
Her Own Memories

This is her own story not anybody else but her own.

llxqithx · Fantasy
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5 Chs


I met another boy but this time he let me join his organization.

I learned lots of cruel things and finally open my eyes to reality.

I didn't know how and when did I fall in love with this guy. But I wanted to make him mine so I followed and complete all his orders and task for me.

I became strong under his guidance and became blinded by love. I thought that this would make his heart soften and fall in love with me.

But I was still ignorant of believing it. Everything was shattered when I witness him and a mysterious lady kissing each other. My heart twinged in pain and finally cried.

The so-called strong facade that I put up to people turned into a vulnerable one. I cried for an hour and was determined to leave.

But I was wrong the organization was ambushed by our enemy. Everyone was alarmed and fought ruthlessly until some people drop dead.

Everything was unfolding very fast in front of my eyes. I gaze upon the lady and the boss who suddenly rush and saw the scene.

The lady was terrified. His subordinates also rush and stop. They look at me and thought I was the one who betrayed them.

They captured me and tortured me for hours that I forgot who am I.