
Untitled Chapter

I was lost at his Kunle’s question although he had a reason to feel that way because , I  got to his room, he had sex with me that day, he didn’t had that sex just because he wanted to has sex but because his dink was spiked, even I was drunk even tough my wasn’t spike but I had a low tolerance to alcohol and I shouldn’t have taken alcohol but that doesn’t mean I wanted to trick him to getting me pregnant and becoming his wife, I am not even ready for a baby.

The way he asked that question made tears dripped down my face, the way he stood glaring daggers at me she like I willingly got to his room that night broke my heart into pieces, I love this man more than anyone could think.

He is one man that I can even vouch for to anyone why can’t he do the same thing for me instead , he accuses me of trying to pin him down with pregnancy.

“You were the one who told me of contraceptive so you could protect yourself of getting pregnant, I went out to get it for you myself so tell me why you are pregnant?! He asked raising his voice.

I have never seen him go this mad at me. I was even shaking at the way he raised his voice at me.

“I tried taking the pills but I was throwing up ,  I couldn’t continue to take the pills because I do not know the side effect, I kept throwing up and I was scared to continue the drug” I said.

“And why didn’t you tell me about it then?! He yells at me.

“We weren’t on the talking term then” he says.

“Is there a time you had spoken to me that I hadn’t listen?! You asked me of contraceptive I listen to you to go and get it myself and give it to you but when you start throwing up we weren’t on a talking term? You think I am a fool Shade! He yelled , I stood up and I didn’t know what to do anymore, I felt the ground could just open up and swallow me from all the allegations.

I try to calm myself down and I stood up to walk closer to him but he moved back and tears dripped down my face this time that I couldn’t control the flow , I tried to be strong I tried to hold back my tears but it kept flowing.

“I swear, I wasn’t trying to pin any pregnancy on you, I agree I was wrong not to have tell you or even trying to defend my mistake here but I want you to believe that is the last thing I would ever want to do with you” I said and his mom walked in.

“Of course, I know girls like you who think they can play their way into the rich and influential people’s life, Listen Shade or Whatever your name is called, You are only here on the terms of what you did that night with my son trying to ruin his career if not for that you won’t be here and I won’t let you ruin my son’s life, do you get it! I can’t even wait for all this to be over so that I can throw you out of this house, Gold digger” his mom says.

“Mom please can you please not interfere in this , we are trying to understand tings between us as a couple” he says, I look at him and he looks away and his mom pulls his hand and walk to stand in front of her with that angry look.

“Couple? Did you just say couple? I need to understand that word couple son and what you meant by couple ? because the last time I checked all of this is nothing but a deal that she forced” she says raising her voice. “Listen son, you have to start getting it into your skull that the wretched thing doesn’t fit in to your life, she cannot be your wife and she ca never be , Juliana is the chosen one and I do not ever want you to call both of you couple again ! she says and se turns to me.

‘and you , if you have charm my son into seeing you as some wife or something, it won’t work because me correcting him now means your stupid voodoo is nothing and don’t even think you can have that baby because I am going to send in a doctor that would get rid of that thing that you are carrying that you call a baby” she says and I look at her in surprise and I held my tummy.

“Don’t even hold that tummy and start feeling like a mother” her mom says and even the look on Kunle’s face shows he was surprised at his mom’s word.

“What?! What do you mean mom? Why would you you think getting rid of my child , getting rid of my first child is the solution to all of this ? he asked his mom looking straight into her eyes.

“Wait son, don’t tell me you believe the baby she is carrying is yours, think about you, this girl is trying to bring a bastard into my own family which I would never agree to, if she wasn’t pregnant before that day how did she get into your room? She is getting rid of that thing inside if her because I won’t let anyone bring a bastard into my home.

My tears kept flowing from her words because they hurt so much, Kunle looks to my face and he just turned away and he held his mom’s hand and they walk out of the my room.

I slam my door and I rested my back on it, I slipped to the ground, I sat down with my legs folded  to my chest and my hands put around my leg.

I cried so hard, I don’t know what is going through Kunle’s mind maybe he believes his mom’s word that my child is a bastard, I don’t know if it is over between us.



I drag my mom out of her room and we stood in the hallway.

“Mom!I yelled her name.


“What you were saying in there?

“And what was I saying that is wrong, don’t tell me you are still defending that girl and what do you mean by your child? How do you know it’s your child that she is carrying? Oh you want to raise a bastard in the smiths house, listen son, it won’t work because I personally will make sure it doesn’t work” se says and walking away and I quickly walk towards her.

“Mom, please can you not interfere in all of this? I will let you know what we decide” I said.

“Wait son, who is we ? don’t tell me you now believe two of you are items, there is no we between both of you because if I remember vividly, the only we I know is you and Juliana” my mom said.

“Mom please there is no we between I and Juliana and there can never be we” he says.

“Son, you like it or not you and Juliana are couple, don’t even take all of tis to heart that you now have a wife anyways the doctor will be here by evening because I will give him a call now.

“Mom please don’t any doctor here because I won’t let that doctor of yours into my house” I said firmly and walk past her to my office.



