

{NOTE! ~THIS IS A STANDALONE SEQUEL OF 'HER BLOOD'} In a world where immortality reigns, life knows no end. However, immortals are divided into two categories: the strong and the weak. The weak can be easily killed, often possessing vulnerabilities that make them susceptible to the superior immortals. * Tragedy strikes when my father, a weak immortal with a fated weakness, is killed by a man I once revered. This man, who cannot be vanquished, has also passed down his trait to me through my mother. I hold both my mother and this man accountable for my father's demise and all the ensuing events. Even though my mother sent the man into hiding to atone for the pain caused, I am certain that he will return. Only this time, it will be different. He will come back to complete what he started, to seek vengeance and forcefully take back what belonged to him. ***

FaeyVor5651 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
136 Chs


She carefully inhaled the blooming flowers in her garden and a smile of satisfaction played on her lips.

Beside her stood a little boy of about three, watching her in quietness.

The lady's eyes opened and she turned to face her son. Her smile stretched at the sight of him and she plucked a flower from the others and handed it to him.

A charming smile played on his lips as he took hold of the flower by its stem.

"Thank you, mummy." He leaned in and planted a light kiss on her cheek.

Her face brightened at his action and she laughed in happiness before standing up straight and taking his free hand so they could take a little stroll around the mansion.


"Yes, darling?"

The woman stared down at her son, giving him all her attention.

"Will I have a sister one day?" He looked up at her with questioning eyes.

At his question, the woman gave it a thought because it wasn't an easy question.