

Mum loved us so much and made sure we love ourselves,she was always preaching love.I've always been closer to my brother and Taiwo but Kehinde always wanted to be by herself and she was no fun so we barely talked or played together.I play so hard with my brother and Mum will always shout that we shouldn't get hurt in the name of play,I still remember it all,I still do.Taiwo was chubby as well,we both had big cheeks and we had the same complexion,she was very playful and free like myself and that's why we were inseparable.

My brother was in Secondary school when I was in primary,the twin and I attended the same primary school and they were classes ahead of me.Taiwo and Kehinde were unidentical twin,only few people knew and regarded them as a twin,Taiwo was a fun girl while Kehinde enjoyed her solitude,she had just one friend in the whole school who was just as gentle as she is.Taiwo was always in the company of friends,she was known by the whole school because she was jovial and friendly.I was friends with my juniors,my classmates and even my seniors,I was everywhere.One thing about us was that we were all brilliant so our Surname was a household name in the school,we were always collecting prizes and Mum was always so proud of us and she kept pushing us to be the best in our classes.

Taiwo wasn't as brilliant as Kehinde,she was an average student but she was talented and had many skills while all Kehinde was good at was books and books only.My brother was also doing well in secondary,the only problem was his handwriting which was very horrible and Mum had to take it upon herself to teach him how to write well.She got a notebook designed to assist young children with strokes and lines,it was so embarrassing seeing a secondary school child learning how to write like a child.It paid off because he finally learnt how to write legibly and he maintained the beautiful handwriting till present.

Our headmaster in secondary school took a special interest in us because we were brilliant and he kept talking about how proud he is to have us in his school.All thanks to God and Mummy who enrolled us into after school classes and paid extra to give us the best and because she doesn't want us playing around after school,she did everything possible for us to be the best.

I loved reading as a child,when I was young I couldn't eat without a story book and I believe that was one of the things that helped me today.I remember when Mummy got me new storybooks because of my love for reading,I was always looking for a new story book and I end up reading old ones over and over again when I don't find new ones