
Her Mysterious Husband

Xiao Rong, who thought she was a special existence for him, turned out to be just another one of his countless girls. However, right as she’s thrown away into the streets, a mysterious handsome young man she doesn’t recognize approaches her with the offer that he’d take revenge for her. However, in return, she must marry him. Although she was skeptical, her hatred for the man who abandoned her burned stronger than her reasoning, and she accepted this handsome young man’s offer that would forever change her life.

GirlonFire · General
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1 Chs


"Zhu Yijun, you bastard—"


Suddenly, a beautiful young lady was hurled out the doors of a luxurious building and into the middle of a busy street, where dozens of onlookers watched with grinning faces, seemingly entertained by the young lady's misfortune.

The young lady stared at the handsome young man glaring at her with a disgusted expression from inside the building, her gaze filled with sorrow and hatred.

Her silky straight hair was a mess, her perfect makeup was ruined by her tears, and she could feel her face swelling from being hit just a few moments ago.

"Don't you ever let me see your face around here again, you fucking slut!"

The handsome young man cursed at her before spitting on the floor and walking away.

Xiao Rong's eyes fogged up with tears as she watched the young man's figure disappear into the building. The bone-chilling look he gave her before turning around will most certainly appear in her dreams tonight as a nightmare.

"Zhu Yijun, you bastard…" she began crying in the streets without a care for the onlookers. "After everything that I have done for you — given you — you still have the heart to toss me aside like trash?! Do I look like someone so weak that you can bully without fearing that I will fight back?!"

Although she said such words, there were no such intentions in her heart. Forget about revenge, she'd be crushed by the giant corporation that is owned by Zhu Yijun, the CEO, before she could even say his name out loud.

When she was approached by him two years ago, she thought that she was a special existence, someone special to him, but alas, look at her now, looking like a prostitute that has had her service rejected and then thrown out.

Xiao Rong continued to sob in the middle of the busy street for minutes on end until suddenly, a young man wearing casual clothes approached her.

Xiao Rong ignored him at first, but what he said in the next moment caused her to lift her head and stop crying.

"Xiao Rong, do you want revenge? As long as you desire it, I will make Zhu Yijun disappear from the face of this earth by tonight."


When she looked up, a handsome young man with innocent facial features was staring at her with a gentle, soothing smile. One that made her forget about the pain in her heart for a mere moment.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" she asked him while wiping the tears from her face, destroying even more of her makeup.

"Who I am is not important. All that matters is that I am here for you, Xiao Rong."

The handsome young man's sweet voice penetrated her heart like a hot sword piercing butter. Even though she just experienced betrayal and great pain, her heart began beating just from hearing his voice.


Although she was speechless, she managed to squeeze out some words out of her mouth, "What you said about making Zhu Yijun disappear… is that true?"

"Of course," he answered in a heartbeat and in a clear voice. "But it won't be for free, either."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want you," he replied in a calm voice. "I want you, Xiao Rong. I will make all of your dreams come true as long as you agree to make me your husband."

Xiao Rong stared at the handsome young man before her with disbelief all over her face. Who is this mysterious man? And why does he seem so obsessed with her?

However, despite her skepticism, her hatred for Zhu Yijun was burning a hole in her heart, and she'd do anything to take revenge right now, even if she has to sell her soul to the devil!

"I accept!" she said as she stared at his glamorous eyes.

The handsome young man smiled and said, "As you wish, my dear."