
The meeting

"Wake up Marcella your dad is going to be angry with you for being late", I could here the voice of my mum from what seemed like a dream and I really can't believe the people of this damn place, can't I atleast be allowed to rest. oh! I almost forgot, today is the day when I have to meet duke Annington's son, Shawn and being late would mean getting scolded for being irresponsible and some shit I don't want to think about. I jump off the bed,kiss my mum goodmorning and make it to the washroom and within minutes am done and ready, I mean I don't need to be overly dressed it's not like am interested in the so called meeting,am only doing this to please the "man of the house". I dash out of the room knowing that my dad will send the maids after me and that will mean trouble for me after the meeting.Seems like luck is with me today, just as I make it through the stairs and into the great Hall,I see my dad,Duke Annington and another young man who I presume to be Shawn(sounds funny,but have never met him, he's quite cute but not my type) just arriving.I curtsey and make it to my seat,i really can't believe my dad,even after all the times I tried explaining to him that am not interested in getting married he seems so persistent and he's really starting to get under my skin..if only he knew and understood me,things might have been different...but for a pure blooded egocentric vampire who doesn't take a no for an answer I have to know when to keep off and let him have his way, sometimes I wonder if am his real child,after all am the only child in the castle,the princess, and I thought with that atleast I'd have the love and understanding I deserve,but no,this place is nothing more but hell for me...I had not realized that I was being addressed to by the Duke,and hell I don't even know what he's asked me,I can see the anger evident on my dad's face,at this point I regretted not paying attention to the whole thing,but again luck saved me,"Wake up Marcella your dad is going to be angry with you for being late", I could here the voice of my mum from what seemed like a dream and I really can't believe the people of this damn place, can't I atleast be allowed to rest. oh! I almost forgot, today is the day when I have to meet duke Annington's son, Shawn and being late would mean getting scolded for being irresponsible and some shit I don't want to think about. I jump off the bed,kiss my mum goodmorning and make it to the washroom and within minutes am done and ready, I mean I don't need to be overly dressed it's not like am interested in the so called meeting,am only doing this to please the "man of the house". I dash out of the room knowing that my dad will send the maids after me and that will mean trouble for me after the meeting.Seems like luck is with me today, just as I make it through the stairs and into the great Hall,I see my dad,Duke Annington and another young man who I presume to be Shawn(sounds funny,but have never met him, he's quite cute but not my type) just arriving.I curtsey and make it to my seat,i really can't believe my dad,even after all the times I tried explaining to him that am not interested in getting married he seems so persistent and he's really starting to get under my skin..if only he knew and understood me,things might have been different...but for a pure blooded egocentric vampire who doesn't take a no for an answer I have to know when to keep off and let him have his way, sometimes I wonder if am his real child,after all am the only child in the castle,the princess, and I thought with that atleast I'd have the love and understanding I deserve,but no,this place is nothing more but hell for me...I had not realized that I was being addressed to by the Duke,and hell I don't even know what he's asked me,I can see the anger evident on my dad's face,at this point I regretted not paying attention to the whole thing,but again luck saved me,Shawn

"Wake up Marcella your dad is going to be angry with you for being late", I could here the voice of my mum from what seemed like a dream and I really can't believe the people of this damn place, can't I atleast be allowed to rest. oh! I almost forgot, today is the day when I have to meet duke Annington's son, Shawn and being late would mean getting scolded for being irresponsible and some shit I don't want to think about. I jump off the bed,kiss my mum goodmorning and make it to the washroom and within minutes am done and ready, I mean I don't need to be overly dressed it's not like am interested in the so called meeting,am only doing this to please the "man of the house". I dash out of the room knowing that my dad will send the maids after me and that will mean trouble for me after the meeting.Seems like luck is with me today, just as I make it through the stairs and into the great Hall,I see my dad,Duke Annington and another young man who I presume to be Shawn(sounds funny,but have never met him, he's quite cute but not my type) just arriving.I curtsey and make it to my seat,i really can't believe my dad,even after all the times I tried explaining to him that am not interested in getting married he seems so persistent and he's really starting to get under my skin..if only he knew and understood me,things might have been different...but for a pure blooded egocentric vampire who doesn't take a no for an answer I have to know when to keep off and let him have his way, sometimes I wonder if am his real child,after all am the only child in the castle,the princess, and I thought with that atleast I'd have the love and understanding I deserve,but no,this place is nothing more but hell for me...I had not realized that I was being addressed to by the Duke,and hell I don't even know what he's asked me,I can see the anger evident on my dad's face,at this point I regretted not paying attention to the whole thing,but after my hesitation it was clear that my mind was not there,and so the Duke politely repeated his question which was if I was ready to move in with him for me to be well aquatinted with Shawn knowing very well that we were soon to be married.

Although I was angry with my dad for not telling me about his goddamn decision to marry me off without my knowledge,I was very much overjoyed because I knew that, finally I would get out of this prison in disguise of a palace. I gave my consent before my dad got the chance to talk the Duke out of his suggestion.