

“Can we just decide on this together?” Fedrick slammed his hands on the office desk. He had been watching them argue back and forth like they were children.

“No! we’ve always done it my way and that’s how it’s going to be moving forward.” She brushed through her hair with her fingers. There was no way she was going to give in.

“Well as the new president of Arctic Hotel, I say otherwise.” He wasn’t ready to give in either.

“But……” Fedrick yanked on her dark grey three pieces suit but she refused to listen to him.

“President? You call yourself a president? You know nothing about the hotel… your brain is really empty when it comes to things like this so don’t try to play president and subordinate with me.” She placed her hands in her pockets, maintaining a calm expression but her eyes always said the exact opposite.

“Did she just call me dumb?” Ethan looked so dumbstruck and ready to throw a fit.