
Chapter 4;

Strong. The scent of mixing iron and rose is strong. It’s making me fuzzy and dizzy even more, I wonder where it’s coming from.

“Is she alright?”

It was Father’s voice. They’re back.

Groaning and struggling, I open my eyes. Wanting to see whether my Father had come back without a scratch and incomplete pieces. I turned to check on his whereabouts, he was sitting beside me. Holding my left hand tightly. As my movements might’ve alerted him, he accidentally squeezed my hand causing me to grunt in pain.

Hearing my cries, he panicked. On the other hand, Mother comes in sight with a frown on her face. Uh-oh.

Closing her eyes as she takes a deep breath, preparing her fire, Mother snarled before opening her eyes again, “What have you done, Marfori Eleven Harlow?!” she screamed. Making Papa whimper in fear. Not wanting any additional trouble, Papa ran to the side like a child who was put into a time-out for misbehaving.

Muffling my laughter, I stared at him, he looked up to meet my orbs and was about to say something when Mother uttered, “You’re not helping him, ” making Papa whimper in silence once again.

Is this the same Alpha who’d dealt and tackled Cassius’ attack without any doubt?

“Ma, I’m alright,” I softly said, not wanting Mother’s wrath to spread further.

“You’re not,” she sighed, “What had happened for you to faint as if all of your energy was sucked out of you?”

I shook my head as an answer. I don’t know what happened. And even if I tell-tell on what I've seen, I don’t think that she’ll believe me—they’ll believe me. I know they trust me but it’s still hard to tell them things when I doubt them myself.

“Your actions are strange,” Father commented.

Mother turned to him, before nodding. They might have talked in their minds. Wait, I just thought of something. There were moments where Mother would just blush like crazy without having no contact with Father physically, does that mean—Meadow Eike Harlow! Stop thinking about weird things!

“Woah…” they both gasped. Mother then held my cheeks gently making me stare into her eyes directly, “Is this for real?” she mumbled. Before letting me go to face my Father fully. Father just stood there with his mouth agape.

“What’s happening?”

Hearing my question, Father changed his posture. He closed his mouth, cleared his throat, and asked, “Meadow, is this the first time it had happened?”

Unsure of what he was talking about, I looked at him in confusion, “What is?”

“Your eyes.” Mama shortly said.


Wait, what—I hurriedly stood up, rummaging the nearby drawers trying to find a mirror to see what colors my eyes had changed into. Was it purple again?

“What the fu- '' I almost cursed out the moment I saw my eyes, but then I remembered that my parents were in my presence, “What the future would give~” I sing-song even though it was completely strange to add on. Father snickered, him and his weird humor. Mother then kicked his butt, making him grunt. His fault for coming forward and deciding to stand beside Mother, they might have moved along with me during my rummaging.

“Was it or not?” Father pressed on, bringing back the attention to his question. I nodded. Too stunned to utter a proper answer, “That was clear.” Father commented, earning another violent reaction from Mama, “What?”

Mama denied his question, and said, “Meadow, look at Mama.”

I looked at her, she smiled. It was gentle and alluring, “Can you hear me?” she asked through her eyes. Oh. She’s trying to know whether I earned an ability.

“Yes, Mama,” I answered. She squealed before punching Papa on his shoulders. Confused. Papa whimpered, patting his shoulders nonstop trying to ease the pain.

“Your eyes are beautiful, my love.” Mama commented in her mind before she asked for a hug to which without a doubt I complied, “They’re odd, but beautiful nonetheless.”

She was right. My eyes are odd. Unlike before when both sides turned purple, each side is in different colors. Yellow on the right. Hazel on the left.

Nonetheless, regardless of whether they’d found out that I can now change the color of my eyes and hear their thoughts or not, I can’t still tell about how my eyes had changed into purple. Yes, Rain is here and she could stand as a witness but, I don’t want her to be put in much greater danger. She was here by accident. Not because my father had summoned a companion of mine, but, because he wants a fucking onion.



“I feel like I’d seen him before…” I mumbled as I tilt my head to look at the unconscious human being in front of me. With that being said, curious eyes were on me. Waiting for me to confirm my claims, “Or, maybe not.”

Groans and deep breaths being released were heard. “Are you sure?” Hush, curiously snoops in. He’s one of our youngest pack members, one of the scouts to be exact.

I hummed, “Think deeply, Mike.” Cruxio, another scout, added on. Mike—Meadow and Eike as one. A nickname he had given me when he was still a pup. It has been a long time since I’d heard that name from him.

Chuckling at their pushing, I uttered, “Fine. He looked like that guy I’d seen in one of my galleries,” squeals and ohs were heard after that. Loud ones.


“I don’t know. He’s attractive?” I shrugged, “What do you want me to say?”

