
Mom Why???

The whole time everything was going on ally was living with her grandma and she loved her grandma so much her grandma gave her the comfort that she needed. One day ally got a text form a mysterious person.

Strange person"I'm sorry for what happens to you if you need someone to talk to just know you have me"

Ally replied "thank you but who is this???"

Strange person"don't worry about it this number is going to comfort you every time you need it,Ok"

Ally"ok thank you I guess"

Ally was confused she has so many questions like who is this? How did they get my number? Why are they trying to comfort me? But ally didn't want to think about it she was depressed from what just happened in her life the only person she can love so much is her grandma. Ally went to sleep later that day and got a dream that her mom was explaining why she did it and ally was confused the whole time. In her dream her mom said that her dad was threatening her to kill both of them so she took matters into her own hands and killed him but she didn't want me to look at her in fear so she killed her self. Ally was so sad she said mommy I miss both of you I wish you guys where here to support me and love me. Her mom replied don't worry I will always be here to protect you. Ally was crying in her dream but really she was crying in real life too. All ally wanted to do right now is go see her mom and dad.