

“What are the odds…” he paused, trying to memorise her every expression as much as he could.

“what?” she asked him, finding it hard to understand what he was saying.

They stood there silent for a while in a garden of daffodils and roses.

“What are the odds that you wouldn’t fall in love with me.” Fiddling with the side pocket of his woollen jacket, he managed to speak.

They were engulfed by silence once again… she didn’t utter a word, neither did he. Those cold, fierce eyes of hers faltered for the very first time… he could swear he saw those cold eyes of hers turn sad but like a gust of wind… it disappeared.

“That wouldn’t be possible, you see… all my tears have been used up…… on another love.” A cold smile formed on her face, her eyes staring brutally at him with her face showing the slightest emotion. Despite the fact that she had a radiant smile on her face, he knew it was just a facade as her eyes would always betray her whenever she faked her emotions… how did he become so attached to her? When did his love for her begin and how will it end? How did he fall in love with such a cruel woman? Several thoughts ran through his mind.

“Another love?” he murmured, his sad eyes looking elsewhere but not at her.

“Hmm…… another love.” She chuckled lightly unable to say anything else.

“I wanted to take you somewhere…” placing his hands on her face, he drew nearer to her, his face inching closer to hers.

“And you brought me to a garden of daffodils.” A sardonic expression formed on her face.

“I thought……” He was hurt, seeing her give him such a mocking look… he didn’t expect her to be so cold and distant towards him… he felt similar to being a nobody to her again… he was back to where they started off.

“Thought what? Did you possibly think that bringing me here would melt my heart? How ridiculous can one be?” she laughed at him but her eyes despised him… so he thought.

“No, I just wanted to make you ha……” he was puzzled. How could she read his mind and speak so cruelly to him? how could she not feel what he felt? And then a sudden thought came to his mind… she had no emotions.

“Happy? You wanted to make me happy?” she placed her hands on his, slowly removing his hands from her face.

“No one can make me happy… not even you can make me happy.” She scoffed, her eyes burning with unending anger.

“You seem to be forgetting what I told you from the start… I told you that you shouldn’t do anything that would piss me off and now I’m damn pissed off.” She closed her eyes, holding back the fury burning inside of her. She couldn’t understand why she was so angry at him… maybe… maybe it was because she had fallen in love with him but couldn’t admit it… she couldn’t have fallen in love with him… right? falling in love wasn’t an option for her.

“I just wanted to do something for you, how can you be so spiteful with your words… your heart must have been terribly broken to be like this.” A feeling of anger suddenly consumed him. Was it wrong to do something special for someone he loved?

“what if my heart was terribly broken… would you say you would be there for me through thick and thin, you’d protect me from everyone out to hurt me and that you’d never give up on me… would you say those fantasy lines to me? Those words mean nothing to me… they are as meaningless as this garden of daffodils and roses.” she caressed his face, giving off an ingenuine smile. She was really heartless.

“Don’t be difficult.” She laughed wickedly at him as she took a step away from him… and then another step and then another until he was miles away from her. He stayed in place, not wanting to take another look at her… he would rather let her go than have her see him as a weakling hurt by her words and what was it with those fake smiles?

“I wish we never meet again… and if we do meet, I hope you’ll be reminded of today.” She shouted as she kept on walking away.

“And one more thing, I hate flowers.” She crushed some roses under her foot.

“Why do you smile so much when it hurts?” he shouted out loud bringing her feet to an abrupt stop. He took long strides towards her and finally caught up with her.

“If it isn’t funny then don’t smile… you are human…… don’t just smile when you’re not okay. Huh?” he held her hands, tears brewing up in his eyes.

“Why? Do you pity me? Do you think I’m miserable?” she pulled his hands away from hers.

“No… I don’t pity you but don’t ever smile like that when you’re in so much pain… If you continue to smile like that… I might just cling unto you and never let you go.” He drew her towards himself and placed a warm kiss on her forehead.

Once again, everything stood still.