“Oh that, you can tell us how plump his rosy lips are… And his skin, it’s pale and it looks clear and soft.” Lilo, a female scout, dreamily answered.


“How about his eyes, do they twinkle? What color are they?” Sol, another female scout pushed in. Scouts and their curiosity.

Scouts are the scavengers of our pack. They’re assigned to hunt and push away small creatures from our territory. They’re also the warriors’ helpers on surveying the land, they’re flexible members of the pack. And that’s one of the reasons why they’re curious about a lot of things.

“Cruxio, Lilo, Sol, will you Hush it out?” Alejandro shushed them, he’d been observing us—more like, he was assigned to observe us. Papa for unknown reason limits my interactions with the humans they’d saved. It was confusing because, in the first place, I can’t interact with them. They’d been unconscious ever since that day.

“Fuck.” The younger, I’d been staring at suddenly uttered. Causing us to disperse in a matter of milliseconds.

“What the fuck?!” Lilo gasped in surprise, “He’s awake?”

”No…” I hesitantly replied as I waited for my Mother’s confirmation. Even if she’s not present and is in our surroundings at the moment, I know that she knows what has happened. It’s one of her abilities, “Still unconscious, just sleep talking.” She relied through mind links as if on cue.


That’s why I find my family amusing.

“Mama said he’s just talking in his sleep. And that may be normal for humans, I think.” I told them, as they—the scouts, curiously sniff around him. That’s a dangerous and very awkward way of checking whether he’s dead or alive. He could’ve sprung awake and saw their antics. He’ll freak out, because it’s creepy, for them. “And stop that, he’s going to go gaga if he sees you guys like that.”

Lilo turns her head to me, “Why is that?”

I snorted, not because I’m mocking her but because I find things funny. “Because it’s not normal for them.”

“Sniffing is not normal for them?” Hush asked.

“No.” I deadpanned. Here we go again, with the never-ending reasoning and why’s.

“That’s cruel. How can they live like that?” Sol overly acted out. Even pacing back and forth, “Don’t they feel lonely?”

I was about to answer again, when, “Eike…” the younger human, who I’d recognized mumbled once again. And that was the end of it.

The end to the never-ending questions of why do humans find sniffing creepy and the beginning of why does this human know me? Fuck.

“You look dazzling, your works are amazing,” he adds, commenting both on my work and me. Now, what?

Those who were in the room stared at me as if my head was distorted or something, “What?” I raised a brow, silently mumbling a wish in my head for them to not push on.

Cheekily smiling, Lilo looked at me, “How did he know—”

“Meadow,” Father entered with food in his hand, “Papa picked this up himself.” He proudly uttered, holding up strawberries as he passed them to me. And with him existing at the right time in the same surrounding as us, it changes the mood three hundred sixty degrees.

He just saved me. And that’s weirdly awesome to think about.



It was another peaceful morning after the Cassius terror night attack almost a week ago. It could’ve been a perfect day to tour our place and see everyone living their life to the fullest again by myself.

“What’s your name again?”

Was and Could. If only the guy Father had saved whose name was Lucas isn’t pestering my space with his questions. He had woken up last night after being out for almost a week, the older man he’s with had woken up two days earlier than him and had left him in our care as he need to inform his family—probably, Lucas family too, that they’re alive and kicking.

“Are you stupid or just plain dumb?” I asked back, clearly irritated by his question. You can’t blame my attitude towards him though, he’s been asking my name over and over that I’d lost count of it, “You’ve been asking the same question for like a hundred times already, and you still can’t remember my name?” he just stared at me, his eyes resembling a begging puppy, I groan, “This will be the last time that I’m repeating it, you understand? ” he nodded, “Meadow. My name is Meadow. M.E.A.D.O.W.”

He chuckled, “Clear and neat. You don’t have to spell it out though. I know it by heart now,” he said, even tapping his chest and saluting like a child. What is he five?

I know it by heart my ass, you had said that same shit before, and yet, you asked again. I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, right.”

“You don’t believe me?” he determinedly asked.

Shaking my head with a frown, I replied, ”Is that even a question? Of course, I don’t.” before fastening my pace once again. Suddenly I had the urge to live alone in this place, where it’s all trees and rocks. It would’ve been good riddance, but the wise old man would probably come back pestering us with questions of his whereabouts.

Rushing to catch up with me, his breathing was heavy as he shouted, “Whatever your name is, wait for me!” making my blood boil in annoyance that I abruptly stopped, causing him to bump into my back, “Ouch!” he let out. Hearing his endless groaning, I turned to check on him.

Sitting on the warm muddy land, he was heavily panting. And each second that was passing, it was only getting louder and heavier, unexpectedly.

“Are you alright?”I asked, genuinely concerned about his condition. He’s weak. And I know it’s for real and not an act like Rain. I mean, he was out of it for days that Rain even came up with the idea of him being dead. I can’t blame her, he’s all pale during that time and his breathing was barely there every time Mother would check on him.

