
I am Enchantress

It has been two weeks since Jia returned to Beijing and she wanted to see her mother but she didn't want to go to the Chen Mansion. She decided to set up a meeting between herself and her mother.

Wu Zihua went out in the morning to buy some fruits and pills. She was looking really pale and gloomy. Han Meili and her daughter had been making life unbearable for her and her daughter was nowhere to be found.

She was absent minded when a man who looked American stopped her. He was stoutly built and looked kinda scary.

"Mrs Chen, my boss wants to see you"

"Your boss.... I don't know you... Does your boss wants to kill me.... I have never wronged any one in my life" Zihua was really frightened, she was going through a lot and she wasn't ready to die

"No my boss just wants to talk to you" After saying that Steven led her to the car and took her to a VIP lounge in a hotel. Zihua was getting convinced that they didn't want to kill her but she was still scared. She entered the VIP lounge and saw a woman backing her, it looked like she was making a phone call. She said down silently and studied the Lounge.

Jia had prepared for two weeks just to see her mother, she didn't know how to face her mother.

Jia turned slowly and whispered "Mother..." but Zihua heard her

"Jia is that you?" Zihua stood up and walked towards Jia. She hugged her tightly as tears came out from her eyes

"Jia... mother is sorry for not fighting for you back then.... all these years I thought I lost you already..."Zihua said between sobs. Jia broke out of the hug and led her mother to the sofa

"Mother, you look really pale and slim.... How is grandpa? Are you sick? Haven't you been eating well? Han Meili and her daughter has been maltreating you right?...." Jia asked as she observed her mother and bombarded her with questions

"Grandpa is fine, he has been missing you... Mother has been missing you too... after you left, nobody in the Chen household respected me, even your father paid less attention to me..... But Jia you have grown to be so beautiful and you don't look like the naive girl that left four years ago" Zihua didn't fail to observe her daughter's aura

"Yes Mom.... Am now a musician.... After I left the Chen Mansion, I traveled to America with the money you and grandpa gave me, I met my high school classmate there and she helped me a lot... to cut the story short, I met a woman who noticed my talent of singing and decided to help me.... that was how I became a musician...."

"So that's why that guy called you his boss.... He works for you"

"Yes mother... Have you heard of the famous musician, Enchantress?"

"Yes... she's the best female musician in America" Although Zihua paid less attention to music, she had heard some of the maids in the Chen Mansion talking about Enchantress

"Mother... I am Enchantress"

"What?... you... you are Enchantress... " Zihua was really surprised, it felt like a dream

"Am really sorry that I didn't come back for you and grandpa...."

Zihua hugged Jia before she could finish her sentence and replied softly "It's fine, am really proud of you and am sure that your grandpa will be proud of you"

"Mother you need to eat something, you look sick... I will take you to the hospital later, you need a proper checkup"

Jia ordered her mother's favourite dishes and made sure she ate very well. The mother and daughter pair talked and laughed as they tried to cover up for the years they couldn't spend together.