

Camryn Ambrose based on her last hurtful relationship with Charles Morgan, pretends to be poor to find true love, on the contrary she meets Alex ...

Squishy_Squish · Urban
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20 Chs

Hidden helper

Bethy and the rest was still practicing when her cell phone rang, she quickly took it out but when she saw the number, she frowned walked to a corner and answer the phone, after some while of talking to the person over the phone she returned with a changed expression

"What's wrong?" one of the girls named Rechal asked as she placed her hand on her friend's neck

"Well it's my cousin brother Joseph, he's aging and his family is urging him to get married" Bethy said worriedly

"Is he handsome? could you hook us up?" Clara one of the girls asked smiling coyly

"He needs to get married not someone to hook up with" Bethy replied sneering at Clara

"I've seen him and his very handsome, so he shouldn't be worried about getting married" Rachel said

"You don't understand Rachel! of course my cousin is worried about getting married, the problem is who will marry her? you've seen him so I'm sure you could tell how old he is" Bethy said with her eyes fixed on Camryn "we can't obviously marry poor losers like her right?" she said with disdain in her voice. After the training section Bethy and the other girls from the cheerleading squad left with the basketball team. The task of cleaning up the equipments fell to Camryn, Henry didn't get to come back, he left as soon as the training section was over, he didn't even wait for his friends cause his father's driver came to pick him up so Camryn was left all to herself as she was cleaning, her cell phone rang, it was Nate his family's butler

"Ma'am! Ken said that the matter has been solved" he said

"Okay no problem" Camryn said and hung up the phone she couldn't believe how quickly her family has sorted it out, it's only been an hour since she called him, she guessed that Lela must have heard the news by now. Later that evening by five o'clock Lilly returned home very happy, she swinged herself around as she entered the room in happiness.

"What's up? you look very happy" Gwen asked looking at her, Lilly flashed a cute smile and sat down like a princess

"Guess what?" she said starring at her

"Come on go straight to the point" Gwen persuaded

"I think Lela's issues is already been sorted out" Camryn said with her eyes focused on a novel page

"Of course!" Lilly exclaimed "how did you know?" Lilly asked looking at her

"I took a guess besides you were so happy that I knew the problem must have been sorted out" Camryn lied, she didn't want to expose her little secret

"it's been barely twenty minutes Jase called to share the good news with me, I'm so happy" she said clapping her palms

"She better not cause any trouble again, I won't be a part of it" Rosa sneered

"Well now that the issues been sorted out, Lela said that she wants to treat us to dinner" Lilly announced

"You guys go ahead, I don't wanna go" Camryn said, she knew that Lela hated her so much that she can't stand the sight of her, she knew that if she went, their treated would be ruined because of her, so she backed down

"Come on Camryn, all your friends are going, don't you wanna come?" Lilly asked in a persuading manner

"I don't wanna go, you guys have fun" Camryn said giving her attention to her book

"Let her be Lilly, you know how much Lela hates her" Rosa said and with sadness on Lilly's face, she got dressed and left with the others. Camryn being alone and hungry decided to go to a nearby restaurant to eat, she was hungry and tired from the day's activities, she slowly took a seat with her back turned,not long after she started hearing her friends voice and laughter, she turned around and saw Lela, her friend's and some unfamiliar faces, they were more than ten people seated around the table, she quickly turned her head to avoid being seen by the others and quickly ate her food, as she ate she could hear their chattering

"Tell us who exactly helped your family so we can tell everyone" one of the boys said

"I'm also wondering who exactly helped my dad, Daniel Bryan must be a tough nut to crack but it seems like he's no match for my dad" Lela boasted "I should call my dad and ask him" she took out her phone and called her dad, after a few minutes of conversing she hung up the call

"Tell us who did?" one of the girls asked

"My dad wasn't the one who solved the problem, so probably it's could have been a friend and someone related to Michael Kyle" she said looking around

"Oh wow that your friend must be extremely rich" the girls exclaimed "tell us, is he a boy?" they asked

"I don't know either, I just have to find out" Lela replied, her gaze fell on someone sitting opposite them and she spotted a Camryn, looking at her friend behind she felt annoyed by her presence, the last person she ever want to see was Camryn, just as she was about to go approach her with the thought of whom might have helped her was, she remembered Mikel Park, her old school friend, she quickly took out her phone and scrolled through it for his number "I might have just figured out who helped me" she said and pressed the dial button on her phone screen and put it on speaker