He shook his head, “I’m not used…to running,” he uttered panting.

“You can’t run?” I snorted, “Didn’t you say you’re a business icon that runs a well-known company?” I asked. Giving a heavier tone on the word “run”. How ironic.

“I get it, ” he chuckled, “I’ve been running a prominent company for a long time now, and yet, I can’t run for a long time. ” he shrugged, “That’s what my life plan is, there’s nothing I can do about it, not even a surgery.” My ears perked upon hearing his words. What does he mean by that?

“What?” he asked, slowly, standing up after regaining his place for what seemed like an hour—not really. I shrugged, not wanting to press on things further. Plus, no matter how curious I am of his condition- “Ah. Every day I live my life to die. I have this rare heart condition, a condition that causes my heart to not do its job well. And because of that my body weakens due to the low amount of blood it is receiving. You might say, what about surgery?” he shook his head chuckling, “My Doctors said it’s not plausible, a surgery only means surrendering my life without a proper fight. It was so rare that even the lightest move during the surgery may cost my life.”


“Yeah, I know it’s a pity, I’m too young to die,” he mumbled, looking away. He gently stared at the unusually clear sky, probably silently wishing that he’ll live longer than everyone is expecting.

“Who said I pity you?” I asked with raised brows, “Dying over a disease is a normal nature for humans. As you’d said, which I’m quoting, it is what life had planned for you. So, why should I pity you? ” I snorted, “There are thousands—no, millions of people who die in a much worse scenario than you. In your case, at least you knew that you'd die any moment ever since you were born. But, what about those who’d thought that it was such a perfect day for an outing, for working, schooling, or whatever shit humans had to do to survive and suck up with the never-ending rotten cycle of standards. Just to end up dead on their way home or on their way to wherever shits they’re going, without justice being served to them. What about those who screamed in pain after being tortured by the twisted mind of another human being?” he looked at me, straight to my orbs mummed, “Life is so fucked up, for me to pity your stupid case. You’ll die just by breathing uncontrollably? That’s not surprising shit to think about.” I halted, “Lucas, you’re not one to pity. If the only thing you’ll go on about is your ‘incurable’ illness, after all, you don’t even have to starve yourself just to pay for medical bills.”

With all the words I had said, I don’t even know whether he’d understand a thing. He just stood in front of me, creepily staring deep into my eyes with his mouth slightly agape, and is that drool? It's disgusting.

“You know, you look amazing.” He suddenly commented, causing me to gag in surprise. Is he serious?

What’s up with humans and their sudden urge of twisting my moods?

“Are your eyes blurry too?”

He shook his head, muffling a laugh, “I’m just sick in the heart, not the eyes, it’s perfectly fine.” He shrugged, “ I wouldn’t have an eye for breathtaking pieces if everything is blurry for me, Ain’t I?”

Right. The one he had mumbled on about that almost put me on edge, “What do you mean by that?”

“Oh, forgot to mention—wait, no. You didn’t ask, "I love art, you know.” He chuckled, “Other than being a businessman, I also collect paintings and other art pieces for my peace of mind.”

“That makes you a vampire then.”

That was random. I don’t even know why I had said that, maybe, because he reminds me of one? I mean with his complexion being pale and his lips being rosy, overall it was his eyes that complete the looks. It was alluringly dark like the moon, plus, his addiction to paintings.

“I look like a vampire? That’s not plausible. It would’ve been funny if I was one, you know, a bloodsucker who drowns in blood. I lack blood, yes, but, too much—which is normal for you, I’ll die.” He said, even nudging me a bit as he laughed his way. Oh wow, feeling the closeness ain’t you?

“Who gave you the permission to put your skin on me?” I snarled, causing him to stop, “We ain’t bonding here, I am here to guide you not bond with you. There’s a huge difference between those two.” I pushed on, rubbing my shoulders in which he had touched, “And just to be clear, I am not interested in your life and what you do.”

“Oh…” he weakly said, it didn’t last for a long time though, as he’d stopped himself from falling deep into the darkness, “It’s alright. I’ll just do my best for you to be interested in me and my life.”

Wow. That’s such a nice idea. One that I’ll die for just to not hear again. “Oh please, I’ll love that. Definitely.” I sarcastically uttered.

He smiles, his cheeks looking like it’s about to rip from the way he’s showing his pearls, “I knew you'd love that idea,” he excitedly tweeted, before walking away from me like an overly excited animated character, I just stood there. Dumbfounded.

He’s not blind, deaf, or whatever. He’s just slow, and that’s harder to argue with, fuck. “What are you doing?” he turned back, looking at me with his smile still painted. It’s starting to give me chills, it seems fake as fuck and that’s creepy, “Come on!” he signed.

