

I stood staring at myself , his car while one his men threw whatever he bought for me out of the car and is car zoomed off, I had to ask myself if this man was alright , you are just meeting me and you think the best thing is to push me down your car as I was still standing lost my siblings ran out of the house they greeted me and help me take the shopping bags into the house.

As I entered into the house , my mom came to embrace me looking excited.

“My baby , I tried calling you last night, you didn’t pick even this morning so I thought you people, I mean two of you might be busy anyways honey , how was it because I can see he came to drop you home” My mom said dragging me to her matrimonial room.

“Nothing is fine about him?I answered sharply and ofcourse truly nothing is good about him.

“He didn’t pay you? My mom asks.

“He did,he paid me Two Hundred Thousand naira and even took me for shopping” my mom begand to dance at the sound of the Two hundred Thousand naira.

“ We would share the money equally” my mom said and I was pissed up because I was expecting her to ask me why the guy isn’t good enough but immediately she heard two hundred thousand naira m she wasn’t thinking off anything again, the only thing she is thinking about is getting hundred thousand naira from the money.

I stood up and wanted to take my leave and she is still talking about the hundred Thousand naira,

I cut her off her calculation.

“ I was telling you nothing is good about this guy and all you care about is the money,  you didn’t even ask me why he isn’t a good man” I said and walk into my room.

She followed mee , I ebter into my room and slam my door, I sat on my bed angrily and she enters into my room.

“ I am so sorry honey” she says as she comes to sit beside me on the bed and she embrace me” 

“Ofcourse baby I care about you , so tell me why he isn’t a good guy? My mom asks, I undress my self , I showed her all my body.

“Argggh! She exclaimed .  “ Look at all your back? Did he do this to you just yesterday? My mom asks with curiousness.

“ I think that is how he enjoy his sex, he is a sadist, he even ask me to be his girlfriend but mom that is the last thing on my mind right now, I can’t deal with such relationship” I said.

“ He asks you to be his girlfriend? I knew it? I knew he won’t be able to resist you” my mom said excitedly and I stood staring at her because why she was happy.

“My dear don’t let this opportunity slip of your finger, we must upgrade our level” my mom says.

“ Are you for real mom? Because I had to ask her.

“Isn’t this what we want that he should ask you to be his girlfriend? My mom asks.

“ And I just said he did all of this to my body that he is a sadist mom, I am yet to recover from the pain he afflicted on me yesterday and all you can talk about is becoming his girlfriend” I ask furiously.

She stood up and come to me , she held my hand to sit beside her.

“Listen, I understand you, you can’t pull out now , we need this position, I want  the best for you, look at me if you are Felix’s girlfriend , he will give you more than the two hundred thousand naira, you will meet with dignitaries, take me for example , I have been in an abusive marriage with your dad for years and I did not die, I am still in it, all you have to do is to endure him, imagine just a night he paid you two hundred thousand, bought you all of this ,  you have to bear all his abuse and be his girlfriend” My mom  said.

“Mom, he …….” My mom cuts in.

“Listen, you will get over the pain in hours but think of the Bentley you said is your dream car, think of the level you will be , think of you out there , think of what you stand to gain, honey, what you stand to gain is more than the abuse, he might even change for your sake , you might change him”  my mom says.

“I haven’t been with an abuser but I have heard abusers never change mom, you can’t change people from who they are, mom I don’t want to be his girlfriend, imagine , he pushed me out of his car because I gave excuses that I won’t be going out with him that I already planned outing with my friends” I said.

“Forget about that, it is what you stand the gain that is important” My mom said.



Racheal was right when she says abuser remain an abuser that they do not change, they don’t change but I need my daughter in this position, I need that my position in the family, I need to be value in the village and more importantly, the money. That is why I am doing my best to convince my daughter because she has to agree to being Felix’s girlfriend.



I didn’t even know how I get home and because I wasn’t in my right frame of mind.

So many things keep going through my mind.

I got home weeping,  no one was around and I just walk into the house and lie on the bed crying.



I woke up and look at the beauty and blessing beside me, I kissed her lips, I walk into the bathroom, wash my face , brush my teeth and walk out of the room, I walk into my office  , I realized I have a mail.

I open the mail and it was details of the investigation planned the one night stand, I quickly open it because I want to know who wanted my downfall that day that brought Shade into my hotel room even though it was the best ever thing that ever happened to me.

The person helped me to get closer to someone I will never have thought I woud have get closer to, the best woman in the world.

When I opened it, I wasn’t surprised it was from the opposition party.

The woman who once worked for us has a cooked for years, my wife's aunty and it was her daughter who was supposed to enter into my room and do the job but my wife had brought something for my mom and my wife was sent into my room, I believed everything she told me about not knowing how it happened and the details was just exactly as she had explained to me then.

I am thinking of how to take my action on this but I thought I should let it be till after the election then I will know how to deal with she and daughter.

I wonder how someone could be so callous, at first you brought this girl to the city just to use her to make money, why didn't you use your daughter instead of somebody's else's daughter.