"Hey Lela! how are how doing?" Mikel asked as soon as he answered the phone

"Did you help me?" Lela asked

"I begged my dad after you called me, he said that he and Mr Kyle used to be classmates so he would go and ask him but I haven't asked my dad yet" he explained, he wasn't lying but what he didn't know was that Michael Kyle ignored his dad when he got there, so his dad couldn't even speak with him

"It's done! its been solved perfectly" she exclaimed excitedly "I knew it was you, my dad told me that someone when to look for Mr Kyle to intervene, thank you so much!" she thanked him with a bright smile on her face

"Its fine as long as it's solved, there's no need to thank me" Mikel's tone softened as he said those words

"Look you've helped me a lot and I don't know how to repay you" she said as tears welled up in her eyes, the gratitude she felt towards Mikel intensified, if only she knew whom her true helper was

"Don't think like that, what are friends for" he said trying to calm her down

"Come to Ham's lodge now, I will treat you and thank you in person" Lela said and hung up the phone, a sly smiled appeared by the corner of Mikel's face, when Lela's friend heard Michael Kyle, they were shocked. Someone who can be friends with Michael Kyle was no ordinary person. Camryn shoke her head after listening to Lela's conversation, if only Lela knew whom her real helper was, she would definitely freak out, she thought, she was eating pork chops and spaghetti with a grilled crab when all of a sudden she heard a voice

"What are you doing here you loser?" that was Lela, she couldn't stand the sight of Camryn that she walked up to her and intentionally embarrass her "what are those you're eating? are they leftovers?" Lela asked in disgust but Camryn wasn't saying a word, she just ignored her and continued eating her food

"I'm talking to you poor thing!" she yelled "you dare to ignore me?" Lela asked angrily she felt proud of herself, Camryn didn't have anything to say and so ignored her, her roommates figured out she was there when they heard Lela's voice and quickly rushed over

"What do you think you're doing?" Rosa intervened

"Get out of my way" Lela said to

"No you stay away from Camryn!" Gwen yelled "what is your problem? why are you head over bent on making Camryn unhappy? do you know how nice she is?" Gwen asked fining annoyed, she disliked Lela for her character

"So what if I'm head over bent on making her unhappy, what is your say in that?" Lela asked with her hands folded across her chest

"You have no right to speak to Camryn that way, just because you're a rich spoilt brat doesn't mean you would get anything you want" Rosa said angrily, by now Lela was getting super annoyed, Lilly not wanting to be a rival spoke up she didn't want to be harsh on Lela because of her relationship with Jase so she spoke softly standing in between them

"Its alright guys no need to fight, it's such a great day today no need to make a mess out of it" Lilly said

"Well you're right, I will spare this lowlife today because I'm in such a happy mood, otherwise it would have been very bad for her today" Lela said and walked back to her seat with her friends who were flocking around her. Camryn was quiet all the time, she knew that she couldn't fight with Lela with just mere words, she almost regretted why she helped her out in the first place but she took it as a pay for the damage she almost caused because of her that night.

"Thanks guys! I really appreciate your intervention" she thanked her roommates sincerely

"Its nothing, besides you said you were not tagging along, how come you're here?" Rosa asked

"I was hungry and decided to have a bit outside, I didn't know you guys were here" she explained

"Its alright let's go home now" Gwen said

"No! no! you ain't done with dinner yet, you should stay back, I don't want it ruined because of me" Camryn knew deep down that her friends was upset but she still considered Lilly's friendship with Jase, if not for that she would have let them go home with her

"I don't care about this dinner anymore, I'm sick and tired of it, besides the rich always put themselves first" Gwen sneered looking at Lela who was busy chatting with Mikel who's already arrived by now, completely ignoring them

"You have to stay with Lilly, remember her relationship with Jase, I don't want it jeopardize because of me" Camryn said, she had to fix this misunderstanding one way or another

"Camryn is right" Rosa said "we have to stay with Lilly, what if she gets into trouble?"

"Alright, I will stay but only because of you" Gwen said

"Thanks" Camryn said and the girls left, she took a deep breath paid her bills and left