
HER RETURN: Justice Severed hot

Eva Green, a young and ambitious girl known for her healing skills until she was accused of killing the Old Beta. She was Jailed and tortured under the command of Alpha Wang. Thinking that things would get better after she found out that she was Mated to the Alpha but she was wrong. She was raped and sentenced but escaped death with the help of her maid who got killed on her behalf. But the devil cared less making her shattered as she watched her maid being killed and the cruel smile of her mate as she ran........ Then she met him...... THE DEVIL...... 8years later, with his help she raised her son and became the Luna of the most dreaded and feared Pack in the world. He helped her get her confidence back and now she's back for REVENGE...... HOW WILL SHE TREAT THOSE WHO HURT HER DEEPLY IN THE PAST???? WILL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEATH OF OLD BETA EVER BE REVEALED???? WILL SHE SAVE THE PACK FROM ITS LOOMING DANGER???

Egbuna_Favour_7145 · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 8


I was resting on Derrick's shoulders when I noticed a pair of eyes staring at me from the window. I smiled at Derrick and went to check it out, but couldn't find anything.

" Derrick, I don't think we should tonight" I suggested, looking him in the eye. 

" What do you mean? You and I know staying here will only bring more harm than good to your health, and if anything happens to you then I wouldn't be able to take it likely " I said, I could see the frustration in his eyes and in his voice.

" This is my destiny Rick, I can't run away from it. If I don't do it then I might lose my mother and I can't stand that, I can lose every other thing in the world but I can't afford to lose you, Liam and my mom. I know that I'm currently mad at my mom for not supporting me back then that doesn't mean that I don't love her. She's all I have left on the world after my dad left us, and you know one of the main reasons why I want to stay aside from my mom is that a seriously want to find out the reason of who murdered Old Beta that night. Cuz whoever person that did that, did it immediately I left the room but the one question that kept lingering on my mind is where was Knight when the thing took place?" I explained to him because I know that he has a lot of understanding. 

" There are so many deep secret surrounding this Pack but that doesn't mean that you will let it consume you, but you are beginning to change. You might not see it but it's coming and I can feel it Eva" he's faced was masked with sadness.

" I don't understand how am changing but you know I can't abandon my place " 

" This same place that abandoned you when you needed them the most " he almost yelled me. " You promise....." 

" I promised nothing" I cut him off.

" What about our child? If I leave you here then what will I tell Mother , Jade. What???" He raised his voice Abit.

" I don't know but I feel a dark energy, I know that there's more than met the eye. This place is slowly becoming a place of dark energy, you don't feel it but I do and that's the reason why I want to fight" I resorted back.

" This step you are about to take will surely hurt our son" 

" I'm not working out on him, neither am I rejecting him. So tell me where in what way am I hurting him? I only want the best for us all, even if I don't fight they will come for us because of me, do you know I found out? Do you!!!!! I found out that Hecate sent a maid to soy on us in our Pack and deliberately claimed to be pregnant for you if I hadn't been smart enough to discover her silly moves only goddess knows where we would have been by now!!!!! I've told you it's either I fight them all or they fight me, either way I have to still do it!!!" I yelled breathlessly. " There are two witches in the spark currently one is very close to the Alpha and the second one is almost getting closed to the Luna, and do you know what that means that means 'DOOM' I have never been so confused in my entire life I don't want to do this but somehow I'm still being dragged back to where I don't want to do something that I don't want and I'm trying to make you understand that I don't want to do it but you still don't want to understand. So tell me how I should make you understand, give me reasons on how I should make you understand my feelings, my emotions my...." I sighed heavily. I don't know what else to do I don't just know why sometimes Derek feels to see everything in my own perspective. I understand that he's looking out for me but at this point I think I have to take it up by myself. We both cannot keep staying here. Our Pack is empty and porous to rogue wolves to attack us at any time. 

" I understand everything Eva, just that I don't want you to be drawn into something you can't come out from" as soon as he said that he kissed me. Some how all my worries disappear, all my anger and frustration. He broke the kiss and looked deep into my eyes 

" We both have become the one Derrick, so you can feel each time I mean danger you can come for me, or I can come to you whenever I need you, I can send a message across to you but for now I seriously need to know the reason behind everything that has happened in this Pack. This place is drowning in darkness and if something is not done about it I think it will be regretted soon enough so please come begging you not as your Luna but as your wife to leave me do this" I begged him gently. 

" Fine but that doesn't mean I won't give Wang is serious warning about you because if anything should happen to you I will burn down this place single-handedly" he threatened with a poker face.

" You look cute when you act like a child. Do whatever thing you want I will stop you, that's why I love you" I grinned happily like a child.

He pinched my nose gently and hugged me. This was exactly what I wanted, to be left alone in the Pack so that I can properly investigate what's the priest told me. My first step in this plan is making Henna and Selena my best friends. If am able to drag the closer to me then I will be able to dictate which witch is going close to the Alpha and Luna. 

★★★ GARDEN ★★★

Alpha Wang sat down on the long bench staring at the flowers before him, this Flowers were planted by Eva when she was still a maid. Even after her death, he still made sure that none it went down. 


" I don't know why she keeps coming to my head, maybe because of the presence Xanthe" Wang replied.


" They are leaving tonight according to Alpha Derrick, but I have to find out the reason why we still feel connected to her. I need to stop them from leaving tonight and try to convince Luna Xanthe to stay back. Maybe she's our mate but we can't find out until the full moon. I can't for the full moon, I have to keep her till then" Wang said, standing up but met Henna walking towards him. 

* WE WILL TALK LATER* Alford said cutting off the mind Link.

Henna approached Wang with an undefined look on her face, her eyes fixed on his blank expression. She knew this wouldn't be easy, but she had to try.

"Wang, please listen to me," Henna began, her voice was calm and respectful. Despite Wang being the Alpha she still calls him his name because they have grown to be very close.

Wang raised an eyebrow, his gaze never let hers. "What is it, Henna? Can't Selena apologize herself?"

Henna took a deep breath, anticipating his resistance. "Selena is too proud, Wang. She won't admit her mistakes, but I know she regrets her actions. She's willing to make amends, but she needs your help."

Wang snorted. "Her pride is more important than her relationships? I'm not impressed, Henna. Why should I care about her regrets?"

Henna's hands clenched into fists, but she kept her tone even. "Because, Wang, despite her flaws, Selena cares about you deeply. She's willing to learn from her mistakes and work towards rebuilding your trust. But she needs your forgiveness to move forward."

Wang's gaze narrowed, his voice dripping with skepticism. "And why should I forgive her? What's in it for me?"

Henna's eyes pleaded with him. "Because holding onto grudges only harms both of you. Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting what happened, but rather releasing the negative emotions associated with it. It's a chance for both of you to heal and move forward as the Alpha and Luna"

Wang's expression remained blank, but Henna sensed a glimmer of uncertainty in his eyes. She pressed on, her words heartfelt. "Wang, I know you're hurt, and rightfully so. But please, don't let that pain consume you. Selena's willing to work towards redemption. Meet her halfway, and let's work together towards healing and understanding."

The silence that followed was palpable, Wang's gaze never leaving Henna's face. She held her breath, hoping her words had penetrated his armor. Finally, he spoke, his voice softening ever so slightly. "I'll think about it, Henna. But it's not going to be easy." He walked away.

" He always listens to me no matter what and that's what I want. Am very close to getting what from them" she smirked wickedly, began walking out of the garden too.