
Did you date a girl in America?

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room and kept asking Zixin questions about his stay in America and about his musical career.

"After nine years, it's really good to have you back Zixin. I heard you are a very popular musician and the No.1 richest male musician in America, am really proud of you. Your father and I had tried so much to convince you to come back all these years and you refused, we thought you would never return again" Grandpa Lin said as his mood changed to a sad one, he had really missed his grandson

Grandma Lin hit him lightly on his arm and said "that doesn't matter anymore, Zixin is back and we should be celebrating his return" Unlike Grandpa Lin, Grandma Lin was more interested in the fact that Zixin had returned

"Grandpa, Grandma, Mom, Dad, am really sorry for making you guys worry about me, I really wanted to build a firm music career before I returned" Zixin replied in a calm voice

"It's fine, we understand, Zixin did you date any girl back in America? Why didn't you bring her back with you?" Mrs Lin suddenly asked and rendered everyone speechless

"Honey, that doesn't matter now, we should allow Zixin to rest first" CEO tried to stop his wife from asking more questions but Mrs Lin wasn't ready to keep quiet

"It matters a lot. Zixin is already twenty four years old and marriage should be one of the things he should be thinking about right now" Mrs Lin turned to Zixin and continued talking "Zixin I know some socialites who would be perfect for you, they are well behaved and I selected them myself, I don't care if you don't choose a girl that is from a rich family, I just need a good daughter in-law....." Mrs Lin continued to ramble on, Zixin, CEO Lin, Grandma Lin and Grandpa Lin listened to her quietly. They were already used to her behavior, Mrs Lin was a pretty good talker.

After hours of discussion, Zixin decided to leave his the Lin Mansion to his new house.

Zixin bought a house in Beijing before returning, he didn't plan to live with his parents.

Mrs Lin tried to convince him to stay but he refused promising her that he was going to return to visit them the next day.

The Chen Mansion

Han Meili and Chen Yuan laughed and chatted in Chen Yuan's room

Chen Yuan had taken Jia's place in the Chen Family after she left. The maids respected her as the Miss of the family. Yuan studied theatre arts in the university. She was a well known musician in Beijing. She planned on becoming an actress too

"Mom am really happy that we chased that good for nothing Jia from the mansion few years ago, am now the Miss and only heir to everything my father owns, I wonder were Jia is living right now" Yuan had a big smile on her face

"Yuan forget about Jia, she should be dead by now, am sure she was not able to survive the humiliation of been labeled an irresponsible child. Yuan I heard that CEO Lin son is back and he is also a musician like you, you should try to get close to him, you know he's the next heir to Lin Corporations and it will be nice if you become the Young Madam of the Lin Corporations" Meili convinced her daughter with a smile

"Mom you are right, am going to try my best to get close to him and make him love me. I can't wait to be the Young Madam of the Lin Corporations" Yuan said dreamily

"That's my daughter, let's drink to that" Meili said excitedly. The mother and daughter pair continued to drink, chat and laugh.