

He stared at her grave for a while as if pondering over something before placing a bouquet of white lilies on her grave.

"H..how" He was hesitant to speak at first but suddenly had the courage to do so. "How are you doing mother?"

"It's been while now since I came to Finland and I'm surprisingly loving it here." He unknowingly smiled.

"Amelia is beginning to grow on me. You know, she is just like you. Pretty and fierce. She is also sometimes petty and scary." He let out a soft laugh, his eyes glistening with tears.

"Marlow is also doing well for a young man his age. He might be shy and quiet at first but he's quite the talkative when he talks about his dreams that is. He also tends to hold grudges just like you." He sighed, wiping his tears away before it could slide down his cheeks.

"You should've seen his face when he found out I and Amelia went out without him."