
Untitled Chapter


The following day when I got to the mansion, I was going to the closet because there is a whole room for closet in the mansion, that is one of the things I do every morning, make sure her food and her husband food is served before they come down from their bedroom, as I pass through Simi’s room , I flashback to our last night kiss and I just wanted mom, I paused when I saw that the door wasn’t that shut but I decided against it not to look desperate as I was going to move away I felt a hand pulled me into his room and our eyes met and I smile and before I could say anything , he kissed me. 

“Good morning” he said in between our kisses, I wanted to reply but he didn’t give me a chance to say that as he didn’t want to stop the kissing me , our kiss got intense and I knew at this point I need to have control over whatever we are doing right now since the kiss is getting steamy. I had to pull away and he wanted to but I had to place my hand on his chest to stop him and I help him clean the lipstick that stick to his lips and he stares at me and smile.

“ I am sorry I had to push you, the kisses were getting……I paused , I didn’t want to say it and he nods his head.

“I get it” he says and I help him straighten his blazer because he was already dressed for work.

“Thank you my love “ he says., I help him straighten his tie and I  place my palms on his chest smiling.

“ You need to get to work early” I said smiling.

“Yes , I know, Can we meet for a dinner? my driver will be waiting for you outside the gate” he says.

“I am not sure because I will be following your mom to the political meeting and we will be going to your brother’s house, you know since this political thing and most especially now that it has involve Shade, we have been working hard” I said.

“ But I will let you know if dinner will be possible” I said.

“ I really hope we would have our dinner tonight” he says.

“ I hope to, I have to go and get your mom ready for today” I said and he pulls me closer and he kissed me.

I walk out of his room with a smile on my lips and I walk towards the closet.

At night.

We couldn’t have the dinner due to Simi’s mom leaving Kunle’s mansion and going to the meeting.

I didn’t know what she did with Shade but I am suspected it was a forced abortion she did for Shade because I know she has been angry finding out Shade was carrying Kunle’s baby, although , I didn’t know who was the man that followed her upstairs in Kunle’s mansion but I am sure it’s not something good because the way she was going around the house without my assistance, I knew she was doing something terrible because I don’t trust this woman. There so many things she says that makes me not to trust her one bit.

After she did whatever she did at her son’s mansion she hurried us out of the mansion and to Teir political meeting where she joined her husband.

I hate it when they come to this political meeting because you cannot tell the time they will be done in their meetings and apart from that I hate to meet those old men who have more than two or three wives still wanting someone to become either their sugar baby or girlfriend.

I hate those advances most especially now that I and Simi are in a relationship.

Simi called me at about twenty minutes to seven, I felt sad because I wanted this dinner badly, I wanted to feel what having a date with a CEO feels like but we didn’t get to have the dinner.

I picked  my call and from the way I sounded when I said Hello,  he knew I couldn’t make it.

“ I understand baby, don’t worry, I will soon be done with our mansion and we will soon get married.

“We just started this relationship, we need time” I said.

“I have known you and watch you for the past six month and you possessed all the qualities I want in a woman” He says and he made me blush.

“Baby, I will just go home straight, till tomorrow or when are my parents going to be thropug over there so that I can pick you up and take you home” he says.

“ Don’t worry, it’s pretty easy getting home” I said.

“ I will call you from time to time , If I can’t come  I will order an uber for you “ he says.

He kept calling until the meeting was over at about 9:00pm , I was beginning to slumber and he called again and I picked his call and his mom came out of the hall where they are having meeting and she collect her handbag and phone and tell me to go home and I told Simi,  he ordered me an uber which took me  home , he kept calling till I got home , and when I got home we had a sweet video call till I went to sleep.

The following day

He left for work early, he already told me about going home early but one thing he didn’t tell me was he would be back early.

He came back around 11:00pm while I was reading out a mail for his mail, after reading out the mail to his mom, I gave some excuse that I want to drink some water and she let me go , I didn’t drop the phones , I forgot because I was too eager to see Simi, I got to his door and knock and he opens the door and I enter, he quickly shut the door and pull me closer , we began to kiss hungrily because we both miss each other.

I break the kiss and face him.

“ You were saying something yesterday about marriage” I asked. Sounds like I am too forward right, Yeah, I love Simi so much and I know there are other girls who can’t wait to have him to themselves.

“yeah, I am working on our house, once I am done with our mansion , I will meet your family, I can’t let some other people take you away from me.

“No one can take me away from you” I replied and he walks to his lounge and he bring a bouquet and chocolate for me. I smile and collect it from him.

“Thank you very much” I replied and I kissed him and he deepened the kiss and he didn’t stop kissing me and I drop the flower and chocolate and I place hand around his neck he caresses my body as we kissed and he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his body and slowly place me in his bed and he moves his lips to my nape when I heard his mom called me.

He kissed me on my lips and stood up on the top of me.

