

“Hello brother Ethan, have you seen the article?” he could feel the worry in her voice.

Taking his mug of coffee from the coffee maker in his kitchen, he replied, “I saw it a few hours ago and Kirsi is working on it.”

“What the hell happened?” Amelia did not want to raise her voice at him but her words came out that way.

“All we did was try to help.” Ethan sighed, feeling aggrieved. He left the kitchen and headed for his room.

“And see how that turned out. You guys are quite the attention seekers, Bravo!” Amelia sneered.

“I had a bad feeling when those two ladies asked for my help.” Ethan murmured before taking a sip of his coffee, remembering how Mitchell and Anne literally begged him to help them.

“Then you shouldn’t have helped. When you feel like that just say no.” Amelia advised him like it was an easy thing to do.