
She's so confused...

She grew up in a small town, but she dreamed of moving to NYC and working in fashion. Her parents said her dream was Impossible and too expensive. They believed she should never spend money and only save it. In addition, everyone she knew was overweight. Her mother said that she wasn't overweight and her height made look chubby. Her mom said she would always be that was

Then her mom read The Secret and her life changed!!

She focused only on what I wanted. She was attending a small fashion college where I met a girl who was transferring to a college in NYC. I applied there and got in!

I moved to NYC three days later and lived in the college dorms. Keep in mind that I did not know how all this was happening, but I believed it would. After one week in NYC I became good friends with a designer at one of the biggest fashion brands in the world. She got me a freelancing position in her department. I already had my dream job and I hadn't even graduated yet!

The apartment I had always visualized would cost millions, but I didn't think about the price. Two months after moving to NYC I met a girl who became a very dear friend and she said she was looking for a third roommate. She owned a multi-million dollar apartment and I had no idea. I toured the apartment before moving in and it was exactly like the apartment I had been visualizing. I moved in and she charged me an affordable rate.

I started to use a vision board with my perfect weight and perfect partner. When I looked at the photos I felt like I already had everything I wanted. I focused on my perfect weight the most. Everyone around me was healthy and thin and it truly inspired me to be my perfect weight. I started losing weight with a new healthy lifestyle. I didn't own a full-length mirror like I did back at my parents, so I never saw my body. I only saw what I wanted! I felt like I was already thin! I lost 18 pounds in less than three months. I achieved my goal weight in an enjoyable way! I continued the same enjoyable lifestyle and I have remained my perfect weight.

I used The Secret to attract my perfect partner and perfect apartment of my own. I completely let go of all the negativity from my childhood and I embraced The Secret. What you resist enslaves you, but what you embrace you become!