

Camryn Ambrose based on her last hurtful relationship with Charles Morgan, pretends to be poor to find true love, on the contrary she meets Alex ...

Squishy_Squish · Urban
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20 Chs

Lela's predicament

The next morning Camryn and her roommates returned to their dorm after class, they just finished eating their take out and was preparing to relax when Lilly walked in, she looked depressed as she entered the room and said

"Something has happened"

"What happened? what has your sport department done this time?" Gwen quickly asked

"Something has happened to Lela" she said and sat down on the bed looking worried

"Who's Lela?" Camryn asked looking at them

"Jase's sister, the girl at the restaurant yesterday" Rosa replied

"Oh didn't even know her name" she said shrugging

"What's going on?" Gwen asked, Camryn knew from Lilly's face that it was something bad

"You know Lela slapped a guy when she left yesterday, did you know who that man was?" Lilly answered her question "it was Steve Bryan, the deputy manager of the Half Moon's group" she said

"Holy shit! the Half Moon's group?" Rosa exclaimed, she was shocked, she stood up and said loudly "the Half Moon's group ranks in the top ten in UK right? they were Half Moon's retail offices that belonged to them and this was one of the only businesses that belong to their group, Lela has done it this time,why did she hit him? she's definitely in trouble now" Camryn glanced at Rosa who was still talking nonstop and then to Lilly

"Doesn't Lela also come from a powerful family? and isn't there anything they can do?" Camryn asked, she knew that Lela's family was rich enough to open an account in First Republic Bank, so they must be powerful

"Jase's parents owns a company known as sea_fox cargo company but doesn't to compare to Half Moon's co-operation" Lilly said with a frown "Jase told me about the development and his dad is really upset with Lela right now because of the several partnership that's about to cancel" Lilly said with her hand on her head

"The Half Moon's group must have done this, I've seen information about them on the internet, the boss of the company Daniel Bryan is Steve's father and he's bad news" Gwen said stressing her word "he's very ruthless in his business dealings" Rosa looked at Gwen and then to Camryn, her face was grave, just then Lilly's phone rang, it was her boyfriend Jase, she answered the phone nervously

"Alright! I will go right now, okay! that's it" Lilly said and hung up the phone "Jase's father has ordered that the only way for Lela to fix this is for her to spend a night with Steve otherwise Daniel is going to ruin their family" Lilly said nervously

"Yesterday, I caught that Steve looking weirdly at Lela, I think it would cost her a lot for her to make it up to him, damn it! this father and son are really shameless!" Rosa cursed angrily

"Don't say anymore let's go meet up with Jase and Lela to help put up some ideas" Lilly said and stood up quickly

"Do I get to come too?" Camryn asked with a faint expression on her face, she knew Lela doesn't like her and considering her predicament right now, she would definitely blame her for everything that's happening

"Of course, yesterday was just a misunderstanding, I hope you could forget about it" Lilly said with a faint smile to persuade Camryn to join them, Camryn stood up and all four stormed out and locked the door behind them. Jase gave them a location near their school since they can't probably come to the boys dorm that he shares with his friends. On getting there, the girls met Lela, James and Jase sitting together with tears in her eyes as Jase tried his best to console her

"How is she?" Lilly asked Jase as soon as she got to the location

"She's been crying for the past four hours now and my dad has insisted on her sorting this issue out herself" Jase said sadly in a low tone to Lilly who starred at Lela with sympathy in her eyes

"Damn! what kind of father is he?" Rosa asked, she couldn't help but feel annoyed and disgusted with Lela's father

"I guess he's in a tight spot" Gwen responded "after all several of his business partners are threatening to cancel their partnership" she explained looking at her phone

"How did you know all of that?" Jase asked Gwen curiously as he glared at her

"Hey! its all over the internet remember? and I'm sure anyone who hasn't threatened yet still might" Gwen replied showing him her phone screen as she sneered at her

"Hey you should watch it, we're talking about Lela" James interfered

"Well how's that my problem? if she's been thought good morals, then I'm quite sure she wouldn't raise her hand on a man, not to talk about a stranger she knows nothing about

"That's enough Gwen!" Camryn yelled "remember no one is above mistake!" she yelled defending Lela

"Lela don't cry, if Bryan's family goes too far, we will call the police to arrest them" Lilly said as she tried to comfort her, Rosa took out her phone

"Let's call the police now! I will call 911" she suggested

"Don't!" Lela cried in a loud voice, only then did she look up, her watery eyes were red from crying and she has lost all traces of her arrogance that's been so obvious the previous day, after all the others were trying to help, she wiped her nose with a handkerchief, with tears in Her eyes she said

"Its useless to call the police, it will only make things worst" she said her voice filled with tears, she was after all th child of a rich family, she has seen the way her father and the other rich men handled such matters, the police might anger Daniel Bryan and if he was completely enraged, with his strength and power, the situation could get a hundred times worst than it has already been

"We need to find someone else to help cause calling the police would only make matters worse for my family, we've seen how my dad and the other rich men handles matters related to this without mercy, so calling the police would only make things unbearable for us if Daniel Bryan gets completely enraged" Jase said in panic

"If we can call someone even more powerful, there might be a way to sort it out, I will call my dad and ask him" Gwen offered as she stood up, took out her phone, dialed her dad's phone and went to one side to make a call

"I will ask too" Rosa, James and Lilly all answered. However they all knew in their hearts that with their families connection, there was no way they could stop Daniel, the boss of Half Moon's group.

"Don't worry, it will all be sorted out soon" Camryn said speaking for the first time since they arrived. Hearing Camryn's voice, Lela was slightly stunned, she stopped wiping her nose and raised her head, she shut a cold gaze towards Camryn

"You came too" she said, Camryn nodded slightly but didn't say anything, judging by Lela's expression, she didn't seem to want her there, Lilly quickly spoke up for Camryn

"Lela! Camryn came to help you think of a way out of this, she's worried about you"

"Hmmm! worried?" Lela sneered "if it wasn't for her yesterday, I wouldn't have bumped into Steve and if I hadn't bumped into Steve then I wouldn't have to been in such a mess right now" she explained got to her feet and pointed at the door "scram get out of here right now!" she exclaimed

"Lela listen to yourself!" Jase said "after all Camryn came to help you, you shouldn't treat her like that" he said, he thought that his sister was being unfair and too pushy towards Camryn, he didn't understand why his sister hated Camryn that much. Camryn didn't say anything, she slowly turned around and left the restaurant without a word, Rosa hung up the phone and followed to comfort his friend

"Camryn! are you alright?" she asked "Lela was out of words just now, but remember how stressed she is from this whole thing, don't lower yourself to her level and please forgive her on our behalf" Rosa pleaded on behalf of Lela

"I know, it's alright" Camryn smiled sweetly "go quickly and persuade her, tell her not to worry, it would be fine" Camryn said

"I'm coming with you" Rosa said walking closer to her

"No! no! don't worry about me, you should stay with Lilly and Gwen to make sure none of them gets hurt" Camryn said with a smile on her face turned around and walked away as if nothing had happened, Rosa watched Camryn go and shoke her head before returning to the restaurant

"I don't ever wanna see that low life again!" Lela yelled, she was still cursing Camryn when Rosa walked back in as soon as Rosa walked in, it was as if Lela remembered something and smiled "I'm gonna call my old school friend to see if he can help" she said picked up her phone and dialed a number "Hello Mikel! its Lela" she said and began to tell him her situation, the others contacted whoever they could think of.