

I was so angry because Deji's wife refused to comply with me , I need her to sign the e divorce paper.

I orders a new divorce paper and when it was brought to Deji's wife again to sign, she tore it and Juliana feels frustrated because her wedding with Deji is in a weeks time and she wants her to divorce him before the wedding.

Seeing the lady tore the documents got her frustrated and she slapped her.

I got people to do this with money and you have to sign it, You think you and Deji can play me, it's a lie, you decided to loose Deji the day you agreed to the stupid decision of both of you should play me is the day you have loose your husband to me, it's not that I love your husband but he is a potential to me and I still need him and I do not know when I will free him dear so it will be the best for you to divorce him and move on" I said.

She laughed and spat on my face

" Aren't you shameless that you are the one sliding into Men's DM and searching 

for men?  She says, I became angry and I hit her on her face again, I walked out angrily and asked my boys to help me get a particular injection at the pharmacy which I was going to forcefully injects on her  and she would slowly began to loose her memory and she won't be able to say anything to anyone about what happen and  slowly they will kill her .


I couldn't even stood up from where I was lying in the floor because all my body aches.

" Stand up we are getting late" he says.

" I am very tired" I said.

" You have to stand up, go and take some shower and let's go out there, the unveiling party will start in maybe thirty minutes , so get ready." he says.

" I am very tired to go to any party , you knew we were going for some party and you were banging that hard" Ifeoluwa complain and he laughs hard.

" What's so funny? After banging me you couldn't even try to be romantic and take me to the bathroom "She says.

Felix laughs out hard as he did uses his hand to straighten the native he was wearing to look smart on him.

" I won't be doing that for you because I don't do that for women except I feel like, so get used to that life! He said firmly.

I felt pissed and annoyed that this man feels like because he has money she cannot walk out of this Toxic relationship, I hate what he is doing ? I am no more interested in this stupid relationship anymore.

" I want out of this relationship" I said softly still lying on the ground tiredly staring at his back as he faces the mirror with deodorant in his hand.

" Sorry dear , you don't just jump out of a relationship with me, you came asking me to employ you knowing fully well that what you wanted is your ass in my bed and now that you came giving yourself to me that I need you to be there to move higher, you want to walk out! He said walking close to me .

I was scared of the anger he had in him that as he was walking close to me , I manage to raise my body crawled backwards in fear with my heart pounding against my chest .

He pull me with my hair, I screamed and pleaded with him to leave my hair but he didn't instead he hit my back on the wall, He uses his hand to choke me and I struggle his hand away from my neck.

You will be here and you will always be beside me out there, you and I will get married because I need you around me till I become that president after then I wouldn't need you in my life because I do not need hypocrite and won't be needing a low life like you in my life , you and I are just fuck mate" he says and threw me to the ground.

Tears build up in my face , I hated myself at that moment because I felt like I gave myself out to easily and cheap but I do not take rubbish if Racheal had endure his madness and abuse I am not one of them

I won't be doing such.

I walked to the bathroom tiredly and sit in the shower, I wept under the shower flashing back to my sister's trying to stop me from going to such man, my mom trying to stop me  but I won't shy away from this because I know if everyone hates me my family cannot, family remains family.

I quickly take my bath , I picked a towel

And dress up , I picked my handbag and walked away from him.

"You are supposed to walk behind me with all my crews" He said, I scoff and turn back to him.

" I am not one those girls that agree to all of those your craziness, I do not want your money and you, I am done with this relationship,as you can see I am taking a walk out of your life" I said.

" Don't try it , if you walk out of this place , your family will become my captives" he says.

I looked back at him, At first I panic but on the second thought, I felt that it's a threat.

I hissed and walk out of the place.


My men came with the injection, I collected the syringe , Open the injection , they are about three injection and pull the fluid into the syringe.

This is what my father has always use in killing most of his enemies and you will think the people are mad.

You will see them not making sense. My dad has been using this for years and it has been working for him to kill people who disrespects him.

I walked into the room

Smiling, I held up the syringe and laugh as I was about to inject her.

She tries struggling but her hands were already tired to the chair.

" I gave you an option that could make you live your life and walk away but what did you did , you said you want the hard one and that is what I want to give to you.

DEJI's wife.

I thought being stubborn was going to help me but Juliana herself is a devil.

I thought Deji was going to fight for me but no, his ambition was higher than mine.

I regret marrying Deji, I could remember I never wanted this man as my husband but my dad said he is rich , from a political home and that he is loved by the youth because he is a philanthropist but I was already in loved because he spoiled me , he had money but made me give out my inheritance to him when my Dad died, I didn't mind thinking till death do we part but now he choose his political ambition over me.

He let this girl tortured me for almost one week.

When she came in with the divorced paper, I thought it was a framed thing but not until I spoke with my husband and he confirmed he did it to save me.

I don't believe me because he could call the police, he had connections to get me out instead he decided to let Juliana force me to sign the divorced document.