This is really getting crazy now, how can my son use the word “couple” or “We” for that nonentity , that wretched girl, not like I do not know my son is beginning to fall for that girl but it’s just that , I can wait to have my family hold the power of this states in their hand and my son Kunle is the one that can do, he is the people choice, I love it when I read about my son on internet how people say good about him because I remember when I and his father participate for good two years , we struggle to get followers, we have merged our party with several different political parties yet we didn’t get half way the way my son has gotten now and now some wretched , sluggish and dirty girl wants to ruin it by making my son fall in love with him , if it had been just love it would have been great because when he is in power and he is forced to divorce he would have no choice than do it but I can’t let her get pregnant for my son no way because it could cause another scandal just like she caused the one we are still working on and she stills want’s to become my son’s wife claiming to be pregnant,it’s not possible because I myself will bring the doctor this evening.

I walk to my son’s office , he sat on his chair thinking.

“Can we talk about why I am here? I asked.

“I don’t think I would even focus listening” my son said.

“Why? Are you disorganized because of that girl? Comeon dear, you shouldn’t let her pregnancy make you think too much” I said.

“I am not thinking of the pregnancy, I just wouldn’t focus and don’t send a doctor into this place because I will send him back” my son said.

“So tell me son, what are you trying to do? I asked.

“Whatever we plan to do, I will tell you” Kunle said and one thing that kept getting me angry is that word “We’ he keeps saying we, there is never going to be both of them because he has to marry Juliana and stay far away from the girl because I am beginning to doubt that even after their divorce and his marriage with Juliana, he would still keep seeing this girl and she would cause my son another scandal because I am afraid he doesn’t keep her as a mistress, I  have tried making her look like the worse person on earth but my son wouldn’t listen, everything about her is just so perfect to my son.

“Listen son, if that is what you want it’s fine” I said.

“What are you planning mom? If anything happens to my Shade and my Baby I won’t take it like ly with you” he says and stood up and leave.

“My Shade?! I yelled asking him and he turns back when he gets to the door

“Yes my Shade because I love her and she is going to be the mother of my unborn soon” he says and walk away and I staggered a bit, I sat down on the chair, I place my palm on my forehead.

This wasn’t the plan, this boy would make the party chairman get angry, we had a deal. When I told him the other time it is fine , my plan was just to go and get a drug and put in her drink because I can’t let her keep the baby but now it seems it’s beyond what I think it is, I wanted to bring a doctor so that the abortion would be perfectly done but now that my son says No, I have no choice than get rid of that baby in my own way but now my son is threatening ne because of that girl.

She is no more Shade to him but my Shade.



I left my office angrily because of how mom has been saying too much about Shade, yes , I was mad at Shade but I didn’t need my mom interfering in our issue, I have calculated back to our one night stand and see that she could be pregnant, I still want to make some research about nausea and contraceptives, I want to see the results to know how many weeks pregnancy she is carrying in her but my mom wouldn’t let me think straight she wants me to do as she says.

I entered into my room, I dial the doctor’s number,it was a video call and he picks the call.

“Hi doc” I greeted.

“Good day sir, oh about the result, I was going to forward it to your mail but I forgot when an emergency came in.

“That one apart, I have another question can contraceptive fail I asked.

“Ofcourse sir, if the particular contraceptive isn’t responsive with the body system because our body differs even this family planning that is the common one do fail and some wouldn’t just walk with some people body system and you will see some people get skin irritation from it, throwing up, tummy getting bigger and so on, so it is possible it fails and I use to advice people to use contraceptive immediately after sex although it works within seventy two hours but the most guaranteed is immediately after sex” the doctor says.

“Does contraceptive cause nausea? He asks.

“Yes, to some people when they take it they would just vomit it and we have some people who doesn’t take pills and some wouldn’t even take both pills and injection, once they swallow pills they would start vomiting no matter how much they try and some you will have to search for veins and if you are not careful it takes another part of the body” The doctor says

‘Alright, thanks”I replied.

“Please she should register for an ante natal as soon as possible” the doctor says.

“Ofcourse she will and thanks a lot” I said and hangs the phone

Few minutes after I hang the call, a message entered into my phone, the pregnancy was three weeks old and it falls to the period of our one night stand which mean I am responsible for the pregnancy and she isn’t at fault, it means she was telling the truth yet I was harsh on her.

She’s never doubted me , she hasn’t known me for too long but she trusts me  but I couldn’t trust her, I was supposed to celebrate us but instead of me celebrationg us, I let what my mom was saying got into my head and I started accusing her.

What can I do to apologize to her? I asked myself.

“A bouquet will do” I said to myself.

“No, a bouquet is just too cheap” I said to myself.

“I think women love jewelries because mom loved jewelries but I don’t know her kind of jewelry” 

“Maybe I should buy her a car, a romantic dinner, take her shopping and ask her what she wants” I am even confused on what I can give her, I am just sorry for being silly, for not believing her when she explained.

Maybe I should surprise her by bringing her mom and siblings down here? Yes I will give her a romantic date, a jewelry, a car and surprise her by bring her mom and siblings down to the city. hs

Maybe I should surprise her by bringing her mom and siblings down here? Yes I will give her a romantic date, a jewelry, a car and surprise her by bring h