Rolling my eyes at his weirdness, I loudly said, “Do you even know where we are?” he shrugged. That shrugging of his, it’d been bothering me for some time now. Other than this question of is that the only thing he can do, the question of isn’t he injured on one of his arms when I’d saw that wise old man carry him as he cries for help? , “Fucker, aren’t you injured?”

And as if realization struck him, his left arm became loose as if it’s hurting uncomfortably. He even limps, what an actor. “You could’ve passed Oscars, you’re such a great actor, I’m impressed.”, I commented even clapping and shaking my head. He stopped, we just stood there. Staring deep into each other's eyes, but then he gave me a weird-ass grin that pushed my urge to flip him off.

So I did. With both my flipping fingers standing tall, I ran away from him. Mumbling shits, like, “Good luck on finding your way out, Best Actor.”

Fear me not.


“Are you cold?” Mother caringly asks. As she drapes over a thick blanket on the shivering Lucas, who’s silently sitting on the dining chair with his lips trembling. He nods, with a low answer of “Yes.”

How did he even find his way back?

Actually, no.

Why is he even awake in the first place?

Mother could’ve just knocked his guts down until the older he’s with arrives back, and then just ‘miraculously ’ woke him up right then, “Tell me the truth,” Father started, “How come you were home hours later than Meadow?”


Here we go.

“Papa, I already told you what happened,” I butted in. Hinting to Lucas that he should be careful on what he’s going to reply, or, I’ll be doing shits to him.

He should’ve learned his lesson enough, just by being lost on his way back. Wild Animals might’ve eaten him? They won’t.

He’s too cold and dead for them to munch on.

Just kidding. I know the area I’d left him in, I wouldn’t have done my actions otherwise. I’m not like him. All clouded with what others point him to be. I mean, I was like him. But, that’s behind everything now.

He cleared his throat, lifted his head to look at Papa directly before glancing at me, “Your daughter…”, he started.

Your daughter? Like really.

He could’ve said ‘Meadow…’ and that would’ve made things clearer at least. Clear. For me. At least before I got an earful of repetitive reasons on why I shouldn’t have done what I had done, I’d know that he knows and had learned my name.

After being repeated to him, countless times. By me, Meadow. Wait, why am I even pissed about it? It’s no big deal. Humans not calling my name is no big deal.

“was carefully guiding me. But then, I got absorbed with all the beauty the surroundings here had to offer. That we kind of mistracks each other’s actions, causing me to lose her and her to lose me.” He explained. As he shakily looks around from time to time until he’s done with his explanation. He should be thankful that the blanket and his shivering had hidden his acts of lies. Or else, everything will go swoosh with the air.

“For real?”

He nods, a dimple appearing on the bottom left of his chin. Had it’d been there all this time and I’m just noticing it now or… not? If miracle dimples that appear from nowhere exist.

Oh, I think it does. I mean beings like my kind exist, after all, it depends on how much you can argue. And that’s that, let’s just leave that as that. He looks cute, btw.

“And oh, she also goes on about the history and stuff.” He excitedly tells me, I didn’t. “That an urge to marry her one day grows in my heart,” he continued. So, that’s what the mischievous glances were all about.

Fuck him.

“Really?” Father mumbled, his expression unreadable. He even gets up and stands behind Lucas, for him to give all his weight to Lucas by pressing his shoulders down as a way of ‘massaging’ his tensed-up muscle—that he’d probably caused to be more tensed.

Choking on his words, as he fumbles on the blanket edges, Lucas uttered, “Yes, Sir. I might marry her someday, if you’ll let us.”

Chuckling, my father replied, “I would…” before he popped a specific nerve on Lucas’s tensed body that’d caused him to faint face-first on the table. “If you’re not under the influence of Oakley’s medication.” He continued, as he rubbed his hands together. Making it look like his job is done.

Oh wow. Good for him.

But, bad for me.

With all their focus being on Lucas and his ‘I am marrying her someday’ speech, they’d forgotten about the existence of another human being that breathes the same air as them, Rain. She was casually leaning on the kitchen’s doorway listening to everything with an unreadable expression on her face before she stomped her way to the stairs and up to my room—probably because that’s the only place she’d been in upstairs during the days of her stay. All upset and ranging, with invisible clouds and thunder surrounding her.

Just wow. So much, for having a perfect day after the attack. Fuck humans and all the questionable ways of theirs.



Theta- The lead healer of the scout. They’re known for their maternal instincts and their huge knowledge of natural medication.

Scouts- Scavengers of the pack, and the warrior’s assistant on land surveillance.

Full form- The transformation of being a human to wolf form. It’s when the said individual had reached the maximum point of controlling their transformation. Alpha’s full forms are known to be double the size of the other pack members’ forms.

Eta- Warrior of the pack. Mostly, takes orders from the Alpha directly.