I do not care what is going to happen but I will never sign the divorce paper.

I tore the first one, she hit me on my face, it was painful but I try to be strong.

She came back with another documents I tore it and the third time she came in with an injection.

Seeing the injection and how she laughed wickedly, I knew she was trying to kill me.

I became scare, I struggled myself out of the chair but I could not.

She lifts the injection up and I began to plead.

" I will sign the divorce papers now please don't eject me"I said.

" Sorry dear the option is no more because when I gave you the opportunity you didn't want the walking away and moving on and this best way is just to do this" she says her phrase one by one, i was still pleading suddenly she injected me and pulls it out of my body.

I became scared because I do not know what kind of injection that was giving to me.

Julianna laughed out hard.

" I think this will put you in place"

The following day I already order a mini gown design in a plain print, a simple style , I picked for my husband because we decided to dress in a matching outfit and I want to look stylishly, I said to the designer that I want something really simple chic and beautiful.

I got the dress , my make up artist came to give me some makeover.

I know this days when we step out we make statement that is why I choose to look so good following my husband.

After our dress up we walk into our convoy.

The car took us to where we are supposed to meet with the ex president. 

When we got out of the car , my husband and I hold each other hands with our bodyguards stepping out with us.

I thought back to those days that people would often make fun of my mom when my dad would be my mom starve us, I looked at me and my husband it's such a privilege.

When we got to the place, we were ushered into the place in respect and we weren't meeting one ex president alone about three of them including some ex legislators.

We sad down holding hands with discussions of them seeing us as a strong competitor that could bring their party back to become competitive.

My husband spoke about accepting to be a member of the party but one thing is that he wouldn't like the party to interfere in his family matters and would not accept them

Coming between his family which they agree.

We agree to a date that there will be a  a party meeting and that we will be attending.


After the meeting we return home we were still undressing when I got a call from Simi that he read in the news that we are going back into politics and that there is already rumors going on that we were in a closed door meeting with the chairman of the FTP party chairman.

I left them go to check on our kids and I found them very busy with the nanny and I slowly tiptoed back to our room.

" Yes you are right but it was just a closed meeting and there are rumors already? I replied surprisingly.

" You are the people's choice already and people have faith in you already and I really can't wait to see you become a leader that you have always want to be" Simi said.

"Thank you " I replied.

" I spoke with Dad recently that I went to visit mom and he says you are coming back to take charge and make the company more competitive" I said.

" Yes, It's truth and to be honest I never wanted to come back but Dad pleaded and I gave he and mom a condition that they would not interfere in the life of my family and I gave my words to try my best that I will take it beyond where I left it" he said.

" I am glad that our parents now realize that we need to make our decisions" I said.

We had so many discussion after some minutes we ended our discussion.

I was going to turn to my wife and she was smiling staring at her cellphone, I peeped into her phone and it was the pictures of us holding hands and being compared to some powerful people in the world.

We both stood side by side reading comments of how we are loved and hiw much people want us to become the next president of the country.


I stood watching her leaving, I smiled , I like her type , her stubbornness just gave me a hard on, I love the way she hit me when I wanted to touch her.

She came on her own to seduced me and she came at the right time and b now that I found her as a fuckmate, the route to my success because I need her to make some kind of strategy that help Shade and Kunle popular.

I have gotten popular through my late's wife death and her mom and now I want to use her as an instrument to attract the masses to us by campaigning forget and forgiveness and that what I am thinking is helping the poor people get better and that is why I have decided to help her parents and also let her work with me as my Personal assistant, I am very sure that this will take me a long way in my political journey but just when I felt I had the best solution and I am sure of using her to get people's vote she wants out of the relationship.

What makes her thinks she can bounce out of the relationship? 

I picked my cellphone and ordered the security never to let her out.

I wanted to call my guard to force her back in but I felt this should be another strategy by me.

I stare at myself and look at myself in the mirror if I am looking perfect.

I felt satisfy of my look, I walk into the elevator.


I got into the elevator after leaving his room  murmuring to myself and angry at myself for letting myself to be used.

The elevator stopped and I walked to the gate and I was stopped.

" I don't get it why would you guys stop me from going out of this place ?! I yelled at them in annoyance.

"It's an order from Mr Felix" the security says.

I hissed and was very angry, I wanted to go back and fight him and I saw him walking towards me , I was scared and thee was the camera man and his bodyguard following him, I began to wonder what all of this madness was all about.

He walked to me smiling, he held my hand and said.

" I am sorry for being rude to you, I understand that I acted out of line towards you not listening to your own ideas for the party but thinking about your words now I think you are even doing beyond your job as my PA by always thinking out of the box while my thinking goes one direction, I am sorry, please come and continue working for me, I need someone like you around me to work with me,if you want me go down on my knees just for you to work for me it's fine" he says.

I stood staring at him because I am lost.