

I held her so tight and she also held me so right, tighten her body around me, tears dropped down her face.

I could feel the tears on my shirt.

“ I am so tired, I will never leave alone again” I said.

We stood that way for minutes, I can’t even say how long.

We break the embrace, we look into each other’s eyes, I can’t even wait to feel her lips , I slowly place my lips on her lips and she kisses me back , we kissed like two people being starved of kisses.

We forgot the people around, I slowly open my eyes and heard claps.

We look around and all the cameras were on us, I didn’t care because I feel just too happy.

I wanted to keep talking and he places his finger on my lips.

“ Sweetheart, we will talk better, everyone wants to hear you speak, even want to hear you speak” he says.

“ Look at us today, you made all of this possible” I said.

“ No, you made us proud” he says.

“ Go baby” he said clapping for me.

“ No, I want to go with you honey” I said and pull him along with me but he was trying to pull back.

“ Baby, I need you to stand beside me on that place, I need you to around me” she says.

“ Anything for you honey” he says.

We held each other’s hand and walk to the stage.

As we walk to the stage we were giving a standing ovation, we held each other’s hand.

I stood straight, I look into my husband’s face and smile.

I slowly move my lips close to the microphone.

“ First of all I want to appreciate almighty God for today, so many things has happened today in my life that I really have to appreciate him for the opening of this wonderful project and I also want to appreciate my husband, kunle smith who has been a supportive husband to me and a wonderful father to our kids, he has always wanted to see me in high places, whatever or wherever I am at this stage of my life , you made it possible, you are my hero and my strength ” I said and everyone cheer us.

Mom, your advice pushed me forward when I became weighed down by little problems that I had before beginning this project, thank you mom, you are the best mom in the whole wide world.

My to my siblings, I appreciate you for standing by me and my children mommy loves you.

And my investors you are the best , the greatest people of all time, you are amazing people, you are amazing people that has the interest of the women  in mind, I appreciate Every one here today for honoring my invitation and having the interest of we women in mind.

I would quickly brief you on this project and what our aim is is to support women from Africa and even the world to support them and that is why we have the women trade center.

I finish my clapped for, I got down to leave and my husband pecks me on my lips.

I wanted to leave when my husband got on stage and said.


I had gone to take my bath when I got a call from a friend congratulating me on the behalf of Shade.

I was lost and she asks me wasn't I told about the project she was working on.

I didn't understand what she was saying, I quickly turn on the TV while my husband strode into the room holding some files in his hands, I guess he is coming from his home office.

I stood staring at me in surprise as I was fiddling with the remote because I was in serious worry to just turn in the TV to see what project my friend was talking about.

" What is it? Why are you fiddling with the remote? He says and collects  the remote from me because I was nervous and just in a hurry to see what my friend is talking about because I didn't even expect she will do something good that any one will be congratulating me.

" What Channel are you trying to switch the channels to? My husband asks and suddenly he switch back the channel to a channel he had passed.

" I saw Kunle" he says and switch back to the channel.

We both look at our faces when we saw Kunle on the stage talking.

I thought the campaign has started and I saw Shade beside him and I felt how did he found Shade , I was happy because whatever he is talking about or Shade has done is not my business all that matters to me is what I have got to achieve from her.

My son kept praising his wife saying she is a wonderful wife, a super woman, powerful woman that this project has always been her dream and he is so proud of her bla bla.

I walked away from the TV to dry up my body.

Few minutes later I was already sitting in 

the vanity when my husband calls me to come and see but i didn’t answer because the only thing on my head is getting my son back to his political ambition.

My husband turn to me and said.

" Can you see now, she has a potential just this project is enough to make people vote for us, she is winning already without us"he  said.

I stare at my husband and said.

" Honey, I haven't give up on the governorship race, I will search for the place on the internet , I will look for her and apologize, we already have a chance to create our party and start campaigning.

I will dress up now and go to the women trade center , I will do my best to convince Shade , she has a soft heart and a good heart she will forgive me and come to run along her husband.

Now that my son has found her it is very easy to convince them together to come and run the governorship race.

" Honey you will come with me when they see you it will help us convince them to want to come back and run the governorship race" I said.

My husband looked into my eyes and stood  about to leave the room, I quickly stop him.

" Listen honey, I know I haven't been listening to you on this whatever race or something but trust me this time I am ready to listen to you" I said , giving him that pleading stare.

" Would you listen and take whatever my idea is? He asked.

I nod my head quickly to reply.

" Let them be, give those two some peace of mind, we have done enough interfering in their lives already, I want those kids to take whatever decision they want to take, I do not want us to interfere in their life again, let them be" my husband says.

"Let them be? That's not possible, this is our chance to own our party, being the power to our side, we can even promise to finance other projects that she has" I said.

" Let them be" He says.

" No, I won't let them because I will not let this opportunity bypass my this family.

