
Her mysterious lover

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes it feels like the impossible is within reach... Love is a truly magical feeling, but when there's a barrier between two people, it becomes incredibly painful. How can someone love another person so deeply and passionately, without even knowing them? It's a question that puzzles many. Beliefs change in an instant, leading us to be drawn to different directions and attractions. How can we develop such intense feelings for someone we've never even laid eyes on... someone we've never met? Everything in life carries its own significance, but we often fail to recognize it. Is it truly possible to know everything about another person, to understand them completely, without ever coming face to face? This is the tale of two individuals who share an overwhelming and inexplicable love, yet have never had the chance to meet in person. It's the story of a young woman, who never anticipated that her life could be forever altered by a single phone call... How is it possible, you ask? Dive into this story to uncover the answers.

Rejoice_Diamond · Urban
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21 Chs

The resignation

"Hya, please let me explain," Dominick pleaded, his eyes searching for a flicker of understanding in her gaze.

"No, please. I don't want to hear another lie. I don't want to see you. Just go," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks as she turned away from him.

Dominick's heart sank as he watched the woman he loved pull away from him. He knew he had hurt her deeply by keeping his true identity as Mr. D hidden from her. But he had his reasons, reasons he had to make her understand.

"Hya, please, just give me a chance to explain," he implored, his voice cracking with emotion.

"Hya, please... he collapsed to the ground, falling to his knees.

"Please forgive me, let me explain once," he pleaded.

"No, if you're not leaving, then I am. Goodbye, and one more thing, I will pay you for everything. The check will be on your desk. You thought of purchasing me, but I'm not like that. You billionaires choose women like me as your prey..." she trailed off, tears streaming down her face.

"Hyacinth..." he cried, but she couldn't hear his pain. She was gone, uttering those words: "I hate you..."

"I hate you..." Those words tormented him, his love of life saying she hated him. He had done everything to win her, yet he had lost her once again. History was repeating itself.

"Hya, today I lost everything," he murmured, feeling utterly empty.

She ran away from him, her words still echoing in his ears.

"I'm sorry, I kept you waiting for such a long time. You had every right to know, but it was my bad luck that I couldn't make things go faster... It's my fault," he whispered, before leaving in search of her, but she was nowhere to be found. In that moment, he didn't know what to do. He blamed himself for everything; it was his fault. He thought everything was going smoothly, but agreeing to meet her had only made things worse. At least she had loved him...

She was like a drug to him. How could he stay away from her? He felt like he would die without her.

"Hyacinth!" he shouted at the top of his voice. "You cannot do this, you cannot leave me!"

He walked towards his car, and then he saw a body lying on the ground. As he approached, he realized it was Hyacinth, unconscious. She must not have had the strength to cope with the situation... What the hell had he done? He thought to himself.

He carried her and took her to the same hospital he had taken her to once before. The doctor examined her and confirmed that she was fine but had fainted due to stress.

"I'm sorry, Hyacinth... I wish I could change everything. I will earn your trust once again, I promise," he vowed, speaking softly to her. However, she couldn't believe him anymore. He had to pay for what he had done.

She opened her eyes and found herself in the hospital, with him sitting by her side, holding her hand. As she tried to release her hand, she felt his grip tighten once more.

"Hyacinth, relax. How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

"After causing so much pain, you ask how I'm feeling? I told you before, and I'll say it again, leave me alone. I'm not interested in you anymore, Mr. Schneider. Just go away!" she screamed, her voice laced with anger and hurt.

He stood up, defeated, and silently left the room. Hyacinth called Jubilee, her friend, and asked her to take her back home. As they reached her apartment, she shared the whole story, leaving Jubilee shocked by the truth.

"Oh my goodness, Hyacinth ! I can't believe he kept such a massive secret from you. But, at the same time, I saw how torn he was when he finally revealed his true identity. Maybe he had his reasons," Jubilee said, trying to make sense of the situation.

Hyacinth sighed, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. "I understand that he wanted me to love him for who he truly is, not his fame or wealth. But keeping such a secret from me hurt me deeply, Jubilee. I don't know if I can trust him again."

Jubilee placed a hand on Hyacinth's shoulder, offering her support. "Trust takes time to rebuild, my friend. It's clear that Dominick loves you deeply, and he is willing to make amends. Give yourselves a chance to heal and communicate. Love can conquer many obstacles if both parties are willing to work on it."

Hyacinth nodded, her mind still overwhelmed with hurt and confusion. She knew deep inside that she loved Dominick, and that was why his betrayal had cut so deeply. But she also recognized the pain in his eyes when she had uttered those harsh words. There was a part of her that longed for things to work out.


Hyacinth sat on the bed, feeling overwhelmed after discovering that her boss was the person she had unknowingly fallen in love with. She couldn't digest this truth and seeing his face only reminded her of everything. She used to think that once she found him, she would never let him go, but now she wasn't ready to believe it.

It was morning, and Hyacinth knew that Dominick was waiting for her, but she didn't open her laptop and her phone was switched off. He had no way to contact her except by going to her apartment, but he didn't have the strength to do that. Dominick arrived at the office and found a resignation letter along with a $5000 check. Hyacinth knew that he must have spent this much money on her, but she didn't want to accept his favors. She sent the money back but still held onto the things that belonged to him, looking at them and reminiscing about the time he had gifted her.

Dominick was shocked to see the letter, knowing that he had hurt her deeply. He took the letter, remembering the sweet moments he had shared with her as Mr. D and Mr Schneider.