
Incidents of wedding ceremony

"How did she know? If people see that a divine painting's situation is like this then people will laugh at me. Then it is good that I will go there. Lan Lian, ah. You are so clever. You found a good reason to oppose the emperor. Good, good. I don't have to open the palace gate."

He said with slight anger. But couldn't do anything. It was his order to get them married in one month. He didn't tell them at that time to the marriage will happen at the palace. So he can't now go back on his order. So he can't do anything if they don't want to go there. Also, the painting's paint was lost. If people see that they will laugh at the emperor. He doesn't want that.

The next day. At dawn, Xuan Yong came to the Lan clan's door with Han Yi. The Lan family's people open the door and receive them. Both of them are tired and need some rest. The servants take them to the guest room. They both went to different rooms and fell asleep on the bed.