I will dress up, search for the women trade center online, I know I will find both of them , I will ask for forgiveness, I will tell them we are sorry and I will talk them about us starting our own political party, I am very sure they would not refuse us, I am sure they want this power just has we want this power too" I said.

" Go ahead but count me out because I won't be following you to that place, I am done satisfying you" He said.

" And when I achieve this goal of mine, you will be amazed" I said and quickly dress up.

I quickly climb down the stairs , I called my driver to search on his phone for women trade center that he should take me there.

The driver search for it and I walked to the car, I looked up , I could see my husband was staring at me from the balcony, he shakes his head but I do not care, I got into the car and the driver drove out of the compound.

When the driver got there, the event was over, I could see people trooping out of the gate.

I walked in like one of those people who had come to see the amazing project, I saw both of them standing holding hands and have discussions with their guest.

I quickly walk closer to them smiling.

They were already in front of the women trade center because they were done with the launching of the women trade center, I looked at the building as it is being built very big and beautiful.

Finally it was open and it was women trade center, it was big, beautiful, they all

Entered into the building and she was showing people the building and every equipments inside each spaces in the women trade center.

I was surprised, I asked myself did she do this on her own because I didn't even know when I spoke out.

My husband looked at me and hissed.

" You are surprised? Didn't you see her as just a maid? He says.

I stood lost I wasn't expect such project huge project from her.

I asked out loud how do she get money for this kind of huge project I asked my self and my son and turn to me and said to me that is it the money that interest me or it's the amazing idea of Shade.

He was right , her creativity is what I was suppose to care about.

I regretted not letting her stay with my son to achieve her dream because if I had allowed her to stay with my son, my son would have agreed to go ahead with the campaign but look at it right now , my son now dislikes me, we lost his chance to become the next governor of the state.


I asked one of my men to go and dump Rachel's body, so that her family will see her and give her a proper burial.

My Guard went to drop her body and returned home.


" Hi , sweetheart, my son looked back at me, his mood changed.

" Oh Shade, I am so happy for this wonderful project , you should be rated as one of the world powerful woman in the world, I am so proud of you" She stood staring at me, I wanted to move closer to her to embrace her but no, she did move back a bit.

My son wanted to speak and I could see her presses her hand tighter to her husband hand smiling.

" Honey, let's go home" she says.


We both walked to his car with our kids and I Look back at my mother in law and we continue to my husband's car.

As we walk to the car, I had to look back because my mother in law is the last person I thought would show her face after not letting me into the estate and also knowing that she has always been the root of the problem in our marriage and she is still the reason I and my husband is seeing ourselves again.

Well I feel happy that she was here today and she can see my achievement, I love the fact that she commended my work and think I should be name of the powerful women in the world.

My two kids join us in the car, Daniella was sitting at the back while I and Junior sat at the front.

I expected him to start the car but he kept staring at I and the boy in my hand.

"The boy? He asked.

"Our son" I said.

He looked at me , he smile happily and collects him from.

" We have a son? He asks, he held him tighter to his chest.

" I am so sorry , I haven't be part of your life, I feel so sorry" he says.

He calls Daniella to come to him, he embraces his children, I embrace both of them.

We both wept and also laugh.

He drove us to our home, the home, we both got married to .

When he drove us in , I could see new domestic staffs , I missed the house so bad.

I walked into our matrimonial bedroom, I smile and cry because I never thought we would ever come back into the house again.

I walked into my daughter's nursery and I go back to the balcony to, I look down into the sitting room , I could see Kunle trying to get along with his kids but his kids are finding it hard to get along with him.

Junior who never knew him even got along a bit but Daniella isn't even trying to get along with him.

I climb down the stairs and crouch down before her.

" Honey , This is Daddy do you here me" I said.

She look back at him and look into my face.

" Honey, I understand I told you that you shouldn't let strangers touch you, but Daddy is not a stranger , I am here" I said.

I know that it would take a while for my husband and his kids get along but I know they will get along.

I took her to her dad, we both play with them.


I can't believe that my plan didn't work, Shade is now strong hearted.

She didn't even try to listen to me.

She made me look so stupid like I do not know what I was doing , I had to walk back into my car.

I was so angry that I walk into my car angrily and my cell phone rang.It was Jumoke my daughter.

I picked her call.

" Hello" I said.

She didn't even greet or say anything the question she asked me was.

" I thought you said Shade died in an accident but I am watching both she and my brother on the TV right now, what's going on? She asks.

" Is that why you couldn't greet or even say Hello? I asked.

" I am so sorry mom" I said. " Mom is she alive? She asks.

" Why don't you call her line and ask her! I slammed her angrily and enter into the car.

The driver was driving me and I was so angry that I didn't even know what came over me that I asked him to pull over.

I got out from the backseat, open the door in annoyance and just pushed him away, I enter into the car and drove off.

At that point I didn't know what I was doing because for Shade to behave this way, it means my chances are slim.

As I drive on the highway in speed I began to think of what to do next and the next thing was that I woke up in the hospital.