
Her Means of Survival

Year 2452 (The Earth after the deadly disaster) To survive, Tahlia needs to hide behind a facade that would fool anyone without a doubt. To keep her identity safe and away from harm, she hides behind the name Talon. Avoiding the crowd was her greatest strength. Solitude, and reflection. She thrives in it and would bet her life for it. What would happen if that solitude was threatened by reality and responsibility? What could go wrong from rescuing a prostitute-in-distress?

scyn · Urban
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32 Chs


Screams after screams break the harmonious silence of the main island. The western region was vast, and it is the richest part of the island when it comes to the diversity of flora that grows around it. That place is heaven when it comes to resources, however, it also comes with the greatest dangers.

Safely hidden up an ash tree, she watches the scenarios currently happening just a few meters ahead. The entourage stepped into the western territory after four days. It was hell for the group and she witnessed it. The original number of the entourage dwindled into 5 people. The first one to die was one of the riders who was scared out of his wits. He succumbed to a snake viper bite. The leader of the group did not even try to help its people. No, first aid or whatsoever. They continue on their way after leaving the man's corpse to the wild. She saw how their humanity degraded the longer they ventured into the islands. It was a nasty sight.

The second man consumed a poisonous mushroom. The group was quick to leave the man to his own devices as he was vomiting his gut out. Sneakily, she chose to help the dying man to hold her part of the agreement.

After the group left him, she dragged the surprised man to the nearest cove. He was not presenting other symptoms of the mushroom poisoning besides vomiting. She made sure to gather plenty of water for the man. There is nothing much she can do for him, but he would hopefully keep himself hydrated. It also took her half an hour to gather some provisions for him, mostly fruits. He was not delirious, but he was weak. Conversing with the misty-eyed man was brief. She left him right away after promising the man that she'll be back and telling him to not stray far. The worry of losing sight of the riding group was far from her mind since they left so many traces on their path that she could find them anywhere without a sweat.

Now looking at the chaos in front of her, Thalia could guess how ruthless the head of the entourage is, she concluded that he is someone high up in the district, or someone who has enough power to carelessly sacrifice a few lives in exchange for one.

The group was currently being attacked by a troop of baboons. Each one was agile and flexible as they alternately harassed the encroaching group.

"Help!" screamed one of the intruders. His face and arms were bloody from the bites he acquired from the aggressive animals. Crossbows were tossed in the side, useless in the attack. Horses already left their riders, kicking in anger as the monkeys continued to rain down on them.

"Get your fucking ass off the ground Mick." called out the one who seems to be the right-hand man of the group. The blonde man was already running in the direction where they came from. The man calling out to Mick was the only one who tried to help the rest who were already struggling on the floor.

The baboons were still relentless with their attacks, Tahlia looked around her to find something that could distract the primates. There is nothing that could make a loud sound or anything that could stop the animals.

Left with no choice, she ran in the direction where the blonde took off. When she was far enough from the ensuing chaos, she took a deep breath and screamed in her loudest voice.

"This way! Get up! This way!" she screamed repeatedly. The sudden loud noise caused some of the baboons to look her way. Screeching sounds filled the air once more as she slowly backed away, eyes staring at the surprised men, but was keeping the monkeys in check through her peripherals. Her hands were thrown up in the air, as she tried to walk backwards.

When the men finally collected their bearings, even with their blooded figures, the four of them rushed in her direction, and when she saw the movement, she turned around and dashed away from the scene.

"Follow me!" she screamed, not minding the sound her feet were making. Crunchy dried leaves, twigs snapped in half, and thorny shrubs ripping her tunic, all of it was ignored. Behind her, she could hear thundering footfalls, and someone sobbing.

"Wait up, please!" She made an abrupt stop and saw one of the men fell and was struggling to get up. The right-hand man was about to run back, so she sprinted back past the man, and slid right next to the struggling rider, he was the one sobbing.

"Keep running straight! Head for the river!." she screamed to the helpful man as she easily pulled the struggling person from the leaf-covered forest floor. The right-hand man followed and ran.

The man she was supporting grunted in pain as they briskly walked. Screeching baboons can be heard just a few yards from them. The rest of the forest was eerily quiet, blowing a gentle breeze as they ran the distance heading to the river. The river connected all of the regions.

"Thank you, Sir." sobbed the bloody man she was dragging. She made sure to track the rest of the men, and she nodded in approval when they ran straight. The baboon will not leave their territory on a whim. The female monkeys and their infants must be always guarded all the time so with that in mind, hopefully the number of monkeys chasing them would lessen.

"Later when we're safe." She responded.

One of the baboons leaped from the tree and into their direction. "Shit." she gritted her teeth, swerving to the right. She was grateful enough that the man was letting her maneuver his body to any direction she wanted. She felt a tug on her leg and saw a primate clinging on her pants.

"Keep running!" she instructed the injured man before untying the small shovel tied to her bag. "Shit!" she hissed when she felt the monkey bite her leg and break skin. Finally holding the small shovel. In one swing, she hit the monkey's side and successfully dislodged the animal. A small thud can be heard as the primate hits the ground, whining in pain.

She made a mad dash in the man's direction and dragged him with her again. The bite wound was stinging, and it was bleeding profusely but she set it aside and headed for the river. They were running for a long time, and already gasping for much needed air. Even so, she kept her pace while listening for the attacking animals.

"I can hear running water!" exclaimed the man beside her in her happiness. It's as if he got a sudden burst of energy from nowhere and took the lead of them running. He is the one doing the dragging now. It was hard for her with him being taller, and heavier. She could not support him properly so she let him go hoping his sudden burst of energy would sustain him till he reached the river.

She looked behind and saw that only a dozen of baboons was still in pursuit. Pumping her legs, she made a run for it. They were almost nearing the cliff that would lead them to the river. The man ahead of her almost stumbled over a rock and she was quick enough to grab his elbow before pushing him forward, regaining his balance in the process.

"What are we going to do?!" she heard the voices before she saw them. They broke through the thorny bush ahead and saw the men teetering on the edge of the cliff. The blonde was also there glaring at the cliff.

Four men looked at them in unison, taking in their form.

"Jump." she commanded, and the blonde man turned to her with a piercing glare. Tahlia did not give a damn about him. She turned to the man she was helping. "Hold your breath." and pushed.

"Oh my lord!" shouted the men when she pushed them off the cliff one by one. However, the blonde man resisted and grabbed her pushing hand. Their eyes clashed in will power and strength. They were both bloody and gasping for air from the abrupt running.

"You are the hermit." he muttered, eyes searching her face. She remained blank, and when he was busy studying her face, she pushed him hard with all her remaining strength again. Echoing screams filled the air as she watched the blonde propelled down the cliff with satisfaction. Giving one last glimpse in the direction where the baboons are, she took the leap. But not before she checked the position of the men.