

Camryn Ambrose based on her last hurtful relationship with Charles Morgan, pretends to be poor to find true love, on the contrary she meets Alex ...

Squishy_Squish · Urban
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20 Chs

Finding Alex

After a few rings, Alex finally picked up the call. "Hello, Alex! Where are you? I'm at the lake," Camryn asked eagerly, her voice filled with excitement. She couldn't hide her eagerness to meet him.

"Ugh... my class is having a practical after lecture, so I don't think I can make it today," Alex replied, his tone sounding a bit sad.

"Alright, no problem," Camryn replied, trying her best to sound understanding. She hung up the call, but a sudden thought struck her. "Wouldn't it be nice to bring Alex his meal at his practical class?" Without a second thought, she made her way towards his class, hoping to surprise him.

However, when Camryn reached the classroom, she found it empty. Confused, she took out her phone and dialed Alex's number again. "Alex, where are you? I'm outside your class," she said, hoping for some clarity.

"Ugh... sorry, but I just rounded off with the practical, so I already left the class," Alex responded, his voice suggesting a hint of exhaustion.

"Where are you then? Tell me, and I will find you," Camryn insisted, determined to still bring him the meal.

"Don't worry about me, Camryn. I will definitely see you tomorrow or perhaps some other time," Alex said before Camryn could say anything further. With that, he hung up the call.

Feeling a sense of unease, Camryn couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with Alex. Ignoring her own doubts, she decided to actively search for him. From the basketball court to the school museum, and even the football field, Camryn tirelessly looked for Alex everywhere. Finally, she found herself approaching Dove's Garden, which was located opposite the Purple Lake. Spotting a figure that seemed familiar, she picked up her pace and quickly approached the bench where Alex sat.

"What are you doing here all by yourself, Alex?" Camryn asked, her voice filled with concern. Alex's face was tilted downward, making it difficult for her to see his expression.

"How did you find me?" he asked, his voice sounding a bit off. It was evident that something was bothering him. From the way he carried himself, it seemed like he had gotten into an argument or even a fight with someone.

"I was worried. You didn't sound like your usual self," Camryn replied softly, reaching out to try and raise his face, which remained buried in his hands. As she tried to lift his face, she noticed a bruise on his cheek. Even though Alex resisted, not wanting her to see his face, Camryn's worry only grew, causing her heart to race.

"What happened to you? Come on, let me see your face," she insisted, her voice filled with determination and concern. She knew that something was troubling him, and she wanted to do everything in her power to help him.

Alex was reluctant and wasn't ready to reveal his face to her, but Camryn was adamant, she wanted to see his handsome troubled face by all means. Forcefully she raised his head up but instead of the usual handsome face she admired so much, she saw a half destroyed face, filled with blood and bruises, making him Alex look like a monster.


Camryn gasped, and tears filled her eyes as she covered her mouth in shock. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, and her heart ached at the sight of the man she loved so much in such a state. She took a step back, her hands still trembling as she tried to process what had happened.

"Alex, what happened to you?" she asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Alex took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions before speaking. "I got into a fight," he said, his voice hoarse and filled with pain.

Camryn's heart sank, and she couldn't help but feel anger towards whoever had done this to him. "Who did this to you?" she demanded, her voice rising slightly.

Alex shrugged, not wanting to get her involved. "It doesn't matter, it was my fault," he muttered.

Camryn shook her head, refusing to accept that answer. "No, it's not your fault, no one deserves to be treated like this," she said firmly.

She knew that Alex had a tendency to blame himself for everything, and she wasn't going to let him do that this time. She placed a gentle hand on his cheek, carefully inspecting his injuries.

"Let me get you some ice and some painkillers," she said softly, pulling away slightly to head to the kitchen.

Alex grabbed her wrist, stopping her from leaving. "No, Camryn, please don't leave me alone," he pleaded.

Camryn nodded, understanding his fear of being alone with his thoughts. She sat down next to him, always keeping a gentle hand on his shoulder as they sat in silence.

After a few minutes of silence, Camryn spoke up. "You know, you can talk to me about anything," she said softly.

Alex nodded, knowing that she was right. He took a deep breath before launching into his story.

"I got into a fight with some guys at school. They were making fun of me, and I just lost it," he said, his voice heavy with regret.

Camryn listened carefully, nodding along as he spoke. When he finished, she placed a hand on his chest. "who could they be?" she said asked.

"Some rich kids" Alex simply replied.

Camryn understood the hesitant in his voice to say who really tortured him "I understand if you don't want to reveal who they are to me but first you need a doctor and some food as well"