“I can’t wait to have you all to myself “ he says coldly. I quickly sit up and use my hand to straighten my dress but forgot my wig was rough and part of my dress was still rough, I picked up his mom phones and rushed down the stairs and she looked me from head to toes , I swallow my saliva and look down because I don’t know why she looked at me that way. Next she called my name and told me not to catch feelings and the hurting part of what she said to me was that her son has a finacee in abroad that she will soon be done with her studies.

I became cold and try to stop the tears that was building in my eyes and whatever that is going on around ,me feels blank because I felt so empty.

I excuse myself to the restroom, I wept so hard, I try stopping my tears but I couldn’t stop the tears from falling of my face.

My phone rang and it was Simi but I didn’t pick afterall I came to work here , I should focus on my job rather than falling in love, I thought to myself.

I try focusing on my work for the day but I just kept making mistakes because I was broken by what his mom said to me.



I collected the phone from Peju and scroll through my phone and I found Kunle’s driver’s number , I asked him of the address of Shade’s Village and he didn’t want to give me the address but I had to tell him that I won’t tell his boss before he gave the address to me.

When Kunle’s Dad return at night I told him about the new development about Kunle letting Shade to go back to her village and that we have to bring her back to Kunle because the marriage must hold.

Before my husband return at night , I have already call the PR team , and I also made a list of somethings that Peju will ordered to the village.



The housekeeper came to call me for the dinner, I thought I could manage to eat but no, I couldn’t , I sat in front of my food and I look to my side where Shade always sits to eat, she wasn’t there and I lost appetite and I stood up and walk to my room, when I got to my doorstep, I look towards her room and that was when I knew Shade left her remarks not just in my heart but in this house.hd

I walk to that room and I flash back to finding her in a pool of blood and tears rolled down my cheek. I shut her door and go to my room, I felt so tired that everything around me looks like they all stopped.

I lay in the bed curved myself to a ball, I couldn’t sleep , I would open my eyes , sit up and I felt I should just pick my phone and chat her up.


I couldn’t sleep but I didn’t want my mom to know I couldn’t sleep because I laid beside her. I was facing the other side of bed sobbing silently , I stare into my phone , I went to his whatsapp and check his contact info where his picture was , I kept staring at his image on the phone and I was about turning off my phone , when I saw his message, I quickly open it.

“ Hey! I am trying to sleep but having a hard time sleeping” he typed and tears rolled down my face because I am also having a hard time sleeping.

“ Even I “ I typed.

“Aren’t you going to change your mind? I promise to protect you this time? He says.

“You have always protected me, whatever happened was never your fault , I just think we should talk about it tomorrow, I love you and will always love you no matter what” I said.

And he send lots of love emoji, flowers and I just laugh.



I was cold throughout the day, Simi called my line and I didn’t pick, I feel used, I feel betrayed. Why would he promise me a serious relationship when he has a serious relationship. Throughout the day he kept calling but I didn’t pick his call, he sent me message on WhatsApp,  I opened the message and checked it, I want him to know I checked the message but didn’t reply.

I wanted to just go home before he would arrive but he was home before I could close for the day.

he greeted his parent who were having their dinner with his sister while I was preparing to leave.

I said my goodnight to his family and took my leave , I walked out of the house in a haste because I Do not want him to come after me.


I and Peju were getting along and perfect but suddenly after the afternoon that we were about taking our kisses further my mom called her and after then I got into the car to call her but she wasn’t picking.

I thought she didn’t pick due to she was busy but that wasn’t the case ,she ignored my calls. I couldn’t focus at work, I even forgot I had meeting with a client at for because of lack of concentration , I cancelled the meeting.

I have never fallen in love so easily like I did with Peju, I use to say something that I won’t get married until am Forty but when I met Peju on that day,  I fell in love with her , despite being busy with the collapse building , she is always on my mind, her face feels like I see her everyday and now that I finally have her and made my intentions known to her I don’t know why she is ignoring me.

“Maybe mom told her something that I do not know because I know my brother and my younger sister’s choice isn’t her choice and they disgust her and from how she did this afternoon she knew something is going on between us .

I sent her text, I knew she saw the text but ignored my text, I sent her voice mail, she listen to it and didn’t reply. 

I quickly returned home , and I kept staring at her and she was hiding her face from me and I noticed she dried her face. I greeted my parents who were eating their dinner and I kept looking back when climb the stairs .

Our eyes met and tears rolled down her face and I was curious to know what was happening to her.

I quickly gave my laptop bag to one of the maids and as I turn back she had walked out of the house.

I quickly followed her in a haste and my mom called me.

“Simi! I turn back.

“Where are you off too” she says and sip water from the glass in her hand.

“ I need to get something from my car” I said.

“really? She asks and I just turn to leave , I got out of the house, I ran after Peju who was close to the last gate, I try my best to catch up with her and by then she had got out of the gate , I called the estate gate security not to let her pass.

She was arguing with them and I pull her hand from behind.

"I don't want to talk to you" she says.

"We were good this afternoon so what went wrong? I ask.