
Her Nonchalant Apocalyptic Experience

Noel experienced the hardcore apocalypse in her world once unknown aliens arrived and treated humanity like their livestock. While escaping a human hunt, Noel stumbled and entered the alternate world of her world, where there's also an apocalypse, but it's a zombie edition. Would Noel choose to be in a world where intelligent aliens are hunting them down for flesh with advanced technology or in a world where easily killed slow-evolving zombies are around? Of course, the answer is the latter! ~~~ Other Book/s: Ten 100% Match Alpha Mates Dangerous Play The Violent Omega Her Five Mer Husbands (Photo not mine~)

LadyLaDeMa · Sci-fi
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8 Chs


Noel counted the goods she managed to obtain and arrange her diet plan for the following days. With the supplies she'd collected, it was enough for a month of usage. But it will be troublesome after a month had passed because she will need to prowl again.

It would have been ok if it was the past, but now it was different, aliens had already found their Base and it would simply be a death wish to go outside.

Noel sighed ruefully. If only she can be born in a different world or something.

Noel decided to survey the new place she is stuck with, it would be bad if aliens discovered this place, and she didn't know where to hide.

"I hope this place is safe," Noel murmured as she picks up the knife strapped on her left thigh. The place where she was located looked like a lounge area. There were tables and chairs cluttered everywhere. Her goods were placed on one of the long tables she had found.

Noel hadn't attempted going outside this lounge area because back then, she was occupied by scavenging food, but now that she has no choice, she'd needed to head out of this place and discover the other areas for safety.

Noel's malnourished figure silently clutched the knife in her hand while slowly walking near the conspicuous door. Her breathing was shallow and her footsteps, silent.

As someone born in the time of doomsday, instinct, and skills were naturally needed. When Noel was young, she luckily found someone to teach her preservation skills needed and some assassination techniques.

Although her techniques are not as refined as the senior who had taught her, it was sufficient for her to live and eat in silence.

Noel clutch the doorknob and twisted it, the old door creaked as she opened it, what she saw is a dim corridor. Other than the noise the door made, silence pervaded in the corridor as the dim lights lightened up the darkness. Like the lounge area, the corridor was dimly lit by bulbs.

Noel walkout the lounge while sneaking peeks at the wide corridor.

'It seems like the electricity is still running in this whole place, not just the lounge.'

'There's a door at the end of the corridor in my left, there's two on my right.'

'Where should I go to check first?' Noel glanced left and right before going to the left first.

Noel gripped her knife in front of her and twisted the knob of the door. As the creaking noise sounded like a horror background, Noel glanced all around inside, only to found out that it was a small room.

Noel lowered her vigilance as she scours through the small room.

A lot of yellowed papers scattered through the room's floor, the desk on the left corner of the room was filled with stacks of folders and the wall next to it was a shelf filled with strange colored jars.

'From the lounge, I have found out that this was a small laboratory. The place I'm staying at is the lounge, so what's this room? A database room or something?'

Noel picked up the yellowing folder at the very top of the stacks in the desk randomly and casually opened it to check. With the help of dim lights, she managed to read the words.

As her mother was a teacher, Noel learned to read and write, and knows how to do a bit of math. But the words written on the faded paper were a bit hard to understand.

"Another world line connected to E-1's door?" Noel subconsciously read aloud. Noel can understand it word by word but putting it in a sentence like this, was... baffling.