
I want him

"What? Why is she wants to sit beside the cursed prince?"

They muttered.

"Daughter, your sit is here."

Her parents said.

"I like this sit."

Saying this, she asked again while looking at him,

"Can I sit here?"

"Yes, you can. That sit is not mine, so you can sit."

He said also while looking at her.

"Oh, if not yours then why they sit in the middle was empty."

Saying this, she sat in the sits. She kept her sword beside her. No one noticed her sword because she wore a red cloak.

Then she asked again, He noticed that she has a sword with her. But didn't say anything. Mo Lan noticed that he saw her sword. So she asked his name.

"What's your name?"

Hearing her, he and everyone were astonished. But no one said anything.

He looked at her for a while without saying his name. While getting no answer from him she said,

"Oh, so your name is a sacred secret. I think my question was in vain."