
❤️ Different results


I take a deep breath and open my eyes to see the results.....







All the three test showing different results.. first one shows negative.. second one shows positive..and third one shows a very light line...

What should I do..? I even don’t know you should get happy or sad..but mostly I am confused..

I did three test to get confirmed not confused... Damn... i am just looking at these test results but my eyes were only in the second one.. I desperately want it to be the one I want...

I have to consult a doctor... I want to be sure to tell Cady.... It will the huge surprise for him...but how..? If I visit hospital..he will know about it...


Mom....!!! Yes......

I dialled her number and she picked it up after two rings...

Sarah: hey amora...how are you...?

“hi..mom... I am fine.. how are you and dad..?”

Sarah: we are fine dear.. did you talk to Caden..when is he coming back??