My wife has gone through too much in life , she needs to be treated like a queen and also be protected from evil people like her aunt.

My wife came into the office, she smiled at me, she comes to kiss me and I kiss her tummy, she burst into laughter.

" Hey honey, how are you? I said, she comes to sit on my laps.

" I got a mail from the investigator about our night at the hotel, read it, it's still open on my laptop" I said.

My wife began to read on the laptop and when she read to where she sees her aunt she looks back at me and tears rolled down her cheek.

" What have I done to her that she hates me this much? If you were not understanding I could have gone to jail for this" I said.

" You didn't read further, you were not the target here, I was the target, she and the opposition party wanted to use Racheal to cause scandal for me but God send you into my world and here we are today, your aunt must be angry that we are this in love" I said.

" Yeah, you came into my world and every dimmed light in my life just lit up" Shade said.

"I love you baby" I said.

" I love you too" she says.


" Please be careful with her" I said as my driver helps her out of my car.

"Yes ma" he helped me bring my daughter out of the car.

" Mom, it's okay, I might be blind but there some certain things I can still still do smartly" Jessica replies.

Tears were beginning to build up in my face but I pushes it back.

I have brought her along with me to see Simi at the hospital so that they can get along.

It's never my wish to be the one to find a husband for my daughter I have always hopes for a miracle so that she can leave a better life that people who are not disabled live but what can I do.

I had to buy shares of Simi's parents company so that my daughter would get a husband.

If I don't do this who will want to marry a blind girl.

My daughter is beautiful and sexy but she has no sight.

She wasn't born with no sight, I gave birth to her with her two sights but I slowly my daughter started loosing her sight, she was still six months old when I noticed her eyes were gone.

I cried, I took her everywhere I know and people who knew us friends and family introduced us to many people it wasn't just working.

I gave up and just hoped on God for Miracle but till Today my daughter is still blind.

I held her by hand , I dialed Simi's mom's number she picked the call and came out to them, they embrace , Jessica also greets Simi's mom, they both go to Simi's ward.

" I am so sorry, he will be fine" she says.

" I know he will be fine" I said.

"Yes , the doctor also said that " Simi mom replies.

How have been coping with life since you returned from abroad? simi's mom asks.

" Fine, It's my country, I have been able to adapt back to how I use to before going to school in abroad" she says.

 " It so sad that what should have been dinner or a lunch had to be done here, you are meeting your fiancée here in the hospital but don't worry Jessica, he would be fine and both of you would be able to have a face to face chat and you will know Simi is a nice man, he is that one person that cares for his woman" simi's mom says and she nods her head.


I wished I had my sight and I won't have to depend on my mom choosing a man for me, I hate the fact that I could make my own choice, sometimes when I try to that I could get a man of my choice and I will think it in another way that who would ever want to marry a blind girl, I might have the beauty and the curves but I still don't have my sight which makes me a disable person, when I was in school I had a boyfriend, he is a disabled like me, he is on wheel when I told my mom she wasn't happy about it, she told me if I wanted her to have a disabled grandchild even his family never accepted me because they also wanted an able person for their son, I do not blame them for not accepting us.

He is lame, I am blind isn't it funny that a lame man is who I choose.

It not like I am happy that my mom is the one who picked a husband for me because how am I sure that he would love me? How am I sure I will enjoy this type of marriage? I am so skeptical of this  marriage , I just wish God would send me a man who will love me like I want.


I looked at Jessica she is very beautiful and curvy but if not for money, I would never have accepted such girl for my son a blind girl but when I look at what my family has got to gain, I feel it's worth it, I am scared of getting a disabled child if possible my son won't even spend a night with her but to gain all her shares my son needs to make her have about two children so that when her mom is gone everything that is hers will be ours.

Her mother thinks I like her daughter has a daughter in law she doesn't know it is because of her daughter's inheritance that will become ours, once her mom is gone, I will go and get my son my own type of daughter in law for Simi .


" Racheal think about it , I only want you to be comfortable be in place you will be treated like queen look at shade, look at the way she is being treated like a queen , look at the way people praise her , don't you like it , my dear call Felix and tell him that he should send his driver to pick you so that you won't loose this opportunity" I said to her trying to convince her because I need to outshine Shade's mom.


At first I had said nothing will ever take me back Felix but mom is making lots of sense ,if I become Felix's girlfriend like he wants I will use luxury things,live luxury, make money and travel around the world, Shade won't say over shadow me.

I think mom is right, I will call him , I need this competition with Shade at all cost after all I have something to gain after the whole beating.


Peju’s mom got down from the bike, pays the bike man, she knocks the door and no one answers her , she places her hand on the knob of the door and he door open, she was surprised to see that no one answers and the door wasn’t locked.

she enters into the room and she finds her daughter weeping, she quickly drops the plastic nylon in her hand and sits on the edge of the bed.

” Peju what is it? What happened ? Why are you crying? She asks curiously.