
Her New Neighbors

15 year old Mýa has lived in the woods with her family for her entire life. She lives with her dad in the first house in the woods, her uncle lives in the second house deeper in the woods, her great grandparents used to live in a house by the opening of the woods and owner a trailer they rented out, and her cousins live the farthest in the woods closest to the river. Her mom died giving birth to her so she lives with her dad and their pets/animals. Her life has always been pretty simple, she would play in the woods, fish, hike, tend gardens, take care of her animals, go boating, have bonfires, play softball, go to school, and always hang out with her family. Things changed, however, when her great grandfather passed away and something needed to be done with his property. After a lot of clean up and repair, it was decided that it was time to sell his house, sheds, and trailer. They happened to find the perfect family of three who wanted to buy all of the property and fix it up. That is where this story starts. •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~ I had been planning to make this novel for some time but decided to make it now because it fit this contest entry needs. It is a Sweet Love romance that has some funny parts, a modern teen view point, and a independent feminist female lead. I also am working on Sealed With Blood, and I have a book called Coincidentally Fated that is at a bit of a stand still. There are no major misunderstandings or abuse or any type of suggestive parts. This is not my cover, all rights go to the original creator. This is a fast paced book. •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~ Sneak Peaks "I think it would take a very long time for the neighbor girl to fall for him." He stared at her intensely before asking "So you really have never had a boyfriend before?" "I haven't let any other guy be close to you. I wouldn't want anyone else to have this with you." "Me Too..."

aimlessly_inspired · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Zeke quickly grabbed what he needed from the aisle he was in, and went to catch up with her. "I'm sorry for teasing you. I can't help it sometimes. How was you tournament?"

Mýa kept walking, "It was good we won two of our three games. Thanks for asking." She answered. "What did you do today?" She then asked.

"Nothing much, my Practice got cancelled and mom had to work unexpectedly so I watched Riley."

"Oh, why did it get cancelled?" Mýa asked.

"Because two of the three main coaches couldn't come. Also six of my teammates couldn't make it because they were either sick or unavailable." Zeke answered.

Mýa nodded with understanding, similar things have happened to her. After Zeke finished answering her question they had reached Mr. Caleb, Ms. Elly was also with him.

Mýa gave her dad the toothpaste and tylenol. "It's good to see you Ms. Elly" she said. "You too Riley." She added.

Riley went and gave Mýa a hug and Ms. Elly smiled at her. "And it's nice to see you, as always." Ms. Elly responded.

The two families talked for a while as they continued shopping. Mýa was carrying Riley and was walking near Zeke while the two adults were in front. Mýa was having a lot of fun. She still liked Zeke, even if she didn't act on her feelings and all their conversations didn't help her situation. However she didn't want to change their friendship so she kept trying to push down anything she felt for him as they talked. She would be so embarrassed if she accidentally said something that would embarrass her or seem like flirting. When Mr. Caleb and Ms. Elly were done shopping they walked towards the checkout area and Zeke and Mýa followed.

As Mýa was about to walking into the checkout line she heard a voice calling Zeke's name. She recognized it as a girl's voice from school. She turned around and saw Lidean and Caroline from her grade. "Zeke! I didn't think we'd see you here." Lidean said smiling.

Zeke also turned around and said, "Hey girls. I didn't expect to see anyone I knew here also. Then I met Mýa and now you."

Lidean looked at Mýa, noticing her for the first time, she gave a little fake smile which Mýa returned. Caroline had noticed Mýa first and gave her a real apologetic smile. Caroline is a really sweet girl, she is a cheerleader along with Lidean and hangs out with people like Lidean. Caroline also has other friends who she is closer with, and Mýa and her are technically friends.

"So Zeke, I heard a crazy rumour. I heard you play football?" Lidean tried to keep a conversation going.

"I heard about that also." Caroline agreed, "Why aren't you on the team?"

Mýa looked at Zeke curiously, Zeke once told her that he played football. He isn't on any football team that she knows of, however. "I decided to focus on school and Baseball this year. I have played in past years, but I am new to the school and never tried out. I'm not sure if I would have even made the team." Zeke answered Caroline's question honestly.

Lidean came closer to Zeke and put her hand on his arm. "I'm sure you would have made the team." She said sweetly.

'Yuck!' Mýa thought. She got uncomfortable with Lidean's flirting, so she went to help Ms. Elly put her groceries in bags. Caroline also came to help. Mýa introduced her to Ms. Elly and they bagged up Ms. Elly and Mr. Caleb's groceries together. As they worked Caroline asked, "You and Zeke seem close. Even your families are close. Are you guys dating?"

Mýa laughed, "No we aren't."

"Really, I won't tell anyone." Caroline persisted.

"Trust me, we are not secretly dating or anything. His family moved into my great grandparents old house, we are technically neighbors. So we are just good friends." Mýa said.

Caroline smiled, "Sorry for interrogating you. I just wanted to make sure. You guys didn't seem like you were dating, especially the way you were letting Lidean flirt with him. But I wanted to make sure that he wasn't a piece of crap who was flirting with another girl in front of you, if you guys were dating." she told Mýa.

Mýa smiled. "Thank you for worrying about me, I'm glad to know that you would let me know if I ever date scum." Mýa thanked Caroline gratefully. She did not realized that Caroline was that worried about her, she really is nice.

Caroline nodded, they finished putting the groceries in bags and then Lidean came to get Caroline. She didn't seem to be in a good mood and she completely ignored Mýa. Caroline waved at Mýa and Zeke as she left and when they were gone Mýa laughed. She asked Zeke what happened with Lidean and him, because she was not happy.

Zeke just shook his head, "She kept flirting with me and I had to turn her down again and again. Why did you leave me alone with that?"

Mýa broke out with laughter. So that's why Lidean looked so mad. She was blatantly rejected. Pfft, Mýa whished she heard the. rejection and the way Zeke shut her down. Zeke whacked her on her head, "Why did you leave me with her?" He repeated.

Mýa calmed down. "Because she is very pretty, popular, athletic, pretty smart, and a cheerleader. She was flirting with you so I left you to get your girl, or whatever. Why would you reject her?"

"She's not my type. I don't like her back so I'm not going to lead her on." Zeke answered blankly.

Mýa was silent for a while. She got to thinking, if Zeke wasn't interested in Lidean who was literally perfect girlfriend material and someone who all the guys wanted to date. She was a cheerleader, popular, pretty, and would be perfect for Zeke considering he was already really popular and a jock. This just proves that Zeke and her wouldn't work out.

By the time Mýa got done thinking abouts this the two families had walked out of Talmart. "Well," Ms. Elly said to Mr. Caleb and Mýa. "We need to go now, it was nice shopping with you. We will see you later."

"Alright, see you soon." Mr. Caleb said as Mýa and him waved goodbye to Ms. Elly, Zeke, and Riley.

After Mr. Caleb and Mýa got to their car and put the groceries into the car, they went home, unloaded the groceries, put the groceries away, and got ready for bed. Mýa did the same thing she did the night before to get ready for softball the next day, and then she went to bed.