
Her Indecision That Repaired An Empire- Book 2

An empire is falling apart until an unexpected heir is born. A female child that was destined to become the next Emperor. Now coming of age to wed and take the crown she goes through a week of celebrations for her birthday while courting many suitable men. To strengthen her empire how far is she willing to go? Will she lead her people with her heart or mind? When unexpected betrayal ensues she must rise to the occasion and get to the bottom of their deceit. This story follows the highs and lows of love, loss, and power.

Cloud_Rasmus · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 14- Farewells

Washing up and getting dressed into clothes more fitting to the next activity. Sylvia and I headed down to meet the others. On the way, I ran into Alastaire, prince of the Griffins.

"Your majesty," he called out, "I've been meaning to talk with you. Do you have a moment?"

"Sure, how may I help you, Prince Alastaire?"

"I wanted to wish you one last happy birthday before taking my leave. I received word from home that I am needed at once to return. My father has taken ill."

"I see, I thank you for telling me goodbye before your departure. I wish you safe travels on your way and a quick recovery to your father."

"Thank you, and I wish you great luck and happiness in finding your future husband. Farewell your majesty." He said with a bow before taking his leave.

I took a moment to take a breath before entering the archery corridor. There was something I needed to do before continuing the celebrations.

Several lanes were set up with targets at the ends. Bows and arrows set up at the beginnings. I greeted my guest and informed them of Alistaire's departure. Letting them know if they had other obligations elsewhere that they were not being forced to stay here simply to entertain me. Several other gentlemen stepped up and wished me farewell stating that they too had received letters from home regarding pressing matters.

Many happy birthday wishes later I was down to about a dozen young and handsome men.

"Now that that is taken care of, gentlemen, I thank you for staying. I know who is here for the true intent of winning the ultimate prize. My heart." I said with a smile. "Now let us play a little game of archery!"

The remaining men cheered as we entered into several one-on-one matches between me and each guest. I won repeatedly hitting directly on the targets as they hit either to the left, right, or not at all on theirs. I was beginning to lose hope of finding true competition until a tall and all too familiar man approached me. His elven ears made it obvious he was from my court. In fact, it was the very knight my father had ordered to protect me since I was a young child.

"Fraren, you think you have what it takes to beat me now do you?" I asked playfully.

"Your majesty, I am the one who taught you to shoot your first bow am I not?" He replied in good humor.

The targets were lined up. Each of us hit the exact center every time. The match was a tie.

"You've been practicing," he said with a smile, "but have you been able to pierce the arrow midair yet?"

He majestically grabbed two arrows shooting one directly after the other. My eyes watched as the second sliced into the first before hitting the target. Splinters exploded as it fell to the ground.

"Impressive indeed." I said as I let him take the win. I didn't want to let the others know that I too could do this neat trick. As well as a few of my own I had been practicing. Instead, I let him have face in front of the others.

"Thank you for giving me some real competition Fraren, no offense but I'd stick to sword fighting if I were you guys." I said jokingly to the others.

"You're welcome your majesty, I'm here for you alone." He said before returning to his station to quietly guard me. A look from his eyes gave me a second meaning to his words. I quickly shook it off thinking all the mushy gushy as of late was really getting to my head. Fraren has known me forever. If he truly had feelings for me, he would have revealed them sooner. Besides, I've grown much since the last time I had a crush on him. What Fraren and I had was more like brotherly love. He used to pick on me relentlessly when I was a young girl. Touching my hair, always sprinkling flowers on my head. I remember crying from laughing so hard as he would chase me through the woods on our way to our secret fort. He would fight the invisible dragons and save me from certain death. He always was my one true knight and protector. Even before my father gave him that title.

A soft smile warmed my face as I went back to destroying the final competitors in archery. Little did I know that a scarcely seen smile also tinted the lips of an unseen knight.