon their driver came and they went to school . Immediately they got to school Amber rushed out of the car but one thing she did not know was that Ria already knew what she was up to.


In class

"is the paint and glue ready" Amber asked her friends much more her minions

"Yes" Anna one of Amber's friends was the one that replied

"that Ria will regret messing with our Amber "Kelly said and all the girls said

They kept the glue on the chair they suspected Ria would sit on and they were ready to pour the red paint in Ria the moment she entered the class.

But their plan really back fired , it seems like Ria wasn't coming to class and Amber went out to call her so when she was returning her friends thought she was Ria and poured the paint right on her.

when they realised their mistake the took a chair for her to sit and oh my it was the chair with the glue on the moment she sat down her butt got stuck. soon the bell rang and classes began students filed into the class and some took pictures of Amber .Amber tried to get up but she was stuck . Everyone was laughing except Ria she looked at Amber with sad eyes. Amber forced to get up and her dress got torn she rushed to the washroom out of embarrassment with her friends tailing behind her .

She took a shower and her friends got her a new uniform to wear.

On social media her pictures were every where she couldn't look at anybody in class and she was so depressed but she didn't want to give up.

She told her friends to meet her after school at a cafe to make plans against Ria.