
Her Sex Life

Cassie always wished to become an adult sooner when she was a kid, She dreamed to have a fabulous and extravagant wedding and marry to the man she loves. Like those couples she watched on Dramas. When Cassie reached her adulthood, She finds that life isn't easy at all and her dream...she thought, it was really just a dream.... Cassie's life track went upside down. All she just wanted someone will love her and cared for her, but she never thought, her life will become a mess...Totally a mess!.... Cassie had into many relationships but all of them were failed! They're just wanted to have SEX at her. How could Cassie coped up her life? Is she can find someone who will willing to accept her wholeheartedly? Accepting her past and loved her forever....or she will end up being alone for the rest of her life?

Starlady08 · Urban
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46 Chs

Back to school...

Summer vacation end so soon. Cassie felt lazy going back to school. Rex spent the rest of vacation with her and thinking right now, she will missed her boyfriend Rex everytime.

Rex went back to his dorm while Cassie left in their house. Today is her first day of school. Her mom sends her early in the morning.

While in the car with her mom, Cassie remembered those days with Rex. She misses her boyfriend so badly. Thinking about how Rex make love to her, she can't help it but she feels the intense shivery sensation especially Rex lick her pussy and suck it. She felt like his tongue still on her and it drives her crazy.

Cassie silently moaned and she's now very wet, very very wet down there. She's now so horny, she wanted somone fuck her right now.

Cassie let out a deep breath and walked out from the car.

When their class was already done, Cassie still feel very uncomfortable. She and her classmate left alone cleaning the whole room. Cassie was in the deep thought when her classmate asked her. " Cass, What's wrong with you? The whole day you are so moody."

Cassie told him. " Can you eat me?"

Her classmate shocked on what she just said.

"W-what did you say?" John said then he felt his throat gone dry. Cassie come nearer him she get his hand bring it to her dripping pussy.

" See John?.. I'm very horny now.."

John gently touched her wetness. Cassie moan as she feel the good sensation. She sit at the center table. She widened her legs, like inviting him to come and she let John saw her dripping pussy. John come near her and he start touching her using his tongue. He saw Cassie tighten her grip on the edge of the table.

"oooohhhhh.... Ooooohhhhh... Hmmmm.... Aaaahhhhhhh... Oooohhhhh...." Cassie looked at him with weary eyes. It gives him more courage to deepened licking her pussy. John put his tongue inside her and Cassie let out loud moan as he keep it pumping on and then suck.

"oooohhhhhhh..... Yyyeeeaaahhh.... Ooooohhhhh.... Jooohhhnnn..... Hmmmmnn..."

John keep doing it until Cassie feel the contentment what John did.

" oooohhhhh... Cass... You are so Sweet..." John said when he lick his lips to taste her sweetness and smiled... He bring out his erected dick out and massage it in front of her. Cassie anticipated to it and she gasped as she saw how hard it was now.

John rub it on her clits before he go inside her.

"oooohhhhhhh..... Oooohhhhh... Hhhmmmmmnnn.... Ohhhhh!"

John got deeper and deeper inside her, then pumped her harder..

"Ooooohhhhh... Johhnnnn.... Fuck me harder!.... Ooohhhh.... Ooohhhh...." Cassie said while moaning.

John did what she said... "Hmmmm... Ooohhhh... Yeahhh... Cass...oohh....."John replied by moaning...

" John, I'm cuming! Aaaahhh.... Oooohhh... Hmmmnn...." Cassie blurted as she was caught her breathing.

" W-wait... Ooohhhh... Ahhh..... Oooohhhhh... Hhhmmmm..."then they both exhausted and breathing fast as they reached their glories.

"Hhhmmmmnn...You are so good, John" Cassie said still panting.

"You too Cass, you are so yummy." he smiled naughtily.

They fixed their clothes as they heard noises from the outside and they saw a group of students passed by.